85 - investing in the very best mental health

Hello (again) dear reader,

I hope you are keen to continue your enlightenment with the urgency such a pursuit deserves.

My well-informed kindness has long reflected concern about your mental health, including concerns other than my own.

I rarely have the time or inclination to be involved in social media practices, or any other media practices for that matter. 

I mainly use the Internet, occasionally including the social media parts of it, as a way to share my philosophical and creative ideas, and to examine other people's ideas.  

For a considerable time now, I have been deeply worried about your mental state. I do not enjoy worrying about you, or anyone else, or anything at all. It is a most unpleasant experience.

Perhaps you do not worry about yourself enough.

Perhaps you are, in fact, quite worried about me.

Yet you obviously do not trust me.

Perhaps you do not even trust yourself.

Perhaps you fail to understand my intentions here.

One of the reasons why I began this series of notes to you, so long ago now, was to develop your mental awareness gradually. I did not want to cause you a mental shock unnecessarily.

As I find social media activities tend to lower my mood rather than uplift me, I try to avoid those activities whenever possible.

But social media is the only way I know how to update you on my social research without being intrusive. 

You otherwise take no notice of the effort I expend each day towards improving your leadership.

As I thoroughly completed my public mission and public research last year, you may wish to participate, over the weeks ahead, in the final part of my community research and/or my ongoing private research.

I highly recommend that you do.

I have assessed you very carefully, as I am sure you are well aware by now.

My conclusion is that you have not adequately valued these notes, or my time in writing them, or my continual attention towards your well-being. 

I hope you understand my values sufficiently well by now and that you regard them as adequately compatible with your own.

I wish to ensure you understand me sufficiently but not intrusively.

I know that if I stated something unreasonable and/or contradictory and/or controversial on social media, or elsewhere, no-one would take much notice. 

If someone with more influence did likewise, that would be another matter entirely.

Your inattentiveness towards my earlier investment notes has shocked me considerably.

I was under the impression you had a reputation for being truly wonderful and kind but you apparently do not care about investing in well-informed kindness at all.

Your lack of attention to the qualitative aspects of existence, including your own, continues to be deeply concerning to me.

Perhaps you are not (yet) mature enough to answer my questions reasonably well, and suitably honestly, regardless of your current, chronological age.

Even though you are yet to provide me with an accurate online profile to assess with the assistance of the Hubrisometer, I have followed your public image around the Internet to the best of my ability to ascertain your mental health with adequate accuracy.

I prefer not to use a telephone as I have breathing difficulties.

For similar reasons, I prefer not to meet people in person unless we are mutual admirers, or I am in urgent need of competent professional assistance.

I have long looked forward to your wonderfully well-informed and kind responses to my notes but, alas, your thoughtful reciprocation has not yet been evident.

I consistently attempt to avoid controversy.  That includes avoiding being associated with controversial persons, controversial organisations and controversial ideas.

Yet my emails are usually ignored by influential people when I point out problems I have noticed.

I value reasonableness. I value privacy. I value real friendships. I value peace. I value intelligent frugality. I value a gentle philosophy. I value health. I value education. I value love. I value life. I value justice. I value pleasure. I value simple living. I even value you. That is why I am still writing these investment notes to you each week.

Touch typing became relatively easy for me, once I gained the initial ability to use a qwerty keyboard in my teens.

Typing especially became easy for me once typewriters became obsolete and electronic keyboards became quite common.

That happened when I was in my mid 30s.  I was still handwriting letters to old friends and various family members at that age.

In more recent decades, unwanted technical changes and associated incompatibilities have caused me to experience too many distractions from my work, especially over recent months, thereby causing me much additional distress.

That is why a celebration of the harmonious interplay of beauty, understanding and magnificence is necessary to me for at least a few moments each day.

Life without it would either become unbearably distressing or filled with delusional thoughts.

What is your image of me, and how did you acquire it?

What is your image of yourself, and how did it develop?

My spelling has not improved over the years.  I have never found it easy to spell words accurately.
And I understand very little about the technical aspects of the Internet.  In fact, I have very little interest in the workings of any technology.  I am much more interested in the uses of it.

Learning new processes I do not wish to learn takes away the pleasure of online creativity for me.  And most of my creativity is conducted online nowadays.

Each time I log into my 'blogs', I feel relieved that I am fortunate to do so.

This is my main way of interacting with the world.

If you have at least a little in common with me, you will have probably experienced far too many mental shocks already over your lifetime, regardless of your current age, even though you may not yet be consciously aware of most of those shocks and the circumstances in which they occurred.

I have gained considerable insights into my own experiences of mental shocks, including those I experienced in childhood, adolescence and early adulthood.

Perhaps you expect me to reveal a considerable amount about myself to you, even through YouTube and/or Instagram and other social media venues. 

But how am I meant to communicate my earlier and ongoing distress appropriately, and from whose point of view?

Unfortunately, only enlightened beings learn sufficiently from the past.  Ordinary people do not.

From my point of view, the best influences are the ones encouraging the healthy use of imagination, the acquisition of evidence-based knowledge and the expression of consistently good reasoning.

Such activities help to address the most urgent societal problem, namely the prevalence of psychological trauma. 

If you had not already realised it, these notes are an experimental part of my research and development activities. 

When I am feeling excessively distressed, it would not bother me if someone blew up every corrupt government in the world and caused even more chaos everywhere than already exists.

I would be unlikely to feel additionally distressed. My levels of mental anguish are often considerable anyway.

Yet I have considerable empathy towards suffering.

I am suffering myself.

For a long time, whenever I tried to establish clear boundaries between my needs and other people's demands on my time, I felt guilty.

I did not want to appear rude. I still do not wish to appear rude.

My desire to be perceived as polite probably stems from my upbringing and the psychological manipulation I experienced from so many people, of various ages, over many years.

