82 - investing in fruitful editing

Good editing is meant to help recipients of that service to invest their time better.  I hope my notes have been doing the same though I know for certain that I am not much of an editor.

Since February of last year, I have been hoping you would at least be interested in investing your time attentively in each of the new notes here, for at least a few brief moments, each Monday afternoon, or whenever you have a few spare moments each week. 
You now have access to eighty-two investment notes from me, and quite a few educational notes, too.  They all require your responses as soon as possible.  Time is of the essence.

I do not want to waste your time.  I hope you will not waste mine. 

The investment of time here has not only been my own.  Adequately attentive persons have obviously been investing time here, too.  You may or may not be one of them.

I currently live, in a physical way, in a Mediterranean-type climate.

You may already be aware that the future is on fire not only in that type of climate but in many others.

Indeed, the present is on fire in many places, or currently under water or covering in mud or rocks or pollution or a combination of those substances.

You have not yet contributed anything of value to me, even here in the library, as far as I am aware.

Perhaps you think I have contributed nothing of value to you.

Or perhaps you are confused about the fact that I have not asked you for money in relation to your valuation of my time, my notes and my investments in you.

I have not asked you to press a 'like' button or become a subscriber of a particular service or send a donation or buy a product.

Perhaps you are already a patron of fruitful editing somewhere.

I am not particularly keen on fruit soup.  I much prefer fresh fruit or dried fruit or stewed fruit or fruit preserves. 

You are apparently here today as little more than an ordinary member of the public.  Such persons are regarded by the volunteers here as tourists.

I prefer investing in certainty rather than uncertainty.  That requires a substantial, ongoing investment in knowledge, time and experimentation.

How have your communications policy and privacy policy helped you to improve your editing
Much of my time involves investing in thoughtful reciprocity.  That is why I have been investing in you as thoughtfully as possible.

How have you been improving your editorial abilities?

What are your suggestions on how I should improve mine, and why I should do so?

What are your current editorial policies, and why?  

What do you believe you know about my editorial policies, my communications policy and my privacy policy?

I have received no evidence that investing in you further is a worthwhile use of my time, or anyone else's time.

I find it very difficult to invest in you when your approach to dialogues, discussions and general conversations is inadequately compatible with my own.

The Spirit of Enlightenment has similar views on the subject.

How is she meant to invest in you when you are consistently unco-operative?

Perhaps you regard the Spirit of Enlightenment as a ghost, a fairy or even as an angel.

She is certainly not a witch, and nor am I.  We do, however, boil cauldrons of imaginative soup from time to time, in editorial orchards and elsewhere.

If you are yet to catch up with the news and history here, please do so now:


How scrupulous do you consider yourself to be, and why?

How scrupulous do you regard me as being, and why?

I continue to spend much time crying, at least inwardly.

Perhaps you do the same when becoming aware of the truth of various situations.

I am not responsible for maintaining the commons.  I have no power to prevent damage to it.  Nor do I have any power to restore the damage already done.

I am responsible for warning of dangers to the global commons and on the global commons.

I am not a patron of the commons.  I am a patron of enlightened communities.

My creative writing expresses the essence of my being in the only way I currently prefer to express it when interacting with persons with whom I am possibly incompatible.

How have you already made comparisons between a Mediterranean climate and a tropical climate?

During my community development activities, I have always kept a low profile.  I have never been paid for such work.   

How would you describe your average sort of week?

What, if anything, would you like to know about mine, and why?  

I am finding it very annoying that you continue to avoid supplying the answers I require.  It is very rude of you.

Perhaps you are ashamed of your answers and therefore wish to hide them from me.

It had been my hope that you would have completed the quaternary training by the end of my public mission, last year.
The evidence suggests you have not even begun the training, hence my current assessment of your apparent uselessness and undoubted laziness.

Please make amends by reading this note very carefully indeed.  I have already invited you to demonstrate the actions required of you as appropriately as circumstances allow.
I inhabit a region of significant desertification and frequent droughts.
What do you know about Goyder's Line?
What do you know about Adelaide?

What do you know about maturation in various contexts?

What do you know about the ripening of fruit

What do you know about floods in South Australia?

I have received little indication that you have paid adequate attention to any of my written words, from any of my notes and other communicative gestures.

I must admit that I am quite disappointed in you.  You have provided me with insufficient evidence that I should trust you.

As you have shown a considerable lack of awareness, and have therefore indicated no interest in these notes, and obviously no enthusiasm for the expression of enlightened investing, my present feelings towards you are perfectly reasonable.

I would be equally disappointed in you if you were overly enthusiastic, of course.

There is nothing elegant about excessive enthusiasm.  Indeed, excessive enthusiasm prevents the expression of adequate empathy, suitable elegance and well-informed investing.

If I had more time, I would leave an investment note for you on the bookshelf here every day.

I reassess my own investments every day, as all good investors do.

What is your long-term investment strategy?

What is your awareness of mine?
Perhaps you are unsure how you are meant to respond to an investment note, or even to an educational note.
The Spirit of Enlightenment instructed me to help you instruct yourself.

My earliest investment notes included brief accounts of my responses to particular events, mainly to allow me to assess the quality of your responses.

Alas, the quality of your responses has been abysmal, particularly in terms of timeliness.

You may have perceived my investment notes to you as nothing more than a jumble of thoughts, questions, opinions, descriptions and explanations. 

Over the past few months, I have continued to spend much of my time examining the attitudes and aspirations of a few billion people, mostly from my laboratory.

What have you been doing, and why, and where?

The discussions I attempted to initiate with you in the sitting room here, last year,  mainly related to the future.

That is why the main theme of the ongoing discussions in that location are always associated with an emerging culture in an emergency.

