99 - investing in survival

You are probably well aware, by now, that real kindness does not exist within the market economy.  It exists through enlightened philanthropy.
Such philanthropy involves making thorough assessments before and after an important decision-making process. 
Becoming an enlightened patron of well-informed kindness is a well-informed investment in itself.  Indeed, it is the only hope for human survival, and possibly even human thriving, in a living world so hideously degraded by human greed and human cruelty.   

Preventing cruelty should be everyone's priority.  Bullying is a form of cruelty.

Yet surviving bullying, and other form of cruelty, is difficult, especially in terms of mental health.

How do you think about culture in relation to character, and survival?

Perhaps you are worried you will not survive until next year arrives.

What does survival mean to you?

Perhaps you associate it with cheating death.

Perhaps you associate it with struggling to stay alive.

You may even associate it with conflict and courage, and possibly even the heroic.

You may regard survival as one of the many liminal moments between life and death in which life often wins.

Yet, in terms of quality of life, there is a considerable difference between barely being alive and fully thriving.

People should not require an incentive to be good, or authentic, or brave, except, possibly, for the chance to survive.
What encourages you to be good and authentic and brave, and possibly even heroic?
How do you define goodness, authenticity, bravery and heroism, whether in relation to yourself or anyone else?
How would you describe your existing qualities as a practitioner, or potential practitioner, of elegant egalitarianism?   
Perhaps you came here to experience an Australian idyll rather than a struggle for survival.
How realistically are you investing in survival, and for whose benefit?

Perhaps you associate survival with investing in magnificent maturity

In your view, does that sort of maturity equate with being true to yourself, in your own mind, and in your words and actions?

You already know that this private virtual library is not a marketplace.

Even so, in exchange for your highly privileged, ongoing access to this location, you are expected to supply the Spirit of Enlightenment, via your responses to my notes, with an indication of the ongoing philanthropic value of your existence in the world. 

You are likely to have a liminal relationship with the Spirit of Enlightenment, and with the Council of Enlightenment, and possibly even with me.


Perhaps you do not associate intelligent frugality with survival.

Perhaps you do not associate liminality with survival.

I intended this to be my penultimate note to you, yet the Council of Enlightenment has persuaded me to provide you with follow-up reminder notes, as necessary, to ensure you retain access to this virtual library for a little longer than initially anticipated.

What have you been learning about the cottage and character in relation to character education?

What have you been discovering about and through Frugality Cottage in relation to your own character and characteristics?


What do you believe you know about my character now, and how have you arrived at your conclusion?

How do you usually assess character in its various forms?

Perhaps you think my choice to make time to think and write has been a luxury rather than a necessity. 

But do you usually judge people based on your own experiences of life or their own?

Perhaps you judge people mainly with the intention of impressing the people you wish to impress.

Bullies destroy societies by destroying pleasantness.

Bullies are certainly not enlightened beings.  They are motivated by the desire to impress, not by the desire to improve.

Perhaps you associate the heroic with the impressive rather than with the pleasant.

How do you attempt to build moral character in yourself, and where do you do so?
Perhaps you are unaware of the difference between a luxury and a non-luxury in terms of survival and enjoyment and thriving.
Bullies are often self-destructive in their destruction of pleasantness. 

The cruel continue to exploit the vulnerability of traumatised persons for their own gratification.
But why do they do so?
And why have you done nothing to stop them from doing so?

Being a survivor is not a position of resilience but a position of ongoing vulnerability. 

How do you measure various forms of vulnerability, and address the causes?

How do you measure various forms of resilience, and make necessary improvements?

Bullies tend to rise to positions of dominance whenever and wherever unjust social hierarchies exist. 
How do you assess social hierarchies in terms of justice and injustice?

You may not necessarily consider character cottages to be survivalist retreats especially if those cottages happen to be entirely virtual, like this one.

But survivalism is not necessarily a position of resilience.  Its practice, in the form of an obsession, is a position of vulnerability.  It may even be associated with paranoia.

I have long had the ability to plan and prepare for anticipated emergencies.  That has been the essence of my survival over many decades, in most situations of danger.

But no-one can prepare adequately for unanticipated emergencies, except by building resources of resilience beforehand.

I have certainly struggled, time and time again, to gain and retain adequate quality in my existence.
Do some of your memories seem more like dreams or nightmares to you than actual moments of your personal history?

Traumatised persons are often regarded as bullies when they are merely attempting to survive in circumstances of structural injustice and cruelty.  

My disabilities have been treated by most people and organisations with indifference and rudeness.  When I have conveyed my needs and/or expressed distress, that has often been perceived as arrogance, not trauma.

That is why I have long been forced to be housebound survivalist rather than a thriving member of 'ordinary' society.  It is my only means of self-defence.

Could you exist perfectly well without luxury goods?

What, in fact, is a luxury to you, and why?

Perhaps you associate luxury with the ability to make satisfactory choices.

But what is greed, in your view?

And what is need?

And what is cruelty?

And what is bullying?

And what is corruption?

How do you know you are effectively addressing the evil of greed?

How do you know you are taking needs into consideration appropriately?

The Adelaidezone is the only location in which I can thrive.

In my mid 30s, when I was exploring the possibility of beginning an academic career, several potentially life-threatening events happened to me. 

At the same time, I felt pressured to direct my intellectual and social attention in ways not of my own choosing.

I felt I was being manipulated, personally and academically.

Earlier in my life, I had few choices.  Most choices were made for me.  I was coerced into believing my duty was to conform to the expectations of other people and how they perceived pleasantness.  My perceptions of situations were usually dismissed as irrelevant, and even wrong. 

I was brought up to believe that the only purpose of my life was to please people, conform to their wishes and surpass their expectations.  Even so, I often rebelled, particularly when it was impossible to please everyone.

My inner self, my soul or spirit or mind, wanted me to follow its direction.

By the time I reached my mid 30s, I wanted time to myself.  I wanted to reflect upon what I really wanted in life. 

I knew very clearly that I wanted to steer clear of the domineering people who had prevented me from identifying and following a direction in life of my own choosing.  

I did not know the real me.  I urgently wanted the freedom to become acquainted with that person, away from the perpetual pressures of social obligations and social expectations.

I wanted to be free of the incessant, indoctrinated belief that a desire for approval was healthy.  

So many conflicting cultural influences had long been harming my mental health.

I had spent my life feeling as though I was a collection of fictional characters, not a real person, or even an actor playing a particular role.  

I felt as though I had been forced by circumstances to fit in with other people's narratives.  I felt I had no influence over the jumble of plots.  I was only a bit part player in the story of life, including my own story.

I had no ability to express a consistent personality across various social situations.  I could not even write a fictional character based on myself as I did not know myself well enough for such a task. 

Yet I no longer felt obliged to play along with the superficiality and cruelty of social life.  My life needed to be freed from society, at least for a little while, and I was lucky to have the chance to find that freedom.

I decided that I wanted to make the time to write, in my own way, on my own terms, for as long as I wanted to do so.