The layers of psychological trauma have built up over the years to become a wall between myself and the world.

Only privacy, creativity and love can help me cope with those layers of trauma.

It is now the middle of the afternoon, local time, on Monday 20 September, 2021, in the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter.

Like most people, you apparently take my well-informed kindness for granted. I do not understand why.

Perhaps you do not believe I am a particularly nice person.

Perhaps you regard my kindness as a form of deception.

Who are you, and to whom?

Who am I, from your point of view?

How have you interpreted my mental health whilst reading my notes?

What has reading the notes revealed to you about your own mental health, or lack of it?

How aware of yourself do you happen to be at this very moment?

And what is your awareness of me?

You are quite well aware, probably, that I find it easy to type but difficult to spell.  You also have at least a little awareness of the difficulties I experience when forced to learn things I would rather not learn.

During my teens, learning shorthand was far too difficult for me to achieve physically to a useful standard. 

The quality of my shorthand skills never improved, no matter how hard I tried, perhaps because I found the subject boring, like grammar and spelling. 

But I cannot write longhand neatly, either.   I cannot draw pictures and diagrams well.

I also struggle considerably when seeking to learn the rudiments of languages other than English.

And I feel very embarrassed indeed when attempting to communicating in English with people whose accents I cannot understand.

I hope you have already acquired a suitably informed acquaintance with Frugality Cottage and the work in this online venue.

As a child, my imagination was mainly filled with rumination.

I was often worried about what may happen.  I often felt powerless and confused and frightened. 

My imagination is now filled with a mixture of enlightenment and despair.

How, if at all, are we compatible, from your point of view?

As far as I am aware, I am still alive, conscious and typing these words.

That is truly wonderful, at least from my own point of view. 

I have used these notes as a way to help you prevent hubris in yourself and other people.

Perhaps you are actually quite envious of me.

Envy never provides a basis for compatibility.

And incompatibility is the cause of many mental health problems.

How do you know whether you are relatively wealthy or not?

That is obviously an important question in relation to your inadequate awareness, as are all my questions.

All good philosophies are gentle.

My gentle philosophy simply exists, and so do I, at least for now.

I am clearly aware that I am a relatively unnoticed person. I do not seek publicity. I do not seek money.   I only seek to be treated fairly.

I do not have much freedom at all.

I am not treated with dignity by most people.

I have not had the same opportunities in life as people with access to considerable amounts of money and/or considerable amounts of power and/or considerable amounts of fame.  

Even so, perhaps it intimidates you that I have, so far, been a very successful investor and a very successful inventor.  I never follow crowds, in any situation. I always refuse to conform to unfair expectations.  And I do not make much noise about my success.

Yet I have often been treated with resentment.

You are currently likely to be incapable of understanding why I do not want the rest of my life to be shaped by other people's expectations of me.   You probably assume my expectations are similar to your own, or that I am a charity.

I know for certain that my creativity is little more than average, as is my ability as an editor. But I always try my best to use my imagination with empathy.  I also do my best to communicate appropriately and to act with intelligent frugality.

I am aware that it can be very lonely at the top of any social hierarchy.

It can also be very lonely at the bottom of one.

I am currently at the bottom of the social hierarchy in metropolitan Adelaide, and in Australia and the world more widely.

My views are treated as trivial by persons in positions of power, as are my needs.

Perhaps I frighten you.

Perhaps you feel as though I intend to impose myself upon your independence.

What is your awareness of my approach to editing these investment notes?

Why do most people appear to be afraid of me?

I have no intention of intruding into your life or coercing you in any way whatsoever.

I merely wish to help you improve your approach to investing.

How conscious are you of your own reasoning?

How conscious are you of mine?

Perhaps you are seeking a contract through which to assist me and/or through which I may assist you.

You are the only person capable of providing me with appropriate advice and assistance towards whatever my next investment strategy should be. 

What are your memories of the earlier investment notes here?

Which of those notes have you most attentively considered, and why?

And how have you interacted with the additional, educational notes, and why?

Perhaps you are suffering from substantial accumulations of psychological traumas, as I am myself.

It is apparent to me that most people do not care about corruption.  They are part of the problem.

Perhaps you are one of those people.
Perhaps that is why you have not responded appropriately to any of my notes here.

When I was younger, perhaps I was too ignorant and gullible when seeking to support people who were really too lazy and selfish to respect my kindness.

As far as I am aware, you have never attempted to offer me an apology for your inattentiveness towards my investment notes.

I hope you do not consider me to be a charlatan, or lazy, or gullible, or selfish, or lacking intelligence, or lacking compassion, or lacking a responsible sense of priorities.

I would prefer to be regarded as a good person.

How should I regard you?

You are not a good person if you require incentives to encourage you to be good.

You are not a good person if you require me to explain to you what is means to be good.

Perhaps you think I have the luxury of time in which to produce and provide these investment notes for your immediate and long-term benefit.

When people experience psychological stress, regardless of their mental maturity, their interpersonal skills are considerably diminished in quality.

Perhaps that is why you do not interact with me in a satisfactory manner. 

How conscious are you of your own morality?

How conscious are you of mine?

How do you know our morality has adequate compatibility?

How do you define and describe yourself, and to whom?

How do you define and describe me, and to whom?

How do you usually assess your own usefulness, and from whose point of view?

How do you usually assess mine?

How do you know you have entirely fair expectations of me?

How do you know you have entirely fair expectations of yourself?

I have already provided you with a few words to inform you, as accurately as possible, about my activities here on behalf of the Spirit of Enlightenment. 

How conscious are you of your own consciousness?
How conscious are you of mine?

Without your assistance, I would give up the task of seeking to assist you.

You are, of course, free to choose whether to assist me or not.

You are also free to choose whether or not to assist, and assess, yourself.

