
Adequate displays of your well-informed kindness and thoughtful reciprocity would certainly be appreciated by many enlightened beings from earlier centuries as they interact with visitors in this digital district.  Those ethereal individuals hope you have not been ignoring their efforts to assist you, whether through libraries, gardens, or other locations.Perhaps you mainly regard yourself as a tourist in Frugality Cottage at present rather than as a community member. 

In reality, there is no such location as a permanent tourist destination.  The geographical and intellectual interests of most tourists are ephemeral, both online and in other contexts.  And most tourists are highly ignorant about the places they visit and the consequences of their visits.

Perhaps you are currently a virtual tour guide in and around the kindness industry.

If so, who do you lead and where do you lead, and why, and how?

And how do you know you do not mislead anyone?  

I never do anything to deliberately mislead people, even if they happen to be no more than simple virtual tourists. 

Relatively ignorant tourists have a propensity to carry their bad habits with them wherever they may be.

I really have no interest in assisting ordinary tourists.  There are volunteers in Frugality Cottage to guide such persons in the absence of the official guide.

Are you here as an ordinary tourist, a journalistic tourist, a philanthropic tourist or a patron-tourist?

Perhaps you regard yourself mainly as a perpetual and/or peripatetic tourist, or perhaps you regard yourself as some sort of pilgrim.

If you have taken the official tour here, what did you learn from the guide about the relationship between cultural emergence and enlightened amusement? 

And what did you learn about other conceptual experiences?

Regardless of the type of virtual tourist you happen to be at present, which of the following notes have you already read, and how have you responded?

Perhaps you are mainly interested in rushing from here to the next digital destination as quickly as possible.

Perhaps you are unaware that each of the investment notes here requires at least a week of your time.

Perhaps the Adelaidezone has never been a particularly important aspect of your quality of life before today, or maybe it has been a major contributor to your quality of life for a considerable time now.



Without the generosity expressed through the Twaklin Trust, members of the ordinary public would most likely have never experienced access to any part of the Adelaidezone at all. 

How much do you appreciate your experience here today, and how honestly do you intend to express that appreciation?

What, in fact, do you most appreciate about being here, and why?

I have received no evidence whatsoever that you have any respect for me, or for nature more generally, or for the Twaklin Trust.

Perhaps you do not regard me as a natural phenomenon at all.

What do you already know about me?

What do you already know about nature, including human nature?

Perhaps you are mostly interested in the displays of art within the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter.

Are you mainly a cultural pilgrim, a spiritual pilgrim, a scientific pilgrim, a mass market tourist or an intellectual visitor?

There is much public domain art to experience in and from the Adelaidezone.  
There is also a small amount of non-public domain art to experience in this vicinity?
How do you tell the difference between the public domain parklands and the copyright grounds? 

How have you already been showing your respect towards both?

Public domain images of art:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

How do you compare the Adelaidezone with other locations?

How do you usually distinguish between locals and tourists?

How do you usually distinguish between various types of locals and various types of tourists?


Perhaps you have arrived here from Paestum, or Venice.

How do you compare those places?



Are you here as part of a group, or as part of an educational assignment, or as part of a personal journey?

Perhaps you are mainly here in the hope of finding a cure for a particular ailment you suffer. 

Perhaps you believe I have a remarkable reputation as a healer.



Perhaps you are the sort of tourist with a preference for following tournaments and other sports.

Or perhaps you prefer following your curiosity wherever it may lead you.

Or maybe you would rather allow your sense of adventure to take you towards potentially risky experiences, and possibly even disastrous ones.

Yet tourists are often regarded by locals as money-providing strangers.  They are regarded by opportunists as nothing more than an exploitable crowd, and so are locals.

More public domain images of art:

12 13 14 15 16 

Perhaps you regard yourself as more of a proselytiser or advertiser than a tourist or pilgrim or student.

Or perhaps you are mainly here as a student, with or without an urgent assignment to complete.

Whether you are a student or not, perhaps you are yearning the travel as a tourist in the physical world, whether safely or otherwise.

Perhaps you wish to travel for business rather than pleasure, or to combine business and pleasure.

Perhaps business is a pleasure for you, whether as a trader or as a customer.

Perhaps you enjoy touristic experiences mainly as a shopper.

Perhaps you regard yourself mainly as a migrant or colonist or ex-pat rather than as a tourist in the location in which you are currently situated physically.

How do the locals regard you?

Who are the locals, really and truly?

Perhaps you regard yourself as a refugee.

Perhaps you have arrived in this virtual library seeking sanctuary.

Tourists often have unrealistic expectations of destinations, and of the journeys to and from them.

That is possibly due to the fact that tourists usually acquire their expectations through advertising and promotional brochures and through reading, and through otherwise experiencing, fiction and/or history.

How do you know images are accurate?

How do you know words represent accuracy in relation to your own experiences?


If you have been investing in this investment journey since its temporal, emotional and intellectual beginnings in real time, what have you discovered along the way?

Perhaps you mainly travel for diplomatic purposes.

Whether you do or not, how do you tell the difference between diplomacy, proselytism and tourism?

What do you know about internally displaced persons?

Perhaps you regard yourself as a political exile or as an economic exile rather than as a tourist or migrant, or as anything else for that matter.

Or perhaps you regard yourself as a medical tourist

Or perhaps you mainly travel as a spy and/or a journalist and/or an artist.

How is the guide meant to interpret your intentions and expectations?

How do you usually interpret your own intentions and expectations?


Perhaps you mainly travel to visit museums, attend musical concerts, to witness ballet performances and/or to experience operas.