I decided to distance myself from everyone for a while, to see if I would be able to write about my memories in a chronological way.

I decided to document my memories as intentional catharsis, for no-one's benefit but my own.

I wanted to rid the rest of my life of all the conflicting assumptions and expectations other people had apparently allocated to me.

I had long had an interest in self-sufficiency and self-sustainability and in sustainable living more generally.

And I absolutely loved the process of writing my personal chronicles, my memoirs and my diaries.

I absolutely loved having many hours of the day in the house on my own for most of each week.

I was very lucky to have the full support of my husband.

I had the technologies I needed for recording my memories, and for digitally scanning all the documentary records of my earlier decades, and for distancing myself from other people.

I never answered the telephone.  I never answered the door.  I stopped sending cards and presents and postcards.  I did write letters.

I did not have access to the Internet at home when I started the process, at the beginning of this century.

And I had no idea how long the process of writing chronologically about my life would take me.  Yet the process itself made me feel truly alive and myself.

I felt as though I was thriving yet still very vulnerable.

You may recall that I do not draw attention to myself unnecessarily.

Sometimes, drawing attention to myself is absolutely necessary if I am to survive from one moment to the next.

Throughout my life, when I have sought justice, or even simply decency, fairness and civility, I have usually been warned that I would have to give up my anonymity, my privacy, what little remains of my financial savings, and my mental health. 

That indicates to me that there is no real social justice.

If society requires each of us to portray roles not in accordance with our true sense of self, society is a sham and justice is merely an ideal. 

I have tried to simplify my way of life to protect myself from harm, including harm from the ongoing distress of unresolved, and unsolvable, injustices, including experiences of deception.

Perhaps you work in a job, and/or you portray yourself a family role, in which deception is the norm. 

I have been bullied whenever I have refused fit into other people's ideas of conformity and acceptability, even when I explain that my refusal is associated with my desire for survival.

I would much rather clone myself to be as other people would wish me to be but I do not think I would like the cloned me.

I like the real me even if you do not.

Perhaps you do not know the real me well enough.

Perhaps you do not know the real you well enough.

Perhaps you do not understand privacy well enough.

I am often exasperated by the ignorance I encounter, and the unreasonableness, and the discourtesy and the dishonesty.

Even so, I have never been personally affected detrimentally by problems online, including though your own ignorance, unreasonableness and discourtesy.

I know how to rise above such disappointments.

Yet I cannot and will not forgive deliberately deceptive dishonesty or any other expression of intended cruelty.

And I can do nothing to help the gullible if they are unwilling to reassess the situations they face.

The gullible often take information at face value.  They rarely, if ever, question their assumptions about normality, or goodness.

Although I continue to struggle to survive from day to day, through experiences of ill health and unkindness, I regard myself as adequately conscientious, particularly towards the urgent need to address societal problems.

One of the main reasons why I am officially invisible is that I have never required public funds for my survival, or for the flourishing of my investments.

Nor do I have any desire for fame.  I currently feel as though I do not even have a name of my own and I certainly wish to retain a life of my own.

I have often been regarded as though I am no-one of any consequence or value, yet a desire for fame is often an indication of the devaluing of the non-famous.

Fame is a societal ill, particularly when associated with celebrity status, or money, or politics.

I have often been regarded as no more than the name of a stranger on a screen or piece of paper, listed with many other names for a particular purpose not in accordance with my sense of purpose.

I have rarely, if ever, been regarded as a valued member of a community, or even as a member of a community at all.

And I have no desire to be regarded as a member of a group or community at odds with my sense of self. 

Whether you can prove to me that you have been here many times to read these investment notes, or you can provide me with no relevant proof at all, my notes to you, each Monday afternoon, here in the library, could quite possibly end soon.

Perhaps you are responding to that news with relief rather than with regret.

Yet you are only permitted to enter this library because I leave a note for you here each week.

I do not own the library but I do own the copyright to most of its contents.

How does my philanthropy compare with your own?

Has anyone else ever expressed an interest in cloning you or otherwise duplicating aspects of your identity, possibly including your copyrighted works and your ideas about improving public policy?  

I have long known that it is unnecessary to earn money for things I can produce quite easily myself.  
I also know how to distinguish between necessities and luxuries.

I especially know that false economies are unwise.

Perhaps financial necessity forces you to act in ways not in accordance with your true self.

But how have you assessed your necessities?

You may or may not have been exploring ideas about the cottage and creativity during your time in this digital location. 



Perhaps you are hoping to learn something in particular from my experiences of distress, possibly including how I attempted to cope with them.

After all, I am a survivor.  I am still alive.

I am also still remarkably reasonable, according to the Hubrisometer.

I depend on the public world to help me survive each day.

Paradoxically, the public world is also killing me.

Perhaps you face similar problems.

In the early decades of my life, I struggled to survive from day to day, mentally, physically and financially.

My psychological needs were mostly ignored by everyone.

In the subsequent decades of my life, most people continued to treat me as though I existed merely to help them meet their needs, including their psychological needs.

A few years ago, I waited in unbearable pain, for almost a year, before receiving the relatively common and relatively quick surgical procedure I urgently needed, through day surgery, to help me get on with life and experience at least a little comfort.

I would probably have starved to death if I had been forced to wait any longer for the surgery. I had not been able to digest most foods. I could not do anything except try my best to survive from day to day.

No-one in the medical profession or health bureaucracy really cared whether I lived or died, or that I suffered so much. They probably still do not care. I am no more than an archived case note to such people.  

Whenever I have been in severe pain, or otherwise in urgent need of surgery or other medical attention, I have instead been placed on long waiting lists.

Even then, the associated administrative staff have rescheduled my appointments at short notice, requiring me to wait for several weeks longer with considerable suffering, and with no apology offered.

To those people, I am no-one and nothing.

If you are hoping to offer me money, please be aware that I have no interest whatsoever in selling my soul to anyone. I have no financial reasons to be here.

Nor do I have financial reasons compelling me to work in the Tower of Truth.

My reasons for working there are mainly a reflection of my moral values.

I also refuse all money associated with cruelty, even when that money is offered to support my philanthropic practices.

How well prepared for the future do you regard yourself as being, and for what reasons?

How well prepared were you for the changes in circumstances over the past two years?

How have you assessed your current socioeconomic status, your social class, your potential social mobility and your current citizenship status? 

How do you define the basis of a thriving society, and why?

I have structured my interactions with you very carefully over the past ninety-nine weeks, as you may have noticed.

I hope you feel you are investing in understanding here with suitable accuracy, compassion and imagination. 

My first note was on the subject of investing time.

The subject of my second note to you, in this virtual library, was investing in continuity.

I am obviously investing my time in continuity very well indeed now that this is investment note ninety-nine, yet you apparently have not regarded my weekly commitment to you as reasonable.

Perhaps you have not understand my intentions clearly enough.

Perhaps your comprehension of my words and intentions is substantially lacking.

What do upper class people do to improve the world, if anything?

What do middle class people do to improve the world, if anything?

What do lower class people do to improve the world, if anything? 