How, if at all, are you willing to help me find peace and help to create world peace?  

If you are adequately reasonable, you will also be adequately respectful towards me, and towards yourself, and towards the humanity and the world more widely.

Perhaps you not yet sure whether any information in these notes is likely to be particularly useful in the mission ahead of you.  

Nothing I have written primarily for your benefit has been of any apparent interest to you, as far as I am aware, dear reader. That is certainly disappointing from my point of view.

Why are you so apathetic?

For the sake of my mental health, I only really want to write in a way I find entirely enjoyable, without any pressure to meet the unfair expectations of anyone, including myself.

My physical and mental health needs have long been ignored by public authorities and by businesses and by so-called community organisations, and by you.

Yet there are much more pressing needs in the world than my own, apparently.

I do not employ lazy people or otherwise interact with such persons.  They are disrespectful of my needs.

I do not employ working animals.  They are unable to understand and sign fair contracts.

I certainly have no intention of providing any mental health support whatsoever to aggressive persons.

Do you have any assistants?

I have several assistants, of course, not all of whom are fully human, as you are probably aware by now.

I encourage all my assistants to invest consistently in the very best mental health for themselves, each other, and me.

Even the subhuman ones are expected to be relatively reasonable. 

How conscious are you of your own creativity?

How conscious are you of mine?

A few months ago, my boss, the Spirit of Enlightenment, informed me that I had successfully achieved the public mission asked of me.

My quest, on her behalf, began more than a decade ago. She says I have done my best. She does not believe you have done likewise. In fact, she is very disappointed in you.

How, if at all, will you make amends?

You may have noticed that my public mission was never associated with the acquisition of money, apart from satirically.

The same has not applied to my community mission. There have been many expenses involved, as you may have already gathered.

Yet I have never asked you for money. 

I have invited you, in good faith, to offer your patronage in good faith and to express your philanthropy in good faith.

I prefer to speak only to people with whom I already have good relationships. I otherwise prefer to communicate entirely in writing, and only with persons I regard as adequately reasonable.

My highly trained assistants assess all incoming messages on my behalf. They do not respond to anyone without my permission.

Most incoming messages include nothing of interest to me. They either contain nothing original or the originality within them is not in accordance with reasonableness. 

What do you believe I currently want from you and why I want it?

If you are not yet a better person than when I started and/or ended my public mission, that is not my problem, of course.

Perhaps you regard me as an Establishment figure and possibly even part of a deep state and/or corrupt coterie.

If so, where is your evidence?

If you currently believe your life to be perfect, that indicates you are irresponsibly complacent and possibly even a perpetrator of hubris, regardless of your apparent net worth.

You are also likely to be unacceptably gullible, from my point of view, and worryingly deluded.

Perhaps you think I am inferior to you in some way, or possibly even superior. 

As I prefer to avoid active participation in corrupt cultures, that is why I prefer to avoid the people involved in those cultures. 

As you will be well aware by now, I have a very low tolerance of unfairness. I easily become distressed when witnessing it, just as I do when experiencing it personally.

What do you understand about my creativity?

What do you not understand about my creativity?

What do you understand about your own creativity?

What do you not understand about your own creativity?

Now that my public mission is well and truly over, I am unlikely to be in the sitting room of Frugality Cottage in person when ordinary members of the public are in attendance.

My philanthropy is now a community gesture, and a private one, rather than a publicly expressed pursuit. I therefore do not express my philanthropy for the benefit of ordinary members of the public.

I do not like many people.  I do not respect their selfish intentions.

I do not like pet dogs, or pet cats, or feral dogs, or feral cats, at all.  They smell horrible, or at least their deposits do.  

Nor do I enjoy seeing animals in cages, whether as pets or zoological specimens or as products for other forms of human consumption.

I detest knowing that any creature has been unnecessarily exploited, especially as food for people and/or their carnivorous pets.

So many people put obstacles in the way of my public mission over the twelve years of its course. Those obstacles were not necessarily financial though they were always of psychological consequence.  That is why I have so much empathy towards genuine distress.

And I truly know how to measure distress and distinguish between real suffering and psychological manipulation.

You seem to have nothing of possible mutual interest to relate to me.

Perhaps you find me contradictory and boring as well as possibly frightening.

My safety has been threatened on many occasions, which is why I frequently seek the protection of the Spirit of Enlightenment and the comfort of a nice cup of tea.

Are you sure you understand my needs sufficiently well by now?

I have, after all, consistently encouraged your investments in importantly useful information.

Perhaps you are frightened to make contact with me in case our communications are intercepted by evil people.

I never make outrageous demands on anyone. I merely seek to improve understanding, compassion, creativity, frugality and authenticity.

You may be wondering why I am sharing this information with you.

You may not understand why I am expressing my altruism primarily for your benefit.

My philanthropic activities are mainly associated with the sharing of important knowledge, hence these investment notes and the associated educational notes.

I have no interest in receiving physical 'gifts' from anyone. I do not have enough physical space in my home environment for the earlier, useless, ugly and sometimes even smelly 'presents' people have wastefully given me.

Yet I gain a great deal of satisfaction from making things for my own household use.

I have never been interested in making useless things or acquiring anything mainly ornamental. And I detest scented products considerably.

I also gain no satisfaction whatsoever from most mass produced foods, and most other mass produced products. 

I am deeply concerned about the possibility that you are inadequately reasonable.

Perhaps you regard me as unreasonable for working consistently in an entirely voluntary capacity.

Perhaps you are unaware that I work entirely as a volunteer.

I have thoroughly assessed all purported philanthropists.

The excessively wealthy ones considerably alarm the Hubrisometer, as to be expected.

Excessive wealth does nothing to improve the world.  It is a surplus resource stored and distributed for egocentric purposes.

