
Unlike charities and businesses and governments, genuinely philanthropic pursuits are mostly associated with solving significant societal and environmental problems.

They are not particularly associated with the acquisition or distribution of material and/or financial resources.  They are certainly not associated with vanity.

Someone giving a large sum of money to a charity is a donor, not a philanthropist.

Someone providing unpaid support towards a charitable activity, a business or a political pursuit is either a patron or volunteer or slave, not a philanthropist.

True philanthropy is primarily an intellectual pursuit, not an economic or political one.

How philanthropically do you supply access to knowledge, and to whom?  

And who has philanthropically supplied knowledge to you, and why?

Have you read and/or written any books about enlightened philanthropy in your leisure time and/or in your work time?

Under the Social Media Quadrangle is a digital library much bigger than this one.  It is entirely devoted to the subject of authentic philanthropy.

Ordinary members of the public are not permitted to enter that library, under any circumstances.  Only real philanthropists of immense credibility are eligible to do so but only if they are appropriately registered as patrons of several other libraries in this digital vicinity, including this one.

Are you one of the patrons of this virtual library?

Have you distributed knowledge about this library to anyone at all?

Have you requested knowledge about this library from anyone at all?

Perhaps you regard yourself as well acquainted with enlightened patronage and/or political philanthropy, whether theoretically or actively or both.

How can you prove you are investing in enlightened philanthropy in a suitably informed and appropriately reasonable way? 

This virtual library will philanthropically remain open to the ordinary, digital public for the time being, unlike several other areas of Frugality Cottage, which are now only open to registered patrons. 

If you wish to gain access to the underground virtual library near here, you will first be required to prove you have read, understood and acted upon my investment notes to you sufficiently well.

You will be expected to have acquired considerable practical experience of philanthropy and informed yourself sufficiently of the basic, theoretical and practical aspects of the subject.

How has your acquisition of knowledge helped to improve the world?

How has your distribution of knowledge helped to improve the world?

What have been your contributions to necessary ethics?

How do you know that your decisions and activities are consistently in the public interest?

If you have ever visited Villa Wikipedia, you may have spent some time in the philanthropic library there, studying various topics.

Perhaps you often visit imaginative online libraries, possibly even anonymously.  

Where do you usually attempt to locate public interest journalism and political pleasantness?

What have you discovered about the enlightened being of political kindness, and where?

How does your philanthropy contribute to enlightenment in the world, and where is your evidence?

How carefully do you distinguish between civility and trickery?

Where do you usually seek to locate enlightenment in relation to, and through, philanthropy?

How do your beliefs about nature, society, politics, religion, art, aesthetics and ethics influence your opinions about philanthropy?

How do your beliefs about property affect your views about philanthropy?

While religions have long been associated with charitable donations and governments have long been associated with taxation and businesses have long been associated with the pursuit of profits, philanthropy itself is relatively modern.

How do you identify problems unresolved by charities, governments and businesses?

How do you know you define problems philanthropically?

How do you distinguish between humanitarian urgency, environmental urgency and philanthropic possibilities?

Humanitarian and environmental improvements are mostly associated with the responsibilities of governments, the objectives of charities and the moral duties of businesses and individuals.

Humanitarian and environmental problems often arise when ignorance and arrogance are prevalent and quality educational services are absent.

Quality educational services provide information and training in the art and science of enlightened philanthropy.  They therefore provide avocational training rather than vocational training.

What is your acquaintance with the avocational actions of the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee in various areas of the world? 

What have been your avocational contributions to the practice and communication of science?

What have been your avocational contributions to the philanthropic improvement of various media practices?

What have been your avocational contributions to the philanthropic improvement of law and civility?

How philanthropically do you examine expectations, including your own?

How do you know when purportedly philanthropic practices are actually forms of extravagance and self-aggrandisement? 

There are many excesses evident in relation to marketing.  Bringing the associated hypocrisy and hubris sensitively to the attention of the perpetrators is a philanthropic act in itself.

There are also many excesses evident in the design, development, decoration and maintenance of necessary and unnecessary buildings and other structures.

How do your views about the universe affect your views about philanthropy?

How do your views about life in the universe affect your views about philanthropy?

How does your approach to philanthropy affect your views about housing?

How does your approach to philanthropy affect your views about the arts

How philosophically and philanthropically have you reflected upon the meaning and purpose of your life, and mine?

How have you contributed to the most important philanthropic practices, and where is your proof?

You may know that I have long been a practitioner of effective altruism.  My philanthropic practices are always based on good evidence, as are all my expressions of leadership.

There are very few real philanthropists in the world and very few adequately viable social enterprises

That is why there are still far too many problems in the world yet to be solved effectively.  

Philanthropy and entrepreneurship are both expressions of private initiative.

How do you usually think about privacy in relation to philanthropic practices?

Charity is often a community practice.  It may even be expressed in the public sphere.

Philanthropy is not generally considered to be an occupational or professional category, anywhere in the world.  It is usually regarded as a leisure activity, an avocation, and possibly even an expression of generosity.  Its essence, however, is the expression of compassionate initiative.

Perhaps you are well acquainted with the history of charity as a practice and altruism as a principle and practice.

What, for example, do you know about the initiative of Thomas Coram and William Hogarth?

What has your social research revealed about venture philanthropy and philanthrocapitalism?  

What do you know about impact investing and effective altruism in relation to philanthropy and/or social entrepreneurship?

What do you know about the ethics of philanthropy?

What do you know about philanthropy in relation to business ethics, social justice and environmental ethics?

What do you know about hubris in relation to empires, dynasties and corrupt organisations?

What do you know about intellectualism, especially in relation to ethics, philanthropy, entrepreneurship and sustainability?

How do you interpret The Gentleman's Dream

How do you interpret The Great Vanity and other vanitas works of art?

How do you interpret The Geographer and The Astronomer?

What have been your interpretations of this virtual library?



Quality of life

Common good

Public interest

Public goods

Charitable activity

Charitable organisation


Voluntary group







Active citizenship

Gift in law

Gift giving

Grant in law

Grant of money

Business practice

Non-business entity

Non-government organisations



Donor intent

Financial endowment

Charitable trust 

Charitable foundation 

 Gifts in kind

Funding bias

Conflict of interest










If you wish to know more about my philanthropy, why do you wish to know it?

And what do you wish to tell me about yours, and why?

The Author