Who transcends class boundaries, and how?

Who transcends socioeconomic status, and how?

Who are the people who have no need to compromise their values in order to survive from day to day, or even from week to week?

Which of those people consistently express good values, and what do they achieve whilst doing so?

Middle class people, by definition, are comfortably affluent rather than excessively wealthy or desperately poor.  They are, in relative terms, capable of being or becoming well-informed, kind and capable of independent thought, but few actually express genuine freedom through a reasonable understanding of ethics.

How do you ensure you never mistake co-dependency for well-informed kindness?

Should I value you to a standard of your own choosing or to the standard established by the Council of Enlightenment?

Perhaps you are inadequately acquainted with your own standards.

How are you, as a matter of fact, investing in an intelligently kind culture, and where, and how do you define that culture?

What have you been learning about traditional and emerging cultural practices during the discussions in the sitting room of Frugality Cottage? 

I hope you are investing in continuity adequately and appropriately, in various contexts, especially if you consider yourself to be a writer as well as a reader and leader.

From my early 20s onwards, I travelled the world whenever I could, in an adventurous yet frugal and culturally open sort of way.

I fortunately survived my journeys, and often thrived during them, which is why I happen to be able to write this note to you now.

I have travelled the world extensively and somewhat uncomfortably, often overland, and on sea journeys, though never on cruises or in resorts or suchlike experiences.

I tried spending an afternoon in a resort once and became bored within half an hour.

I am bored on a ferry within half an hour or so.

I am not interested in shopping or gambling or mass entertainment.

I regard nightlife as boring and meaningless.

I much prefer daylight explorations.

I find sport boring and meaningless.

I much prefer to take long, gentle walks in natural surroundings.

I find small talk boring and meaningless.

I much prefer well-informed discussions associated with making interesting comparisons and thereby solving problems.

I do not enjoy purportedly celebratory gatherings, empty chatter and the company of inebriated people. 

I like spending time privately and alone in a quiet, comfortable room with a lovely cup of tea.

Through my travels, I felt I was making the most of my life, especially in terms of learning the truth about the world. 

I have never regarded myself as merely a tourist. In fact, I did my best to keep away from tourists, even in touristy areas.  I tried to blend in with the locals as much as possible, but not to intrude upon their hospitality too much.

And I much prefer to explore online now.  That was an impossibility when I was young.

How and where do you usually attempt to contribute to the improvement of local survival services, and for whose benefit?

How and where do you usually attempt to contribute to the improvement of local news services, and for whose benefit?

How and where do you usually attempt to contribute to the improvement of local political services, and for whose benefit?

How and where do you usually attempt to contribute to the improvement of local environmental services, and for whose benefit?

How and where do you usually attempt to contribute to the improvement of local business services, and for whose benefit?

How and where do you usually attempt to contribute to the improvement of local educational services, and for whose benefit?

How and where do you usually attempt to contribute to the improvement of local health services, and for whose benefit?

The interesting is associated with pleasure.

The important is associated with survival.

Perhaps you do not regard your survival as important enough.

Perhaps you do not regard the survival of life on Earth as interesting enough.

Perhaps you regard yourself as somewhat useful or even as somewhat useless.

Life is always more complicated than necessary when people do not share the same values, tastes and priorities.  Aggressive people have a tendency to impose their values, tastes and priorities on everyone else, regardless of the consequences.

That is why aggressive persons should never be in positions of political power.  They destroy quality of life for everyone else.

Aggressors will always have opponents.  They will never provide peacefulness.

Only through political pleasantness can reasonable investments in survival become possible.

I own the copyright of most of the texts I have ever written.

I also own the copyright of quite a few of the images I have personally produced, with or without the assistance of various technologies.

I share the copyright of a considerable collection of audio-visual recordings, only a small number of which have ever been made public. 

I even share the ownership of a large, historical collection of audio recordings, in many different formats, though I do not own the copyrights for most of those.

I share the ownership of a small collection of paintings and other artworks, and quite a few antiques and other historical artifacts.

I personally own several large archives of online documents, as you may be aware.  Most of those archives are not currently open to the general public.

I am even fortunate enough to own quite a large, physical archive of various documents.  It is never open to the general public.

Although the digital and physical documents are my personal property, they may not have any value to anyone but myself.

Even so, a few well-informed people may regard the archives as having historical value. 

To me, they are irreplaceable.

I am additionally fortunate to own quite a large, personal library of real, physical books, or at least to share ownership of that library with one other person.

What value do you place on physical books?

Please review the following investment notes now, before I archive them next to my laboratory in the Tower of Truth:



Perhaps you are interested in investing in the Adelaidezone and/or Nilkawt and/or New Nilkawt.

You may even be interested in investing in Australia or another invented concept.

My current community development project is actually a national one, of course, at least in terms of international law. 

The surviving Nilkawtians have supplied all the necessary societal, legal, political and economic structures for the project. 

The rebel Dadadians have taken over the ruins of Castle Zinziere in Nilkawt and claimed it as their capital.  They have also taken over the ruined Abbey of Needle's Eye and turned it into an anti-art museum.

Perhaps you regard the rebel Dadadians as entirely absurd.

Perhaps you regard Nilkawtian society as absurd.

Perhaps you regard the Government of Australia as absurd. 

The collective existence of my ethereal colleagues has already survived several thousand years, as you will know if you have spent much time in the better parts of public libraries, and digital ones.

Where and how do you learn about preparedness if not through a suitable understanding of history?

I want good investment opportunities to exist everywhere, for everyone deserving of them.

I am not interested in 'emerging' as an artist/writer like a snail from a shell or like a rabbit from a burrow.

Nor am I interested in following silly, or otherwise objectionable, traditions and/or expectations.

I am not interested in being praised by sycophants or followed by tabloid journalists or obsessively adulated and/or hated by various fans and fanatics.

Nor am I interested in being regarded as 'established' in terms of reputation and/or ability and/or fame and/or success.

I am interested in being adequately valued as a living being.

You may not think I am much of a writer.

I am really not interested in how people think about my writings as long as those persons do not try to make money out of my words or try to steal them in other ways.

I already know I have the ability to write reasonably well, if and when I choose to do so.

Writing well is not the same as putting a few investment notes and relevant questions together.

My writings here are mainly investigative tools for the greater good.

I have very important work to do over the months ahead, if I survive long enough.

If I do not survive, who will do that work if not you?

Unreasonably taking up other people's time, and taking away their attention, is theft in itself.  Please do not steal my time. 

The Twaklin key was handed to me by Reality on behalf of the Spirit of Enlightenment in order for me to hold all evildoers to account.

You, apparently, have long been regarded by the Council of Enlightenment as an evildoer.

I may not live for another ninety-nine weeks.

You may not live for another ninety-nine weeks.

Perhaps you have a bucket list of the things you wish to achieve before you die. 

Perhaps you would like to spend that time watching films, reading books, listening to music, and otherwise consuming the products of culture, possibly including cups of tea, boxes of chocolates, large quantities of fried potatoes and even a few tubs of ice cream.