As I truly care about the magnificence of nature and whatever remains of the natural world on Earth, I do my best to prevent all forms of suffering, as reasonably as my resources allow.

I do my best to prevent natural suffering and cultural suffering, including all forms of suffering arising from hubris and gullibility.

Since childhood, I have appreciated nature more sensitively than most people apparently do.

Unlike most people, I have remained childlike in my wonder of nature. 

Yet, as you may have noticed, my attitude towards nature is not romantic. It is scientific, ethical and aesthetic.

What should I do?

Perhaps I will no longer write to you.

Yet only by communicating my concerns appropriately can I do anything to improve the world.

I would never feel comfortable if my own behaviours became hypocritical.

And I am sure most hypocrites do not know they are hypocrites. That may be due to the fact that their minds are infested with hubris.

In my view, laziness is a particularly objectionable form of selfishness.  It tends to lead to gullibility.  It is a form of self-deception.  It often reflects a deluded sense of self importance.

Most people are merely interested in receiving my attention and exploiting my kindness rather than offering anything I would truly appreciate in return.

What do you believe I would truly appreciate from you, and why?

What would you truly appreciate from me, and why?

Perhaps you are afraid that I disapprove of your inadequacies too much, yet I am mostly afraid that you are not making the most of your talents and virtues.

All deliberate contributions to human procreation are selfish and therefore corrupt.

I have never had the urge to climb mountains, participate in sport or otherwise compete or seek adventure for egotistical reasons.

I only ever compete on the side of good against evil.

I am able to work full-time in an entirely voluntary, well-informed way as a consequence of my earlier and ongoing, highly successful and entirely ethical investment strategy.

I am sure most bullies are unaware that their behaviour is abusive and likely to be the cause of considerable insecurity in other people's lives.

I never provide advice unless absolutely necessary.

Sharing a relatively long journey through life with someone who has also long tried to protect me and other people, and various animals and plants, and the natural world more generally, from selfish human actions, has provided me with great happiness and emotional comfort.

Even so, the unsuccessful outcomes of our efforts have often caused us deep disappointment and distress.

Even our suburban garden has been more than enough for us to protect and maintain at times, as has our suburban home.

We have also had difficulty looking after ourselves, and maintaining various, necessary types of security, including peace of mind.

I hope you are investing adequately in peace, intelligent frugality and a gentle philosophy.

You are currently investing time in this virtual library, of course.

How do you attempt to distinguish between physical libraries and digital ones?

How do you attempt to distinguish between factual libraries and fictional ones? 

What have you been exploring already in this library, and why?

I often need quiet. I only write happily when my creative flow is undisturbed and my mind is unperturbed. 

That is why I enjoy experiencing quiet libraries.

In social terms, I prefer to remain aloof, as you may have noticed.

Maintaining the objectivity of my assessments is, of course, my scientific priority.

My aloofness is associated with my consistent preference for ongoing privacy. 

If you are not investing adequately in and with ethics, you are unlikely to be able to provide me with any indication that you practice well-informed kindness with appropriate consistency.  You may have little respect for my privacy, or even my safety.

Most people ignore what I have to say, probably due to the fact that I consciously avoid contributing to controversies.I believe all controversies are caused by unreasonableness

My criticisms are intended to address unreasonableness.

In my middle childhood years, I especially loved to explore nature as an expression of my independence even more than my curiosity.  Yet I yearned to explore the world much further than my usual surroundings. 

As I grew older, I continued to explore nature.  I walked long distances.  I took long train trips and long bus trips and long trips on expedition trucks across continents.  I also took short sea trips. 

Sea journeys always appeared too slow to me, and boring.

When I was a child, my family had an open boat for holiday journeys to and from remote beaches.  I was always bored in the boat, and sometimes even frightened.

I do not usually encourage courage. Far too many people have an incautious approach to expressing it.

I would prefer that people choose not seek to my attention, support and mentoring at all if they are unwilling to be adequately attentive towards my philanthropic and scientific practices, and my personal needs.

Is your physical freedom currently restricted as much as mine, and possibly even more so, or do you have more physical freedom than I do, with or without a pandemic happening?

Perhaps your online freedom is restricted more than mine.  Perhaps you have given away your privacy, or someone else has done so.

My work is meant to prevent hypocrisy, hubris and gullibility.   It is meant to support civility, philanthropy and democracy.

Do you believe your work is meant to do the same?

If so, how do you define 'work'?

I am not attempting to sell my soul to you, or to anyone else.

I am not interested in becoming a drudge of mass market book publishers and their promotional networks, or any other sales and marketing networks.

The purpose of my work is primarily scientific and philosophical, not commercial or political.

There is much evil in the world and I am worried you may possibly be a direct and/or indirect contributor to it.  I know for certain that I am not.

If you are contributing to evil, I cannot invest directly in you at all. In fact, I will do everything in my power to thwart you.

The Spirit of Enlightenment has always expected me to convey timeless wisdom to you rather than the latest fads and fashions of human stupidity.

I have no time for any persons claiming to support mental health when their activities actually amount to no more than marketing and/or fantasy and/or bullying.

Regardless of how you view yourself at present, would you like me to test you with the Gullibulometer today as well as the Hubrisometer?

I test myself on both machines at the beginning and end of each working day. That is how I prefer to monitor my mental health.

I have, for some time, been wondering whether I should resign from my position in the Tower of Truth, gather up my current financial wealth (which is not insubstantial) and indulge myself in thoroughly hedonistic ways at the expense of the pathetic species to which we both apparently belong.

Yet such indulgence would also be at the expense of every other species.

Any self-indulgence on my part would therefore be an expression of hubris and hypocrisy.

I usually refuse to assist people further if I consider them to be prejudiced or otherwise presumptuous.  They do not respect me.  They do not respect the truth. They do not deserve my time.  They have no understanding of real friendship or real community or real value. 

