78 - investing in enlightened productivity

How do you prefer to measure your own productivity?

How do you prefer to measure other people's productivity?

How have you assessed mine?

My temperament requires peace, as does my productivity.

If you have been paying attention to my notes over recent weeks, you will be aware that the Internet browser I have long preferred to use for my bloggish and note-writing interludes has frequently been incompatible with the technological 'upgrades' made to Google systems.  
Those 'upgrades' have always been made without adequate consultation or permission from writers and researchers, such as myself.

In much the same way, 'upgrades' to various managerial and contractual terms and conditions, especially those associated with overly powerful technological organisations and financial institutions, are indicative of absent consultations. 

You may wish to know more about the productivity associated with my laboratory in the Tower of Truth.
You may wish to know more about various forms of patronage in relation to various forms of productivity.

If you have not already become a patron of this virtual library itself, why not? 

What are the barriers preventing you from doing so, and how have you identified those barriers? 

Are you seeking to encourage me to promote your product or profile or pouting lips through promises of prosperity?

Perhaps you associate productivity with fear.

Fake productivity causes pollution and other injustices.

Most people have the wrong ideas about productivity, just as they have the wrong ideas about creativity, innovation and practicality.  

Perhaps you believe I have the wrong idea about many things.

What is the purpose of production, in your view, in various contexts? 

What do you believe to be the main purpose of this investment note?

Why do you believe I have produced it for you?

Most measures of productivity are suitable for robots, not people.  They treat people mechanically in the name of efficiency and profitability.  They therefore dehumanise.

How do you usually assess workforce productivity in non-linear production environments?

When you are doing something non-creative, however menial or non-purposeful, you may be more likely to have creative ideas, at least if you are not in pain or otherwise distracted.
You may even have creative ideas when not doing much at all.

But is it relaxation or procrastination that sparks creative experiences in your mind?

Relaxation and procrastination are both associated with an absence of psychological stress, and with a lack of active motivation in terms of creatively solving problems.

Perhaps, at some time in your life, you have been regarded as nothing more than a direct labour cost.

What have you discovered about the relationship between productivity and mental health?

What have you discovered about the relationship between bullying and mental illness?

How do you usually think about productivity and production in relation to commercialisation, consumerisation, consumption and consumerism?  

How have you been reflecting on the production of these investment notes?

How do you know when greater "efficiency" is actually a form of unjust exploitation?  

Perhaps you regard my note-writing as an inefficient way to assess your productivity.

What do you know about productivity in relation to the cultural products and cultural experiences here, such as storytime in this virtual library? 

How have you been thinking about productivity in relation to civility and Civility Today?

In my laboratory, I mainly test affect, efficacy and effectiveness rather than efficiency.
My assistants are mainly responsible for practicing efficiency efficiently to support my scientific testing productively.
What is your acquaintance with control fraud?
What is your acquaintance with the direct and indirect embezzlement of public and private funds? 

What is your acquaintance with the term pay to play
I am especially interested in your acquaintance with analytics.
What do you know about deception in relation to performance-linked incentives?

What do you know about deception in relation to performance-related pay and status-related pay?
How calmly do you await the arrival of artistic inspiration or scientific insights in your mind, and in which environment(s)?

I do not believe it is possible to improve thoughts, tastes or behaviour without adequate co-operation and suitable volition, whether involving free will or the general will or both.

What have been your experiences of the flow zone of mental productivity?

Public access to Civility Today is only available through this digital library.  

How do you prefer to assess externalities in relation to productivity?
The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Global Liveability Index for 2021 ranks Adelaide in third place behind Auckland and Osaka.

But what does "liveable" mean?

Perhaps tolerable would be a better word, but tolerable for whom?

What, if anything, has Mozart taught you about performance measurement?
What do you know about the associated key performance indicators?

What do you know about the productivity of Mozart?

What do you know about the global Mozarty Party?

What do you know about the productivity and performance qualities of the global Mozarty Party?

I am aware that information about Civility Today sometimes reaches Mr Twitter's Coffee House.  I am not sure if that information is then distributed elsewhere.

Perhaps you have knowledge regarding that subject.

You may not have the chance to enter this library next week unless you become a registered patron in the meantime.

What have been your previous experiences of intentional communities?

Any political claim to uphold "Australian values" is a sham.

The associated hypocrisy makes me feel ashamed to be Australian.

I do not trust governments at all.

Nor do I trust anyone mainly motivated to acquire money from me, or from anyone else for that matter. 

Perhaps measuring productivity "growth" is mainly a slogan.

How do international organisations measure productivity, and why

It has taken me some time to convince Plato that being a philosopher does not require menial tasks to be done on one's behalf through the use of slaves and/or unpaid female relatives and/or underpaid staff and/or by any female person and/or (otherwise) foreign-looking person in his vicinity.

If you are male, do you usually regard female persons as barbarians, incapable of mental tasks at all and mostly existing to perform menial tasks on your behalf?

If you are female, perhaps most of the males of your acquaintance have much in common with Plato's view of barbarians.

Regardless of your gender identity, perhaps you prefer the company of a pet or a book instead of a person.

Plato would like me to recommend one of his books to you.

How have you assessed the productivity of my investigations, and your own, and other people's investigations?

How have you assessed the productivity of my planning, and your own, and other people's planning?

If you are a female person and you reluctantly became mother, why did you not tell the selfish idiot causing the problem to tie a knot in his aggression and practice adequate interpersonal hygiene and interpersonal respect?

Why was it so difficult for you to maintain personal safety, maintain hygiene, practice adequate contraception and prevent your unwanted pregnancy? 

Why did relevant governments fail to educate you and protect you?

Next Monday afternoon, my note will be about investing in better governments.