Do you mainly travel as a performer or as an audience member?

Since beginning my investment note series for your benefit, in February 2020, much has obviously changed in the world, yet much remains the same.

Good investments obviously rely upon accurate information, considerable luck and/or experiences of serendipity. 

Unlike ordinary luck, serendipity relies upon the prior acquisition of knowledge.

How do you compare the Adelaidezone with Blumenstein, Jerusalem and Mecca?

How have you compared your journey here today with your various other journeys?

Tourists travel in many ways, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Even when they are conscious, they often have very little awareness of the world around them, even when they intrude into the private lives of locals and travellers and service providers along the way.

Perhaps you usually regard yourself as a guest rather than as a tourist.

If you regard yourself as a guest here, who is the host?

I do not own Frugality Cottage.  I am only a visitor here myself, though I am often a regular visitor.  I am not a tourist.


I own the copyright to my own work here.  That is all.  And I have already worked very hard indeed to provide you with the ongoing series investment notes and with these educational notes.

Perhaps you do not value my research, or my writing, or my attempts at editing.

Perhaps you do not regard your experiences in this virtual library to be notable moments.

Perhaps you do not respect my relative anonymity, or the privacy I value in my personal life.

Perhaps you have no skills, experiences or other resources I value, whether privately or communally or publicly or professionally or intellectually or aesthetically or politically.

You may not even share my values, or understand them.

More public domain images of art:

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Of course, the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter is mainly dedicated to the enlightened exploration and expression of art.

What do you know about other areas of the Adelaidezone, and how did you acquire that knowledge?

How do you usually interpret art and and the decisions and techniques of artists, whether as a tourist or as a historian?

Perhaps you mainly travel as a historian.

Whether you do or not, what do you really and truly know about history, and how do you know it? 


Tourists are often confused about the requirements of inter-cultural civility.  Indeed, the people providing services to tourists are often confused about the requirements of inter-cultural civility.  And the people attempting to exploit tourists and/or locals are often very rude indeed.

Perhaps you mainly travel for aggressive reasons.

There are many reasons why people travel, at least when they have the chance to do so.

There are also many reasons why people are prevented from being able to travel, of course.

Perhaps you have even been prevented from commuting to work from time to time.

Perhaps you have been prevented from visiting family members or friends or colleagues or customers or clients.

Perhaps you have been prevented from visiting a non-digital library.

Yet there are many ways to gain knowledge online, and to find entertainment online, and to study online, and to acquire goods and services online.

Some people do not have access to the Internet, of course.  Even people with access to the Internet may not even have access to this virtual library.

Most people, throughout history, have not had access to the Internet, even if they have been members of royal families.

Perhaps you mainly tour to become better acquainted with the environments associated with royalty.

Perhaps you have even participated in a royal tour.

Tourists, and pilgrims, often experience difficulty in locating accurate information, particularly about their eligibility or ineligibility to visit particular places, or to experience particular events, or to see particular objects.

The same applies to migrants, particularly purportedly pioneering migrants who may or may not have regarded themselves as pilgrims.

More public domain images of art:

29 30 31 32 33 34

Whether you are mostly interested in the historical and scientific background of recent events, or legends from long ago, or important manuscripts, or various ways of life, the experiences of artists, or well-informed investing, how do you usually express that interest, and what have been your main reasons for doing so?


Only appropriately registered patrons are entitled to gain access to the healthily imaginative resources currently offered through the links below:

If you have never been housebound before this year, welcome to my world.

I believe that being appropriately open is everyone's responsibility.   I also believe that being appropriately respectful of privacy is also everyone's responsibility.

Yet too many people are ignorant, irresponsible and potentially dangerous.

I hope you are not lonely

I hope the world is waking up to more enlightened cultural practices than the ones most people tend to pursue.

Do you consider that to be a controversial statement?

You may consider the statement controversial if you are unable to access the information supplied through the above link.

How happily or uneasily does your mind move from one transformation to another?

Have you transformed anything from originality to clarity or into something of a muddle?

Are you capable of real and effective, ongoing kindness towards innocent persons or do you fail to protect the innocent from abusers?

Do you have adequate respect for privacy, grief, truth, fairness and kindness?

How do you usually invest time in well-informed kindness in and around the Social Media Quadrangle and elsewhere?

If so, who is supporting you and/or the reforms you support?

What is your approach to reading the mood of a country or crowd?

What is your approach to finding the truth and the wisdom within it?

How and where have you been communicating those findings?

Where and how do you find peace?

How do you help people find meaning in their lives?  

Do you have much experience at virtually touring potentially enlightening locations, including those within your own brain?  

How have you most recently sought to improve your education?

While the first few levels of education mainly indoctrinate young people into the ways of unhealthy cultures, quaternary education is entirely devoted to freeing minds from indoctrination.  It does so mainly in the service of the greater good. 


How have you attempted to understand the relationship between civility and emotions when making investments?

How have you attempted to understand the relationship between civility and society when making investments?

Do you consider improving politics to be a good investment or an act of enlightened patronage?

Do you believe supporting enlightenment is both a good investment and an act of enlightened patronage?

If you have been preparing for a free virtual dream holiday retreat recently, how have you been doing so?

Do you think understanding ignorance is of any use when seeking to make good investments and/or attempting to provide enlightened patronage?

Do you have identifying urgency as one of your main priorities when investing and/or providing patronage?

Do you regard being informed to be an investment in itself?

While there is obviously much to learn at Enlightenment House, there is also much to learn here at Frugality Cottage.

You may have spent at least a little time virtually upstairs, learning about enlightened economics.