As I do not give investment advice, I certainly do not suggest how or where anyone should invest money. 

I merely warn people of the problems I have encountered.

I, of course, have been able to respond to all associated difficulties in an informed way.  After all, I have many well-informed historical associates to assist me in assessing all sorts of situations.   

Perhaps you are feeling like an intruder here.
Perhaps you feel as though you are an impostor.
Perhaps you regard me as unreasonable for addressing you through these online notes rather personally and impatiently.

I never impose my views on anyone or intrude into email inboxes.

I simply refuse to co-operate with people who are unwilling to consider the validity of my views and the evidence I present.  And I always present evidence as politely as possible.

My symptoms of debilitating illness can arise without warning and leave me entirely dependent on other people, and therefore vulnerable to their exploitation.

That is one of the more personal and interpersonal reasons why I encourage you to be well-informed and kind.
Perhaps you are willing to help with the public aspects of the work I am no longer required to perform, especially if you already consider yourself to be an enlightened world leader.

You are already likely to be aware that I do not seek popularity.  I only want people to be genuinely pleasant and adequately respectful of my needs.

Is that too much to ask?

I only develop community practices, in a relatively public way online, for educational purposes.  I do not develop private relationships, or even community relationships, that way. 

I am interested in improving experiences of suffrage, alleviating suffering and avoiding sufferance.

What do you consider to be the main purpose of the notes here, and why?

How did you first find out about the notes, and from whom?

Do you currently share a home and/or a long-term social relationship with at least one wonderfully kind, thoughtful, self-disciplined and appreciative adult?

If not, why not?

Perhaps you are not acquainted with such a person.

Perhaps you are not a particularly good judge of character, with or without assistance from sophisticated machinery.

I expect everyone to ask questions when asking questions is necessary.

If you are gullible, you are probably unaware of being so ignorant.

If you are psychopathic, you will lack insight into the necessity for compassion.

If you are narcissistic, you are probably gloating that I am giving you attention.

When I most recently tested your mind, the Gullibulometer, in my virtual laboratory in the Tower of Truth, gave you a suitably skeptical score, both in the initial testing and subsequently, hence my continuing assessment that you have the ability to overcome your gullibility if not your arrogance.

The Hubrisometer can only measure hubris accurately.  It cannot prevent hubris from occurring other than by causing the perpetrators of hubris to fear the Hubrisometer's findings. 

For reasons of self-respect, I find tolerance of unreasonableness intolerable and therefore impossible.

I am not sure whether I should try to tolerate you any longer.

I initially thought you were well-informed and kind yet I must have been mistaken.

During the most recent testing process in my laboratory, the Hubrisometer shook and buzzed and flashed its warning lights soon after my assistants entered your latest details into the database.

Perhaps you mistake the desire to make money for the suitable expression of a work ethic.

Or perhaps the data entered by my assistants contained inaccuracies. 

I am mainly a scientist though I do not know much about research other than my own.

My work tests the qualities that people directly and indirectly claim to possess.  It examines their investments.  It examines their patronages.  It examines their attitudes, assumptions and aspirations.  It examines their speculations.

You are probably aware that enthusiasm, in itself, is not an indicator of ability or productivity.  And nor is its opposite, of course.

Apart from my husband, I have no family members worthy of my time and attention other than through brief exchanges of polite small-talk from time to time. 

No real philanthropist, apart from myself, has attempted to alleviate my feelings of despair.

Perhaps no-one is capable of doing so.

The causes of my despair are mainly political. 

I currently wish to test your comprehension skills to ascertain whether you are an enlightened being or at least have the potential to become one. 

I separate my private life from my community activities and my public responsibilities very carefully indeed.  That is how my research and creativity arise, with the assistance of the Spirit of Enlightenment and her ethereal associates.

I know for a fact that far too many people invite strangers too intimately into their private lives online, and even do so offline.  I do not know why they do so.  Perhaps they do not know why, either.

Perhaps they view the online world as a game or drama performance or television show or real-world experience rather than as a theoretical educational facility. 

Perhaps they view the offline world as an extension of the online world rather than the other way around.

I know I understand the truth of history sufficiently well.

I know there are ongoing patterns of abuse that no-one in a position of power has adequately addressed.

I know I despair as a consequence.

I have tried to avoid expressing any prejudices towards you or any other biases against you.  I have, however, attempted to identify the real you from amongst various versions of yourself, in your own mind and in other people's minds, including my own.

What have you written on the topic of justice, and who has read it?

What do you know about my writings on the theory and practice of justice?

Perhaps I am wasting my time in asking you important questions.

Perhaps you do not regard my questions as important.

If you are rich, you may wish to invest in my work financially, at least if you are rich enough.

If you are famous, you may wish to promote my work through your usual, publicity-seeking techniques.

I do not invest my time in the rich, the famous or the gullible.

I invest in the good, the genuine and the thoughtful.

My husband supports my philanthropy.  I support his efforts to improve the ecological balance of our suburban garden.  We attempt to support each other in our efforts to improve the ecological balance of the Earth in its entirety.

I am very pleased I have no addictions or any other unreasonable habits. I am also very pleased that my husband has no addictions or other unreasonable habits.

Good health and good thinking, rather than heavy drinking, are always encouraged here in Frugality Cottage, unlike in the Parliament of Australia and the Parliament of South Australia and in many local council chambers across Australia. 

I regard myself as an indignant introvert.

You have apparently not judged my character accurately at all.

You have not even expressed any affection towards me.

What, if anything, do you want from my knowledge, skills and experience, and why?

What are you able to offer me through yours?

What do you believe to be the purpose of my work, and these notes, from your own point of view?

And why do you think I have been leaving a note for you each week, here in the library of Frugality Cottage?

As I ask all my questions in good faith, my aim is to encourage your awareness of differing perspectives and possibilities.