How have you compiled your wish lists, whether physically or digitally or mentally?

How have those lists caused you to feel disappointment at various times of your life?

How do you currently feel about the phrase 'kick the bucket' and other expressions related to death, and why?

Perhaps you are planning to express yourself in a consumerist way even in death.

Perhaps you associate big funerals with successful lives.

But do you usually associate memorials with success or failure, or neither?

Perhaps you regard success as continuing to be loved even after death.

But what is a truly loving memory if not an illusion?

What does the phrase 'in memoriam' mean to you, and why?

If you could clone someone you love, or have loved, would you do so?

If someone physically cloned you, how would you feel? 

I could quite easily clone Queen Adelaide from the DNA deposited on her behalf in the crypt of St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, at least in fiction. 

I know, however, that the subsequent result would most likely cause quite a few political conundrums. 

That would especially be the case if I also cloned Her Majesty's silly husband and they had surviving children through the benefits of modern reproductive technology and modern methods of hygiene.

Who would then be the head of state of various Commonwealth nations?

How many national and subnational constitutions would become invalid?

Queen Adelaide finds such speculations most amusing, unlike Queen Victoria.  

None of the latter's descendants would then have any legal grounds whatsoever as claimed heads of state or prospective heads of state.

Queen Adelaide is of the opinion that the ghosts of the FitzClarences would be reigning over much of the Commonwealth of Nations if today's rules and standards came into play with the cloning of King Billy, at least if Dora Jordan was cloned at around the same time.

Perhaps you think the FitzClarences and their descendants should be regarded as more legitimate as modern royals than Adelaide, Billy and the Windsors, with or without clones of any of the aforementioned personages.

Perhaps you have been speculating on cloning the most recent Princess of Wales and her offspring, primarily to provide copies for paparazzi purposes on various continents, especially if you currently own a declining media empire.

Perhaps a few current celebrities and billionaires already wish to buy humanoid replicas of themselves for self-promotional purposes.

I have attempted to clone quite a few politicians but the most accurate versions, when compared with the authentic specimens, have behaved too much like clowns and/or criminals.

That may be due to the fact that they, like the original specimens, mostly lack an empathy gene, a civility gene and an integrity gene. 

The political clones developed in my laboratory have not yet discovered how to hide their authentic selves adequately for political purposes.  I am concerned about developing their skills further in case they learn how to dupe the public in the wrong way. 

Most politicians in the 21st century do not possess authentic selves of their own.  Their authentic selves are clones of political donors.

The conscientious curator of the exhibition on quality journalism, at the Old Adelaidezone Gateway, died at the end of last year. 

You sent no expressions of kindness and condolence to that person's surviving colleagues.

The exhibition was carefully developed by the unpaid curator mainly for your benefit.

Perhaps you would have responded with more consideration if that person had not preferred to remain anonymous.

Perhaps you did not believe the person was real.

Perhaps you do not believe I am real.
Throughout this year, on the noticeboard in the virtual entrance of Frugality Cottage, you may have noticed the notices about authentic living, including the earliest ones:

My ancestors owned nothing but their ability to work, breathe and breed.  They had no land from which to be dispossessed by colonists. They had already been dispossessed by wealthy, greedy people. 

My ancestors were neither educated, affluent nor influential. They probably felt hungry for most of the time. 

I know very well indeed that the labour of my ancestors was ruthlessly exploited by excessively wealthy people.  I have studied my family history very carefully and discovered many shocking truths through it.

My 18th century, 19th century and early 20th century ancestors rented accommodation wherever and whenever they could find work.

I did the same in my youth.   I worked and worked and worked. 

And I have also long struggled to breathe.

I am happy not to continue my family tree.  Plenty of other people are doing so.

I am devoted to helping solve problems similar to those I have contributed to solving in the past.

How would you define those problems and their causes?

Greed is cruel.  Whenever I am able to do so, I boycott business run by, or employing, the cruel, the dangerously stupid or the otherwise objectionable.  

I do not invest in hypocrites. I do not invest in sycophants. I do not invest in the perpetrators of hubris. I do not invest in any expressions of cruelty. I do not invest in greed. I do not invest in psychological manipulation. 

I know for certain that claims about economic growth are mostly indicative of dangerous stupidity, tragic greed, hideous cruelty, despicable waste and outrageous corruption.

You may be aware that the Ethereal Temple of Teapottian Truth is not associated with economic growth, and nor is Frugality Cottage.

The temple is not on a flight path other than for authorised flights of imagination in celestial teapots.

That is why Queen Adelaide much prefers time in the temple instead of enduring her ethereal experiences in a royal vault.

Several of her husband's predecessors continue to blame Queen Adelaide for not providing a male heir to the throne.

Henry VIII has been particularly nasty, as expected.  He constantly shouted down to her rudely from under the slab in the quire.  He is still angry that he has no monumental tomb.

But a monumental bully does not deserve a grand memorial.

Henry's eternal resting place is marked by a simple slab, as befitting his posthumous reputation for cruelty.

The slab is probably only marked because Queen Adelaide suggested the idea to her husband, as a mark of respect to history.

Before that happened, Henry's grave was entirely unmarked.

Perhaps you regard that as an irony.

What do you plan to read next in and through and beyond this amazingly unique library, while you still have the chance to do so?



Perhaps you are seeking to learn about survival training.

If so, from which perspective are you most interested in the subject, and why?

You may be aware that Queen Adelaide is a kind, gentle, generous and genuine friend to me. She has been hoping to offer her friendship to you, even if you have not married into the same family as she did.

Unlike Queen Adelaide, however, Henry VIII has never been associated with frugality, or even intelligence. He has been the epitome of hubris, like many selfish heirs and successors.

Perhaps you are mostly interested in learning about political survival.

But do you usually regard the subject in terms of democracy or dictatorship?

What do you already know about the psychology of preparedness, and how do you know it?

Throughout my life, my needs have been disregarded by most people.  I have frequently been made to feel guilty for not giving people, as individuals and groups, what they expect of me.

And even when I have been so unwell that I have not been able to look after myself properly, most people have been dismissive of my suffering and disrespectful of my needs.

The stress of such situations has often been unbearable.

I have survived by remembering and respecting the people I love.

I have also put into practice the longings I have yearned to turn into reality.

As a highly conscientious person, I am happy to meet reasonable expectations.

As a survivor, I now know that it would be stupid of me to try to meet unreasonable expectations during the remainder of my life, and even after it has ended. 

Who, if anyone, will deserve access to by posthumous legacy, and how?

And who, if anyone, will deserve access to yours?

What does the future hold for me as I become more and more dependent on other people for my daily, and even hourly, survival?

And what does the future hold for you and other forms of life?

I have long invested in the experience of art as a form of therapy, particularly in the absence of therapeutic politics and suitable medical advice.

Indeed, the absence of therapeutic politics is why I require the experience of art as a means of survival.  My husband prefers gardening, when he feels well enough.

When King Billy was a living monarch in England, my family members were poor, landless Europeans, struggling to survive from one day to the next, and so were the ancestors of my husband. 

