
With whom do you usually interact through social media, and why?

Do you often require a large box of tissues, a nice cup of tea and somewhere to rest and recuperate between twitterings?

Perhaps that is why you are currently in this apparently magical little library.

Will you be tweeting about this experience to your apparent followers?

Will you be making an instagrammable spectacle of yourself upon leaving here?

Will you be facebookering or ticktocking or blogging or youtubing or reporting your virtual experiences through a news channel of one disreputable sort or another?

If you are looking for a proper press kit or presumptuous impress kit, instead of my Monday afternoon investment notes to you, why is that the case?

Perhaps you want some additional information about good and bad government.

While Ambrogio Lorenzetti does not usually involve himself in political imbroglios in Australia, Blobsnot Scamus certainly does.

Australians, in general, apparently have no interest in good government.  They ignore the fact that most Australian political parties would rather support Trickery Today than Civility Today.

Mr Scamus often mistakes the emphatic for the empathic. 

How do you tell the difference between an empathic Christian and a narcissistic charlatan?

How do you tell whether a social media account is important or not?

Where and how do you usually make and/or hear important announcements on the subject of quality investments?

Are you expecting a generous, hand-crafted and/or supernatural gift to be sent to you for mentioning my words to all and sundry?

Perhaps you regard my words as generous gifts in themselves, especially as you have apparently not (yet) supplied me with anything in exchange for reading them.

Queen Adelaide has ethereally taken to Twitter, from time to time, to inform the most respectable person(s) in that location of the important notes on the intangible writing table and sublime bookshelf in this location.  

Perhaps you did not receive the original investment notes in time to peruse them in their original form.  If so, you obviously have inadequately developed information and communication networks.

The opportunities available from the Adelaidezone are often short-term, though with long-term, beneficial consequences.

Her Majesty has been a regular visitor to Mr Twitter's Coffee House over the past few years.  She has enjoyed the important role of keeping the moderator's seat warm at one of the most important tables there.  

Unfortunately, that table was subsequently usurped by Mr Scamus.  He is, as you may already know, the Chief of Political Corruption and Member for Crooks in the House of Reprehensibles in Canberra.

Unfortunately, the rude activities of Mr Scamus caused a considerable amount of contamination to the Adelaide Adagia twitter feed.

Civility was long expected at the Adelaide Adagia twitter table, at all times, along with suitably hygienic, virtual table manners. 

The remarkably kind and well-informed Queen Adelaide acquired a highly respected 21st century reputation through her ethereal involvement in the long-term management of the once important Twitter account.

Even so, Her Majesty also received considerable help from her medieval associate, Christine de Pisan, as well as everyone's Renaissance friend, Erasmus of Adagia.

Perhaps you consult Christine de Pisan on various matters, as do all quality journalists and thoughtful members of the public.

Of course, Queen Adelaide, Christine de Pisan and most other ethereal ladies of my acquaintance are highly reputable, regardless of their interactions with poets, poetry, allegories and salacious allegations.  

They do, however, prefer not to interact with too many persons at any particular moment.  Nor do they enjoy being followed around by sycophantic followers, psychopathic politicians or ridiculous persons claiming to be journalists.

Thousands of people did, at one time, follow the ladies around Mr Twitter's Coffee House.  That was most disagreeable and hence a private room was allocated by Mr Twitter exclusively for the Adelaide Adagia twitter table. 

The assistance of Erasmus in that regard has been especially noteworthy.  That gentleman has much expertise in identifying folly in its various guises.

Before the arrival of Mr Scamus, inadequately reputable or rudely inattentive persons were soon dismissed from the Adelaide Adagia table in Mr Twitter's Coffee House.  

The successful dismissal outcome was achieved through a surreptitious blocking and unblocking methodology rather than radical actions of the political sort.  Mr Scamus would rather keep everything open to pests and pestilences in the name of economic growth.

If you own a highly profitable, locally monopolistic business, Mr Scamus has probably given you plenty of public money to prop up your ego, possibly with the intention of persuading you to "donate" a large proportion of that money to the LobbyRule Party of Australia soon afterwards.

After Queen Adelaide supervised the respectable blocking and unblocking procedure, few of the former followers subsequently sought to return to the Adelaide Adagia twitter table.

Blobsnot Scamus would rather talk to jelly, talk up an economy and ignore voters, including those without homes, without mental health, without employment, and without personal safety.

The House of Australia is falling down as a consequence of government neglect, widespread greed and a dangerous property boom.

The Reserve Bank of Australia is digging a bigger and bigger hole as you may know.

If you are a member of a sporting club and you have a friend in a corrupt political organisation in Australia, your hobbies will be far more important to Mr Scamus than the distress experienced by despairing Australian voters, wherever in the world those voters may happen to be stuck at present.

Whenever a terrible environmental problem occurs, with ecosystems destroyed, and billions of animals perishing, Mr Scamus prefers to take a holiday somewhere far away.  He believes it is better to encourage you to watch sport on television or in a contaminated venue.  He wants you to ignore whatever devastation may be happening on and to planet Earth.

The Marquis de Tabloid and his News Crap empire has encouraged much destruction in the name of greed.  He diverts attention away from devastation and towards sport, too.

Although the Adelaide Adagia table in Mr Twitter's Coffee House has since been restored to the supervision of its rightful current moderator, Professor Erasmus, access to that philosophical facility is now restricted.  It is therefore maintained exclusively for the benefit of registered patrons only.

Ordinary supporters of the second Age of Enlightenment currently have the opportunity to attend meetings at the most important research table in the aforementioned digital coffee house.