I expect you to acknowledge facts reasonably well.

I also expect you to address significant problems reasonable well.

I have always been regarded as a considerably polite person.  I have always upheld civility to the best of my ability on every occasion, most usually through the practice of elegant egalitarianism.

Perhaps you do not believe you know enough about me.

I am investing in well-informed kindness to the best of my ability.  I have received no evidence that you are doing likewise. 

How, if at all, have you attempted to support my scientific work in the Tower of Truth?

I prefer not to be associated with any organisations particularly closely, including the ones I have personally established.

That is primarily due to the fact that I am most definitely an introvert.

My independence is very important to me for that reason alone.

And I truly enjoy having time alone in which to read, write and rest.

I am never lonely.

I am very glad I do not have friends in high places in the political and business worlds. I prefer not to be associated with corruption in any way whatsoever.  

Please learn the truth.

Do not ask what it is.

You are experiencing it here, through my notes to you.

Please also do your own research.

You may even try to improve your manners at the same time.

What is the point of ordinary schooling when most people continue to be arrogant, gullible, rude and ridiculously opinionated long after experiencing it?

Public universities have been transformed into money-making machines, in much the same way as many formerly public services.

I know that following instructions to pass examinations does not equate with competence in real world situations. 

I also know that following recipes exactly does not necessarily provide delicious meals.

This note, as you will have noticed, is the eighty-fifth in this series. My patience and courtesy towards you have therefore been immense.

Perhaps you do not believe my kindness is particularly well-informed.

Perhaps you do not even believe I am kind.

I want to be free from everyone's inaccurate assumptions and unfair expectations of me, and of other people.  

How much value have you personally placed on my philanthropy towards you, and where is your proof?

I have noticed that you appear to have difficulty understanding me. You apparently even have difficulty understanding my use of language.

I do not yet trust you as much as I would wish.

As you may already know, I do not invest in organisations I do not own.

Nor do I invest in individuals I do not trust.  And I never trust any information or advice unless I have received the same information and/or advice from several, independent, trustworthy sources.

If you are seeking to obtain a contract of some sort with me, what are you offering in return that I am likely to value?

What do you consider my talents to be, and how do you know? 

How do you assess reputations?

How cautious are you when doing so?

In my experience, ascertaining worthiness is often as time consuming as ascertaining trustworthiness. 

How do you distinguish between reasonable emotions and unreasonable ones?

How do you distinguish between causes of problems and consequences of distress?

And why do you think I am still attempting to encourage you to invest wisely?

You may have noticed that when I place links in these digital notes, I do so to assist the precision of your own interpretations and definitions.

Good collaboration begins with agreement on definitions.

I much prefer to give my attention to one problem at a time.

Even though I am now a much older and highly experienced investor, the stresses from my past experiences have seeped into the stresses of more recent times.  I am now much more cautious and unforgiving of disrespectful behaviours.

Perhaps you are devoted to understanding the relationship between the mental and the environmental.

In any sort of location, how do you prevent yourself from being wasteful, if at all?

How do you define wastefulness?

What do various people know about your physical location at any particular moment, and why?

What do you know about mine, and how?

Privacy is very important to mental health. Indeed, a lack of respect for privacy, including one's own, is often a sign of a mental health problems.

Do you think privacy itself is a good investment? 

Do you consider public access to private locations to be an expression of kindness?

What have you done to support me in my job over the past ten years?

Do you think I have a good job?

You will already know my views on freedom, ethics, safety, intelligence and courage.

How do you define interpersonal sensitivity if not in terms of empathy?

How and where do you usually assess your biases?

I often feel exasperated by inadequate learners, particularly inattentive ones.  Yet I do my best to maintain my composure.

How clean is your mind, and how do you know?

All forms of employment, unemployment and under-employment associated with emerging cultures reflect instability and disharmony.  The same applies within abusive cultures.

How have you assessed the mental health of various advisors?

How have you assessed the mental health of various disruptive persons?

Aggressive groups attract vulnerable and/or deluded persons.  They may also attract individuals who either prey on vulnerable persons by pretending to pray and/or by paying money to join in and perpetuate the associated fraud.

Like the kingpins and queenpins of crime gangs, the charismatic exploiters within various groups and organisations thrive on making promises and instilling confusion and/or fear.

They may have the ability to make gullible people believe that bad faith is good faith. 

I prefer to regard philosophical and psychological good faith in terms of empathy, conscientiousness and trustworthiness.

I have had much support for my mental health from members of the Secular Order of the Perpetual Wait, and from my spiritual siblings in the Ethereal Temple of Teapottian Truth.

Both organisations are devoted to enlightened investment practices, in their own way.

The members of both organisations also have an appropriately enlightened sense of duty. 

I consider my interactions with the physical world, and with people known to me through reciprocal interactions, in any context, to be the main and most important parts of my community experiences.

I prefer not to give much attention to problematic locations.  To do so would be far too distressing for me.

For the same reasons, I prefer not to devote much attention towards problematic persons and organisations. 

Humans, as a species, have never been particularly pleasant.

That is why I only have faith in truly good people and a good cup of tea.

Only truly good people act in good faith.

Overcoming confusion is necessary if healthy adaption is to be possible.  But what is healthy adaption in a highly polluted world?  

Perhaps, like most people, you have no empathy towards me whatsoever.  

According to the evidence I have examined, you have no care for anything I have tried to do to improve your leadership.

You probably have no care at all towards my despair.

Or perhaps you do have empathy towards me, possibly because you are aware that most people fail to provide sufficient empathy towards you.

How carefully are you investing in good policy, and how do you know?

How carefully do you assess risks, including risks to your mental health, and other people's mental health? 

I consider anything associated with my home life, and earlier experiences of life, to be private.

I consider my consistent expressions of good faith to be in the public interest.