None of our ancestors, over recent centuries, had a connection to land or money or power.  The access they once had to common lands had already been stolen by greedy aristocrats and other greedy persons by the 18th century, through unjust legal systems.

In the 1830s, greedy persons decided to do the same to Kaurna common lands.

How do you usually think about private property, communal ownership and public ownership in relation to survival?

All I wish to do is invest in good relationships with nature and culture and people, primarily through my community investments, and my private ones.

I have provided only very brief samples of my creativity, and my private experiences, through these notes.

You will already be aware of at least a few of my ongoing investments:

My questions in these notes are associated with testing your knowledge, your reasoning, your ethics, your tastes, your comprehension, your psychological resilience and your imagination.

What do you value in my notes to you, if anything?

Perhaps you are quite afraid of me.

Perhaps you are afraid of yourself.

Perhaps you are yet to possess sufficient certainty regarding the value of my research, and my unobtrusive mentoring.

How often do you intend to reflect upon these investment notes in the year ahead, and why?


I am fortunate to know the difference between copyright and the public domain.

I am especially fortunate to own the copyright of most of my own writings, including these notes.

My only real power, at present, is the ability to share these words with you.

What do you intend to do with them, and why? 

The problem for many opponents of cruel systems, such as myself, is that the beneficiaries of those systems tend to employ sycophants to be cruel and/or incompetent on their behalf.  

How can I be sure you are an opponent of cruel systems?

I am not selling products.
I am not even selling services or ideas.
I have deliberately written these notes in such a straightforward way to avoid being emotively persuasive. 

The fictional elements in these notes are mainly tests of your reasoning, and your knowledge, and your morality.

How have you been reflecting on the associated educational notes? 
My philanthropy has always been based on quality research and quality advice

I have assessed records, and other evidence and claims, from many different perspectives.

Please be aware that I have never made any money from my writings.  I write entirely for philanthropic purposes.

And I maintain the copyright for similar reasons.

I hope you enjoy providing well-informed patronage and enlightened philanthropy. 

I currently have no control over who is permitted to enter this library and who is not. 
All I know is that suitably registered patrons have privileges in Frugality Cottage and non-patrons do not.

This library has been open to the ordinary public for the past two years for important, philanthropic purposes, namely to help you improve your philanthropy.

Queen Adelaide has noted your indifference to her own public and communal gestures of kindness towards you.   In her role as The Moderator, Her Majesty has provide you with quite a few brief notes of her own, here in the library, as you may have noticed.


Queen Adelaide has also been keeping me company in my laboratory whenever I have required suitably sensitive emotional support, as has my dear husband. 

Queen Adelaide is especially interested in receiving your answers to many important questions, whether here in the library, or in the sitting room, or elsewhere.

I would be interested in receiving your answers, too, after they have been properly assessed by my assistants as worthy of my attention.

My assistants are too busy with their own work to provide me with additional emotional support.

Perhaps you are often too busy to provide anyone with the emotional support they urgently require, possibly including yourself.

Philanthropy is not meant to be a form of restorative justice.  It is meant to be a way to prevent injustices.

Suitably sensitive emotional support is the best form of philanthropy anyone can provide.  That enlightened sort of support is expressed through magnanimity and equanimity.  It therefore expresses delightful decorum and elegant egalitarianism.

Yet many purported survivalists degrade life and living and loveliness.  They fail to express well-informed kindness.  They know nothing about well-informed investing.


Although I have been disappointed by your frequent, inappropriate silences, I am not lonely or otherwise emotionally isolated, and nor is Queen Adelaide.

Our philanthropic meditations provide us with much therapeutic comfort.

I certainly did not have an overly-indulged childhood, and nor did my husband, or Queen Adelaide for that matter.

We have never acquired wealth selfishly.  We are quiet, frugal people.

I have now had a longer mortal life than Queen Adelaide experienced.

With whom do you compare yourself in terms of mortality, and life experiences?

What do you regard as a satisfying life, and why?

Perhaps your continuing, inappropriate silence is a sign of passive-aggression.

Or perhaps you are really and truly suffering from psychological trauma.

You may even be at death's door, or believe yourself to be there.

Perhaps you regard the seemingly endless cycles of life and death as a comparatively inevitable form of editing. 

Perhaps it would not bother you at all if I was deleted within the next few minutes.

Perhaps you do not even regard your own life as having much value.

Have you thought much about how your experiences of life have shaped your character?

Have you thought much about how your interactions with death have shaped your character? 

I hope you consider me to have a sensible approach towards morality and mortality.

How have you been reflecting upon life and death since my first note to you here?

I have spent my entire life trying to make the world a much better place than it would be without me.

That pursuit has helped to keep me alive in the face of numerous traumas, as have a few truly wonderful and kind people.   Yet most of those people are now either dead or they live far away from Adelaide.

All my close friends of the past are now either dead or no longer close. 

I do not keep in touch with people as friends if they become arrogant or behave in otherwise unreasonable ways.

My health frequently fails me, yet I struggle on. I am not dead quite yet. And nor am I impoverished yet.

I have more than enough suitable clothing and other physical items.

I also have sufficient skills as a cook and household manager.

I even have substantial skills as a social researcher, as I am sure you will have noticed.

Yet I do not yet have the pleasure of living in a society with a suitably good government.

Plato thinks he is beyond improvement.  He is dead, of course.  He is also still quite famous, both as a student and as a teacher.

I do not usually recommend particular books to read, even in this library, with or without being pestered by Plato to promote his efforts as an author.
I regard all recommendations as political.

I can only write notes to you while I am alive.  I can still write notes to you after you are dead, if I am still able to do so.  

Your responses to my previous notes are likely to be the same as always if you die in a few minutes from now.

But I wish you a long and happy life, if you deserve one.

How do you usually distinguish between the deserving and the undeserving?

Once your access to Frugality Cottage ends, you will obviously be unable to enter this library and read my subsequent notes to you.

Where, then, should I sent those notes, and why should I do so?

What advice are you willing to give me, and for what reasons, and for what sort of recompense?

What sort of advice are you seeking from me, and how do you know you can afford the associated fees?

A trustworthy advisor has the same level as essential knowledge as the person seeking advice.
The difference between the advisor and the person seeking advice relates mainly to experience.

Appropriate preliminary knowledge is always necessary in order to ask appropriate questions of an advisor.


I have no "assets" of my own, apart from the copyright of my writings. 
Everything else I possess is through shared ownership with my husband.
My needs are often ignored by people other than him, even when I clearly state the problems I face in my daily life.
Attempting to communicate my needs as clearly as possible makes no difference. 
That is why I prefer not to spend any time around people who disrespect me and exacerbate my suffering.
I much prefer to have competent, fictional assistants rather than factual, incompetent ones.

I also hope you are already a patron of the very important work conducted from this virtual cottage.
How do you usually assess whether work is important or not, or even whether an activity is work at all?
How much work do you believe I have been required to do in order to to provide you with ninety-nine investment notes plus quite a few additional, educational ones?
The Council of Enlightenment has set me many seemingly impossible tasks.