My inevitably brief visits to Frugality Cottage have often required me to bypass the sitting room on my way to this library or to the attic or to one of the kitchens. 

I have little time to chat with you superficially, or with anyone else for that matter.  That is why I am investing time in philanthropically improving your awareness through these notes.

I often draft these investment notes whilst sitting at a large, antique oak dining table in a physical room with large windows overlooking, and large mirrors reflecting, a small, suburban orchard.

Recent weeks have including the pleasure of witnessing almond trees in full bloom, followed by the plum trees.  I have also enjoyed watching the honey bees and New Holland honeyeaters, as I do throughout the year.

Yet I despair that a culture of well-informed kindness is emerging too slowly.

But you apparently do not care that I am in despair.

I despair because you do not care enough.

I despair that you cannot see the urgency.

I have long been testing your imagination and have found that location to be rather horrible.  Only you can improve it.

How, if at all, will you do so?

Perhaps you wish to help me turn the tragedy of the commons into the comedy of the commons.

Perhaps you wish me to help you edit your commonplace book for a wider audience.

I only contribute to editing processes for relatively wise audiences rather than relatively wide ones.

My patience and courtesy towards you have already been immense.

The community stage of my research has, for scientific reasons, only included persons with an online public profile indicated by the Hubrisometer to be most definitely measured as truly wonderful and kind.

Only 17.89% of online public profiles achieved that measurement.

Yours is not included, unfortunately. 

Perhaps you have overstated your talents.

Perhaps you have interacted inappropriately with unworthy persons.

Perhaps you have displayed too many excessively flattering pictures of yourself online, or elsewhere.

Perhaps you fail to protect your privacy adequately and/or the privacy of someone else.

Perhaps you mainly communicate selfishly.

Perhaps you fail to check facts appropriately before sharing extravagant or confusing or otherwise unjustifiable claims.

My patronage activities are mainly associated with the improvement of manners, including your manners.

I can only invest in your talents.  And I can only do so if you wish to improve them.

Perhaps you have no talent for civility.

Since beginning this investigative process, through this very important series investment notes, I have been hoping to discover the type of investor you happen to be.

The evidence suggests you are rather confused about your investment practices, particularly those associated with your political practices.

Perhaps you do not express your authenticity satisfactorily. 
Perhaps you are unsure about mine.

I am no longer devoting my attention towards most ordinary members of the public.  I have obviously made an exception towards you, mainly out of pity.

Perhaps you do not wish to be pitied.

Perhaps you pity me.

Or perhaps you envy me.

If the Hubrisometer has been mistaken about your qualities as an intelligent and thoughtful person, please let me know.  I would be happy to set a retest, if necessary, even though my public mission is supposed to have ended in its entirety last year. 

Perhaps you are seeking to be a more active participant in my soon-to-be completed community mission.

As already mentioned, I enjoy having time alone.  In fact, I rarely have enough time to myself in a typical week.

I gain most pleasure through the quietness my creativity requires.

Yet few people have apparently been interested in anything I have written. 

Perhaps you do not regard me as well-informed and kind.

Perhaps you do not regard my writings to be adequately informative or educational or entertaining.

Perhaps you can supply an accurate explanation regarding a significant problem I am yet to understand with adequate clarity.

I am always very grateful whenever anyone helps me to solve a substantial mystery.

Regardless of whether I use my non-digital maiden name or my official married name or a combination of initials and surname or write as The Author or with another pseudonym or anonymously or with one of my nicknames or as a fictional character or on behalf of the Spirit of Enlightenment and/or Council of Enlightenment, no-one seems interested in responding to my questions and concerns.  I do not understand why.  

If I test you in person with the Hubrisometer quite soon, I will mainly ask you questions about your motives, intentions, ambitions and sense of purpose.

I am an anti-establishment person in every way possible and therefore prefer to express myself entirely in my own way, on my own terms.

I enjoy writing these notes even if you do not enjoy reading them.  I deliberately make the newer notes long so that the important ideas from earlier ones sink into your mind in a slightly different yet still relevant context.

We can all do our best, individually and collectively, to solve problems, and prevent problems. 

I can solve most problems without collaborative efforts, as can you.

I hope you are not investing in evil in any way whatsoever.

My questioning of you is usually very direct, as you may have noticed.

I prefer not to communicate at all with people who do not share my values, especially my values in relation to evidence.

Perhaps you know for certain that you do not share my values.

I invest in communicating my observations of culture primarily for the benefit of non-gullible persons known for their consistently pleasant manner, well-informed kindness, intelligent frugality and awareness of liminality.   


What is your acquaintance with the ovaries of angiosperms
What do you know about fruit anatomy
What do you know about the history and future of seeds?
What do you know about symbiosis in relation to fruiting plants
What is your acquaintance with biological mutualism?

What do you know about the lives of frugivores and fruitarians?
How do you distinguish between, and attempt to understand interactions between, animals, plants, fungi and protists?
What is your acquaintance with various spores and various laws and principles? 
What is your acquaintance with flowers and blossoms
I have long been investing in structure as appropriately as possible.

Next Monday afternoon, my investment note will concern investments associated with Adelaide.

In the meantime, you may wish to suggest ideas for editing a few of the earlier notes here.  You may even wish to comment on those notes, and/or this one.


If you are already appropriately registered as a patron, you have the chance to access the links below:

How do you assess the quality of your ongoing investments in relation to your heritage, and your legacy?

The Adelaide Adagia News Ensemble was officially revived, briefly, a while ago, though the public did not appreciate it particularly well.  

The courtesy experts associated with Adelaide Adagia continue to provide appropriate support for the ensemble.