In fact, I regard all expressions of good faith to be in the public interest, whether they take place in the public sphere or private sphere or within various communities.

If my assessment of your unkindness is wrong and you are, in fact, in despair, please let me know.

Why, though, does your despair emulate unkindness so often?

Access to knowledge does not necessarily contribute to the very best mental health.  It may, however, help to alleviate unnecessary fears.

Are you quite well aware of the ignorance you personally possess and express?

Perhaps you think I ask too many questions. 

How do you know you are investing in good faith, even now? 

Should I still regard you as little more than a member of the ordinary public?

I would prefer to regard you as almost like an authentic appreciator of quality expressions of artistry and leadership.

Perhaps you mainly associate high art with hedonism.

What do you believe you currently know about Frugality Cottage and investments, particularly in terms of creativity?  

Your answer to that question may depend upon whether you are investing in the experience of art in good faith. 

Perhaps you do not regard Frugality Cottage as a work of art.

Perhaps you do not associate cottages with high art.

Perhaps you do not even associate high art with authentic living.

Sometimes, artistic experiments are playful while at other times they are highly serious, or mainly associated with making money.

Perhaps you mainly associate seriousness with making money and/or gaining and maintaining a following and/or persuading people to comply with your beliefs and/or wishes.

Perhaps the pursuit of perfection gives your life meaning and the absence of it distresses you.

I long had a habit of being a perfectionist myself in terms of action.  Now I prefer to practice perfection through my reactions instead.

What does investing in enlightened philanthropy currently mean to you, and why?

What is the meaning of productivity when people are in despair?

How does gross domestic product affect your mental health?

Most parts of most industries are associated with bad faith.  That is why I do not place my trust in organisations of any sort, except for those I have personally developed in fact and fiction. 

Are you quite well aware of the ignorance of most politicians?

Perhaps you are mostly interested in implementing an ideal.

Perhaps you are an unrealistic perfectionist.

Perhaps you are inadequately conscientious.Perhaps you regard yourself as a depressed realist.

How do you view yourself here?

I merely view myself as The Author in Frugality Cottage.

Unwanted isolation from the physical world has long been part of my reality.  I cannot interact with the 21st century world as most people do.  That world is toxic to me: physically and mentally.  

Yet I do not rely on the 'state' for anything.  Nor do I rely on the 'market' for anything.  Nor do I rely on 'charity' for anything.  I rely on pleasant interdependence.

I have no income of my own.  I have no superannuation.  I own no real estate or means of transport.  I have never earned an income from my writings.

And I doubt you will ever be permitted to experience New Nilkawt.

Only enlightened beings will be permitted to be there.

What does investing in enlightened beings currently mean to you, and why?

I devote my time consistently towards reasonableness, as carefully as circumstances allow.

It may not have occurred to you, yet, that I am the real owner of everything associated with the Adelaidezone, and with Nilkawt, and with the fictional groups and organisations and fictionalised individuals associated with various districts within those digital locations. 

I hope you are purposefully investing in hope.

At the beginning of this year, the calm and joyous, creative space in my mind disappeared completely.  My mood changed for the worse as a consequence.  My life therefore became more stressful and my suffering became more difficult for me to ignore.

I could not maintain my mind within the zone of attentiveness that made me feel my life was still worthwhile and purposeful.  

Perhaps you do not believe you are investing in importantly useful information by being aware of those facts.

How other people respond to my writing, and its presentation, is superfluous to my purpose as the creator of the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter, the Adelaidezone Digital Political Diamond, the Adelaidezone Digital Healing Quarter, Nilkawt, New Nilkawt, the Adelaidezone Digital Industry Quarter and the Adelaidezone Digital Commerce Quarter.  

The individual communities within the Adelaidezone are exclusively for people with psychological compatibility.  Ascertaining that compatibility is one of my main responsibilities.

Hubris is never appropriate, of course.  In fact, it is a psychological disease.  It is unfortunately highly infectious.  

I, fortunately, am immune to it.  Very few people can honestly say the same.

Time and place and purpose and people are not particularly easy to operationalise interactively through sociometrics, or even through psychometrics, cliometrics and cybernetics.

I have tried to measure your leadership practices through every available research tool and technique, including historiographical ones.

How have you psychologically prepared yourself for reading the remainder of this note?

How do you usually attempt to distance yourself from other people psychologically, and for what purposes?

How do you usually attempt to distance yourself from other people physically, and for what purposes?

Perhaps, at some time in your life, people have regarded your health-related requirements as too expensive or as an unacceptable cost in other ways.

When, if ever, have demands to be more productive had a detrimental effect on your mental health?
When, if ever, have demands to promote the products of your productivity had a detrimental effect on your mental health?

When, if ever, have demands to promote the products of other people's productivity had a detrimental effect on your mental health?

How carefully and cautiously have you been investing in a healthy imagination in your own mind, and other people's minds, and how do you know?

I have already stated that I doubt you will ever be permitted to be associated with New Nilkawt.

Perhaps you wish to prove me wrong.

My whole life has seemed to me to be anachronistic.  I have always felt out of place and of a different time from most of the people around me.

Yet I have always felt as though I have been a person of the future, not of the present or the past.

That may sound ironic to you, considering my deep interest in the truth of history, the beauty to be found in art and nature, and my strong desire to help improve politics and public policy.    

I am often in tears whilst writing these investment notes to you, and the associated educational notes, primarily due to the fact that you have ignored my previous notes.

If you consider crying to be unreasonable when hope is almost entirely lost, what does that say about you? 

With utterly incompetent governments everywhere else, there is nowhere left to invest except in the kindness industry in Nilkawt, New Nilkawt and in the Adelaidezone.  

The kindness industry supports the development and implementation of appropriate, new constitutions, for societies and organisations everywhere.

What do you know about the kindness industry and the motives associated with it?