I did not grow up in a city.

I know how cruel the gossip can be in small places and small minds.
Yet I also know how cruel and widespread indifference tends to be in cities. 

It is easier to be kind when adequately independent and therefore less stressed than would otherwise be the case.
Adequate independence provides the foundation in life for authentic living.
Yet authentic living can be very selfish if it is not also adequately associated with philanthropy and conservation.

My work in the sitting room of Frugality Cottage was completed satisfactorily last year, according to the Council of Enightenment.  Yours has not yet properly begun, apparently. 

You may have noticed Queen Adelaide sitting in the sitting room of Frugality Cottage with her sewing.  Her Majesty may also, from time to time, even be observed sitting on a Windsor chair in one of the kitchens here. 

Her Majesty's husband is no support to anyone whatsoever.  Yet he continues to enjoy having a very wide street named after him in the city he insisted upon being named after his wife.  

King Billy amuses himself by confusing visitors to Adelaide, and even the residents of Adelaide, through observing the consequences of his earlier assertiveness in the naming of cities and streets.  He had little say in the naming of Gulf St Vincent and Cape Jervis.

Perhaps you would like to join Queen Adelaide for a little historical needlework in the sitting room of Frugality Cottage, or perhaps your perceive such a practice as  too dull for you.
When I was growing up, I was not interested in needlework or cooking or most other domestic activities I associated with drudgery.
Nor was I particularly interested in most non-domestic activities.
And most of the activities of interest to me were unavailable for various financial and non-financial reasons.
Queen Adelaide and I have no idea why excitement-seeking people indulgently risk their lives, or the possibility of acquiring a long-term disability, through recklessly participating in adventurous outdoor activities for leisure, or even for scientific or military purposes.   
Nor can we comprehend the reckless indoor activities causing so many lives to be ruined.

Please note that Her Majesty's mortal remains remain in the Royal Vault in St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, under the flight path into Heathrow Airport

Resting in peace is impossible in the Royal Vault, whichever way the physical and political winds may be blowing.

Sounds also intrude from boisterous choir boys, the organ, the tourists, and bickering royals, both dead and alive, including unwelcome visits from the ghosts at Frogmore, including those usually in the mausoleum.
One hundred and fifty years of annoyance is hell enough for anyone's spirit.  Yet even a few days, weeks, months or years of torment can be hell, particularly when unwell yet relatively alive.
Now the spirits in the chapel have been forced to put up with Prince Philip's jokes, until his wife permanently joins him in the ethereal realm and they go hand in hand into the Royal Burial Ground.
What is your acquaintance with Operation London Bridge?

Vaults can be very gloomy places in which to reside into perpetuity, not only in the dead of night.  That is why Her Majesty Queen Adelaide decided to float her spirit away to her namesake city at the beginning of this century.

Several of my husband's Adelaidean ancestors have been attempting to rest in peace in West Terrace Cemetery since the early 20th century.

Perhaps you are interested in the fact that Queen Adelaide preferred to live much more privately than the newer members of her husband's family.

My duties towards enlightenment are meant to be entirely voluntary though my sense of duty has often made me feel obliged to act publicly when I would much rather sit quietly, in private, with an interesting history book and a lovely cup of tea.     

I prefer to focus my attention on my intellectual curiosity and my spiritual desire to experience wisdom, joy and universal truths.

How do you usually inform yourself about the mysteries of the universe?

As far as I can tell, you seem to resent the beauty of nature and the magnificence of natural and cultural heritage.

You apparently spend far too much time competing with nature instead of becoming its friend.  

Perhaps you intend to prove me wrong in that assessment.
The more I investigate my investment options, the more I realise there is nowhere to invest appropriately in the physical world.  There is too much corruption, greed and ignorance.  There are too few enlightened beings.  There is too little civility.

Perhaps you have an addiction to caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, opioids, other drugs, romance, lust, power, attention, admiration, gambling, shopping, exercise, fossil fuels, unhealthy foods, overeating, thrill seeking, spectator sport, adventure, companionship, work, digital devices, aggressive communication, degrading images and/or violence-related 'entertainments'.

Frugality Cottage is a place of possibilities and opportunities in terms of reality, not empty speculations or greedy self-indulgence.

Your main options have always been between:

a) greedily destroying the world, and

b) kindly restoring the world.

I would obviously prefer you to focus your attention on the latter.

How conscious are you of your own mortality?

How conscious are you of mine?

How purposefully do you assess your mortality, and how do you know?

Perhaps you will merely become an addition to the mortality statistics over the next few days or weeks or months, or you may live a few more relatively useless years, if you are lucky. 

But you have important work to do, on a weekly, and possibly even a daily, basis from now on.

Unfortunately, as your ordinariness indicates you are unlikely to become an enlightened being, I doubt you have much to offer in terms of leadership.  

As I do not matter at all to most politicians, I am not even a person as far as they are concerned. I am nothing but an unimportant statistic to them, unless they desire my vote.

Apparently, I am no more that a statistic to you, too.

Please review the following documentation carefully now, if you have not already done so today:  

I hope you are aware that elegance, egalitarianism and civility are never compatible with the ridiculous, except satirically.

You may be aware that the Cold War was not a cold war in reality.  It involved many proxy wars through the transfer of armaments and aggression on both sides of the equally corrupt ideological divide.

Nothing much has changed, except for the fact that the ongoing proxy wars are no longer about an ideological divide so much as a brutal scramble for economic dominance by the greedy few.

Indeed, the greedy few on both sides of any political divide tend to gain considerably at the expense of everyone else.

Over my lifetime, I have experienced too much psychological abuse from people with power over me and/or with political influence over my life and/or with unjust bureaucratic authority.

I have never been in a position of power or authority myself in the ordinary world of mortals.

I am in a position of influence amongst enlightened beings.

Queen Adelaide and I are still seeking to acquaint ourselves with elegantly egalitarian editors and elegantly egalitarian journalists.  Such persons obviously work either with elegantly egalitarian independence or through elegantly egalitarian organisations, or both.

Unfortunately, we are yet to find any employers of editors and/or journalists with the qualities we desire.

Perhaps you do not usually associate ethereal royalty with egalitarianism of any variety.

Perhaps you never associate ethereal royalty with in the provision of quality news services.

We have received no evidence that you are investing in elegant egalitarianism, anywhere at all.

We have received no evidence that you are investing in an intelligently kind culture, anywhere at all.

We have received no evidence that you are investing in civility with appropriate civility.

We have received no evidence that you are investing appropriately in good patronage.  

We have received no evidence that you are investing in useful inventions of any sort.

What do you believe you currently know about the Adelaidezone, and how do you know it?

Perhaps you do not think these notes adequately reflect my vulnerability, and my mortality.

Perhaps you prefer to ignore my needs, or you feel you cannot do anything to alleviate them, or you fail to understand my needs and feel ashamed of that fact. 

Perhaps you do not regard me as an ordinary mortal.

