
Perhaps you are seeking to register as one of the patrons of this virtual community library, possibly to ensure you will have continuing access to this unique facility beyond the next few moments.

Please also note that the Adelaide Adagia News Ensemble is attempting to maintain its freedom to report upon important news through the enlightened expression and expansion of quality journalism, including quality citizen journalism.

Perhaps you are aware of the highly reputable ensemble and its association with Adelaide as a person and as a place, and with the Adagia of Erasmus, and with twitter and various other locations in and near the Social Media Quadrangle, and in various digital clouds.

The history of the ensemble has long been associated with the most enlightened news reporting Australians have ever witnessed.  That service has been supplied for a considerably number of years now, principally under the esteemed and highly principled patronage of Twaklin, Spirit of Enlightenment and Muse of the World.

Only appropriately registered patrons are now eligible to apply for a place at the twitter table of the Adelaide Adagia News Ensemble, possibly at considerable financial expense to themselves, or not as the case may be.  Appropriate negotiations are certainly encouraged by the ensemble, and by Twaklin.

The courtesy experts associated with Adelaide Adagia currently invite your informed commentary at Civility Today.




If you already feel you are enlightened enough to become a patron of the Adelaide Adagia News Ensemble, please do so soon.


The Author