Why do governments so often act as unkindness industries?

I would like to be able to put my faith in you.

I am not interested in investing money in you, or in anyone else.

I hope you are investing in awareness adequately well. 

Without awareness, empathy is impossible to acquire.

You may have noticed that I prefer to encourage changes at the top of social hierarchies rather than the bottom, even though I consider myself to be an independent Twaklinist rather than a Marxist of any sort.

If you have anything relatively important to share with me now, please do so.

Do you usually associate relative importance with mutual importance?

There is no point in offering answers in an attempt to impress me.  I can see through all expressions of grandiosity.  I can see through all attempts at deception.  I know when conflicts of interest exist and when they do not. 

I truly hope you are investing in pleasant interdependence yet I have received no evidence that you even understand the concept.

I have frequently mentioned, through these notes, that my psychological resilience is often very vulnerable to collapse.

In fact, my mental health collapses quite frequently, mostly as a consequence of being socially isolated, politically marginalised, treated rudely, and usually either misunderstood or ignored or even misrepresented by mainstream society.

My work in the Tower of Truth requires me to be virtually there for much of the time, even during bushfires, pandemics, floods, political scandals and constitutional crises. 

As you are virtually here in Frugality Cottage at present, whether by accident or intention, what and how do you think about independence and simplicity and social relationships in relation to the cottage and politics and various virtual events in this digital vicinity? 

I hope you have appropriately registered as a patron here by now.  Few people have done so.  That is one of the reasons why I have no faith in humanity and its societies whatsoever.

Excuse me while I have a little cry, yet again.

Have you ever lived in a place where it is impossible to thrive as a consequence of interpersonal and political problems even more so than environmental and/or financial ones? 

If you believe you understand meanings, including my meaning, sufficiently well, how can you prove it? 

I hope you are investing in purposeful reviews quite regularly. 

I have always tried my best to be kind to people while also attempting to maintain my personal boundaries and values.

Yet bullies always disregard my needs, even when they pretend to be hospitable.   

My mood often drops when people fail to respect my needs.

Are you seeking to help me improve my mood?

If so, how have you already assessed my needs?

How may you be able to help me meet at least one of those needs?

How much do you respect my needs, understand them and wish to help me address them?

If you are mostly interested in audio-visual experiences, whether passively or interactively, that may be a reason for your lack of acknowledgement of these notes and their potential usefulness.

Perhaps you are yet to identify any usefulness at all in my writings, from your own point of view.

If you are seeking to improve your acquaintance with my philanthropic work, what are your reasons for doing so? 

How, for example, are you currently investing in amazingly successful planning, and for what purpose?

How are you planning for the very best mental health and what, if anything, prevents you from achieving that goal?

Perhaps you mainly associate mental health with luck rather than good investing.

You are likely to have had the opportunity to discover much about yourself in Enlightenment House, especially if you are already a volunteer there.

Do you have any questions about any of my notes and/or about the occasional, ethereal, fleeting yet elegant presence of the Spirit of Enlightenment on the virtual stairs of this digital cottage?

Do you have any questions about the subsequent reporting and recording of those apparitional experiences, in the Twaklin Tidings library diary? 

I hope you are investing in enlightened productivity rather than the unenlightened variety.

The very best mental health supports, and is supported by, enlightened productivity.

As yet, I only know that you make an effort to read my notes to you each week without acting overtly abusively.  Your apparent lack of rudeness is reason enough for me to regard you as relatively respectable.
After all, no-one else is apparently interested in suitably improving your sensitivity towards my needs, or even towards your own.

I usually only welcome truly wonderful, appropriately kind persons to interact with me, on any day of the week. 

When and how do you prefer to plan for the week ahead of you?

Certainty is especially necessary on Mondays, as is simplicity.

But how are you actually investing in better governments at present?

Without better governments, mental health is never likely to be optimal. 

Do you have special needs?

If so, how do you define them?

And how do other people define them?

Whenever potentially better alternatives are available at a higher cost, I prefer to pay for real quality.

I prefer not to deal with anyone failing to provide me with quality information whenever I request it.

The very best mental health depends on quality information, not misinformation or other indications of propaganda and ignorance.

I have no trust whatsoever in most organisations, whether they are for profit or not for profit, and regardless of how they are funded.

Instead, I have created several fictional organisations to be much better reflections of quality than those existing in 'reality'. 

I continue to want to meet my needs, not accumulate unnecessary possessions.
The possessions I own are mainly associated with my community activities, not necessarily my private enjoyment.

But I have no community space in which I can interact with people other than online.

If you value my time, and possibly even my inventiveness, how have you been demonstrating that value?

I know that most people, in most situations, are much more interested in taking advantage of my kindness than in investing in mutually rewarding social interactions. 

I hope you consider my questions to be useful towards your assessments of your own investments of time.  I have invested a considerable amount of time towards improving your leadership, and my own, over the past fifty years or so. 
Perhaps you regard me as too old or too female or too emotional or too ugly or too boring.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by my questions, and by my dismay at your inadequacies, that is understandable.  You obviously have much catching up to do. 

Only enlightened beings have the ability to be enlightened leaders, as you are likely to be well aware by now.

Are you able to provide me with sufficient evidence of your leadership yet?

For example, how have you been attempting to improve yourself?

You may be aware that I have long been investing in quality journalism.

Have you been doing the same?

I have been investing time here this year mainly to help you invest better.  That was obviously an important part of my public mission last year, too.

But now that my public mission is well and truly over, I am not obliged by the Council of Enlightenment, or even by the Spirit of Enlightenment, to assist you at all.

In fact, I am no longer under any obligation to assist anyone. I have done enough. I have done so in good faith. I have invested my time well.

But what have you done to assist me?

Next Monday afternoon, I intend to provide you with a note about investing in political kindness.