Perhaps you do not even regard yourself as one.

I do not own the Hubrisometer.  It is owned by the Twaklin Trust.

As you already know, I own very little at all in a personal or professional way, except the copyright of my words and images.



Most of the images I use online are in the public domain.  They are also in the public sphere.  I display them as part of my philanthropic duty, in the public interest.

The entirely digital Adelaidezone can currently only be experienced by ordinary mortals through this virtual cottage, and primarily from this digital library. 

If you do not regard yourself as an ordinary mortal, perhaps you believe you will have access to this virtual library forever.

Several of the ethereal publications here are about to be put into a special display in the attic.  They are too valuable to keep on public display in this library.

Which publications do you consider to be of most value here, and why, and how?

Although I am meant to present myself here as an ordinary mortal, that is sometimes very difficult to do. 

I remain digitally invisible, apart from these notes, to ensure your assessments of me are not associated with visual irrelevances.

I also remain literally silent, in a digital way, for similar reasons.

How have you been assessing the silence associated with this library, and many other libraries? 

You have had the opportunity to learn a great deal in and about Frugality Cottage and the wider Adelaidezone over the past few years even though you have apparently been invisible and silent during the ongoing discussions in the sitting room here, at least when you have been permitted to attend. 

Why are you still investing time in this virtual library?
Is it for the same reason you began investing time here a few minutes ago, a few hours ago,  a few days ago, or even a few months ago?
Perhaps you have been searching for an online location in which to experience silence and solitude.
Perhaps you wish to help improve the library records and the associated archives.

Do you have a kind approach to teaching people about quaternary compounds and quinary possibilities or are you quite cruel when attempting to explain science, mathematics, or even engineering and technological practices to people without your knowledge

Are you adequately acquainted with the mathematics of quaternions?

Are you adequately acquainted with enlightened economics, particularly in the form of Twaklinomics?

I do hope you are not associated with ruthlessness or any other form of cruelty.  I object to all expressions of bad taste. 

Many government and business practices, and even the activities of hierarchical not-for-profit organisations, encourage cruelty through predatory activities, and otherwise selfish ones.

What have been your experiences of predatory marketing?

There are few laws to prevent predatory marketing and other predatory behaviours.

Indeed, politicians often use predatory techniques to gain and maintain power, including in Australia.

There is nothing positive in ignoring corruption and greed.

And much apparent positivity is deception and delusion.  It despises the truth about cruelty yet fails to despise, and address, cruelty itself.

Why are you still investing time in this digital library?


How did you plan and prepare for your visit to this virtual library today?

I hope you are quite well aware of my ethics by now.

I hope you consider me good.

I also hope you are neither stupid nor cruel.

But how am I meant to ascertain the truth in that regard? 

I hope you are aware that all cruelty is evil.

I hope you are aware that the use of force is mostly an expression of evil.

I hope you are aware that all capital punishment is evil.

I hope you are aware that all corporal punishment is evil.

I hope you are aware that all psychological torture is evil.

I refuse to support cruel governments and the cruel organisations funding them or otherwise supporting by them.

I refuse to support cruel businesses practices.

Should I hate prosperity when it is so often built upon cruelty?

Should I hate religion when history shows it to be consistently harmful to mental health, interpersonal relationships and world peace?

Should I hate democracy when the stupid so often harm it?

I continue to spend much time exhausted.

I am often angry.

I feel trapped by cruel systems and cruel strangers and cruel acquaintances.

I really do not want to hate you. I would prefer not to hate anyone at all. Yet all the evidence suggests I should hate cruelty, indifference, prejudice, laziness and all other avoidable forms of unpleasantness.

My health has suffered immensely as a consequence of no-win situations. 

I am also the type of person a corrupt individual rapidly attempts to silence.  I know too much, from the point of view of such bullies, hence I am well aware of the security measures I must always keep in place for my own safety. 

Without adequate societal support, it would not be worthwhile for me to place myself under additional stress.  My life has been in danger many times, for many reasons.

Although silence is usually suitable in a library, and in any other location devoted to peace, silence is always more appropriate to avoid whenever and wherever injustices are known to exist. 

Bullying is evident in every organisational context I have examined in the ordinary world of mortals, and I have examined thousands of them.

I am not a member of any community groups or organisations in the physical world of ordinary mortals because the cultures within all physical groups and organisations are apparently incompatible with my needs.  

While the Spirit of Enlightenment is immortal, and mostly unknown to most human mortals, particularly Australian ones, I am very well aware that although I am only an ordinary mortal human, I have the unusual privilege of being acquainted with the Spirit of Enlightenment very well indeed.



How have you been contributing to Civility Today this year? 

Public access to that highly enlightening daily news service is only available through this virtual library.

How have you been contributing to public interest journalism in other ways?

You may be aware that I am the current president of the Civility Party of Australia.

I also support the global Mozarty Party through my political philanthropy.

Most other political organisations in the world are not investing in survival to the extent required.  There are not associated with political philanthropy at all.

I am a registered patron of Civility Today and Very Necessary News and many other quality suppliers of journalism.

The Adelaide Adagia News Ensemble provides the highest possible level of journalism, locally and globally, through the world's finest and most enlightened news services.  The ensemble only accepts support through enlightened patronage.

How are your political and journalistic activities associated with your activism as an enlightened world leader?

You are already aware that I try to avoid doing business with cruel and stupid people. I ignore requests from anyone I regard as impertinent. I detest most forms of marketing. 

I stopped helping incorporated organisations in the world of mortals directly a long time ago.  Most are so badly run that they do not deserve my time.  They certainly do not deserve any of the money I have frugally saved over my lifetime for my possible future needs.

I refuse to tolerate any indication of psychological manipulation, official indifference, rudeness, arrogance or hypocrisy.

Governments have never adequately funded research into the common and uncommon symptoms and cruelty I have suffered at various times of my life.  

Indeed, governments have added to the cruelty I have suffered.  They continue to do so.  The only exception has been the Government of Nilkawt.

Corrupt people are likely to be selfish parents, or otherwise selfish.

They do nothing to address bullying and other forms of cruelty.  They exacerbate such problems.

The desire of one person to become a parent with someone reluctant to become one is usually reflective of cruelty rather than mere ignorance.

The desire of a policy maker to impose distressing decisions on vulnerable people is also cruel.

The shocking realisation that most people are rudely indifferent to my special needs has been deeply distressing to me.

Most people are even rudely indifferent to my very ordinary needs. They also act with hostility to values not in accordance with their own.  They are lazy thinkers.

Even more shocking to me is the realisation that much bureaucracy encourages bored, indifferent and emotionally exhausted employees and contractors to behave cruelly towards vulnerable people, and to deny the existence of vulnerability, and to blame vulnerable people for increases in workloads and other problems.

My husband and I both have disabilities beyond our control. 

Those disabilities have been exploited by cruel people, including cruel relatives, cruel bureaucrats, cruel individuals in businesses, and even by cruel people associated with purported charities. 

The cruelty has made me feel even more powerless than I felt as a child.

It has had a significant impact on my husband's mental health, and my own.

How can we invest in our own health when so many insensitive people appear to deny we deserve respect, understanding and support?

You may regard your experiences of Frugality Cottage mainly in a non-linear way

You may view this investment note as part of a linear medium or non-linear medium, or both, depending on your investment practices and associated interests.

Do you usually regard your investment practices as linear or non-linear?

You will have noticed that there is no exploitative marketing here in Frugality Cottage, or any marketing at all for that matter.
You may have noticed that there is no product placement here, with or without the persuasiveness of Plato.
As you are unlikely to be one of the patrons of the work conducted from the sitting room and attic of this virtual cottage, I am unwilling to provide you with anything you may request from me, regardless of how much you are willing and able to pay. 

It costs nothing in monetary terms to become a patron here.  The process simply requires the enlightened expression of initiative.

Perhaps you usually associate cottage-based crafts with simple living rather than industrial production. 

What are your current thoughts about the cottage and industries?



How do you usually think about the survival of industries, and businesses, and organisations, and societies, and governments, and various species?

How have you been preparing for self-preservation over the past two years?

How do you intend doing so in the future?

What is currently in your main survival kit?

What is currently in your mini survival kit?

What is your current acquaintance with first aid?

What is your current acquaintance with intelligent frugality?

What do you regard as your most essential survival skill if not the up-to-date observance of best practice?

Quality risk management reduces the need for emergency management.

Perhaps you have been learning how to manage risks appropriately through the work of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee.

The committee has a revolutionary approach to the best practice management of climate risks and political risks.

As with the rest of Australia, Adelaide itself, as a physical place is not associated directly with the elegant egalitarianism of well-informed kindness, unlike the Adelaidezone.

Adelaide, as an urban development, began as a 19th century British colonial ideal.  It did not stay that way for long.  It has mostly been less than ideal, except for speculative property investments and road construction projects.

I have received no indication that you are a serious investor in any part of the Adelaidezone.

That is obviously a disappointment to me, and to the Spirit of Enlightenment.

The cruel encourage the stupid to fight stupid wars.

The cruel employ narcissistic sycophants to do their bidding.

The cruel take dignity away from suffering people.

That is why I am in despair.

No-one with any political power really cares.

The people with political power have never attempted to solve the problems I regard as urgent.

I often feel powerless, as you may already know.

The sources of my despair are primarily structural, particularly in relation to political corruption, bureaucratic cruelty, procedural incompetence and official indifference.

Yet I gain much pleasure through the practice of intelligent frugality, and so does my husband. We regard it as a delightfully creative pursuit and never a wasteful one.

The Spirit of Enlightenment insists I maintain clear boundaries between the suitable and the unsuitable.  Her Illustrious Highness is obviously highly devoted to preventing cruelty and so am I.

How devoted are you towards such a task?

I hope you are well aware that cruelty is NOT normal. 

After placing a particular digital investment note on the virtual shelf, here in the library of Frugality Cottage, on a particular Monday afternoon, I have usually only left it for you for a few days or weeks in its original form.  That has especially been the case if there has been no sign of you reading it.

Apart from attempting to overcome my disappointment in you, I have attempted to overcome your assumption that these notes are of little relevance to you.

I have therefore subsequently edited my earlier words and placed the most sensitive and important and timeless information in later notes, as you may have noticed if you have subsequently been reading them regularly.  

You have already indicated that you did not have much time to read my earlier investment notes to you, hence the reason why those notes are now in a much more condensed, yet still very relevant, form.  

Perhaps you are mainly here to experience, and even practice, a little creativity. 


How are you currently investing in useful inventions, and how do you know?

How do you know you are investing in conservation with suitable dignity and suitable information?

How do you know you are investing in a sensible approach to sustainability?

I prefer to ensure all my social relationships and interactions are mutually enjoyable.  If they are not that way, I would rather the relationship and the interaction not exist at all. 

Yet a lack of interaction, when I require it, is indicative to me that a person is uninterested in my invitations, my reasonableness, my gentle requests, the knowledge I provide, and even the lovely opportunities offered from Frugality Cottage. 

I only ever offer invitations.  I never offer advice.

Many self-styled advisors and consultants have far too many conflicts of interest.  I have none, as you may have noticed.

I hope you regard these notes as suitably instructive in relation to my expectations of you.

You may be aware that religious delusions about future happiness cause considerable suffering in the world, often in the name of kindness or truth or peace.

Such delusions cause much confusion, as do political ones.  They act as perverse incentives for people to behave unreasonably, and possibly even cruelly.

I am a religious person myself, though I hope I am never cruel.

As a child, I was deeply confused about the world, and about fiction and religion and about the lies told by adults.  My parents often teased me.  They thought it was amusing to tell me confusing lies.  I found it frightening.
Why do so many adults think it is amusing, and cute, to tell children lies?

Regardless of your religious beliefs and/or professional pretensions, your contributions to well-informed kindness and thoughtful reciprocity are urgently required in terms of political leadership.

So far, I have received insufficient evidence of those contributions. In fact, I have been unable to acquire any relevant evidence whatsoever.

My religious practices are mainly ceremonial.

My philosophical practices are mainly moral.

Although I usually work in the Tower of Truth, I have occasionally preferred to sit in the sitting room here during my tea break, unless I have felt inclined to make my way to the Ethereal Temple of Teapottian Truth. 

I have been having my tea breaks in the temple for much of this year.

Where do you usually attempt to experience spiritual refreshments?

In my role as a Teapottian priestess, I am highly serious and aloof, as befitting the solemnity of my sacred duties.

Should I have faith in you?

How, if at all, have you attempted to support my spiritual vocation as a Teapottian priestess?

My laboratory in the Tower of Truth is mainly a research facility.

My work in the Ethereal Temple of Teapottian Truth is mainly associated with the provision of enlightening information about necessities and luxuries. 

Perhaps you regard a good cup of tea as a luxury.

Perhaps you bully people into accepting the same point of view as yourself in matters of taste and extravagance and necessity.

Bullying is obviously not tolerated here in Frugality Cottage, or anywhere else in the better parts of the Adelaidezone.

I do hope you are not feeling as though I am bullying you.  I merely wish to ascertain the truth about your acquaintance with quality cultures and those of lesser quality. 

What do you know about the structural causes of bullying?

I am well aware that members of religious organisations, everywhere, have either behaved abusively, or failed to stop abusiveness.

That has especially been the case whenever the people with most power within those organisations have failed to provide appropriate supervision, particularly of anyone with power over vulnerable individuals and/or vulnerable groups.

Perhaps you are aware of my spiritual Teapottian practices, and my devotion to them.

Perhaps you are aware of my devotion to my scientific work in the Tower of Truth.

I mainly practice my spirituality through the Ethereal Temple of Teapottian Truth.

I invest wherever and wherever a suitable opportunity arises. 

What do you already know about my job in the Tower of Truth?

What do you already know about my duties in the Ethereal Temple of Teapottian Truth?

What do you already know about your own duties? 

