public interest
If not, whose interests are you serving, and why?
You may already know that I am The Author here.
What is your acquaintance with my investment notes?
What is your acquaintance with the educational notes I write, such as this one?
How do you distinguish between investments and education?
Perhaps you always regard education as an investment.
Perhaps you even regard all private activities obviously in the public interest to be investments in the public interest.
How do you tell when an investment is in the public interest?
How do you tell when an investment is not in the public interest at all?I hope you regard my time in this virtual library to be in the public interest.
I hope you are also doing your best to improve your leadership, in the public interest.
Clarity about the public interest is important, in the public interest.
Indeed, clarity is important in relation to many important topics.
How do you assess the qualities of importance and clarity, and for what purpose(s)?
How much do you value clarity in relation to the public interest, and where is your evidence?
Why do you think you have been granted access to this private library, and by whom?
When, if ever, do you share important information with the ordinary public, in the public interest?
How do you know when non-fiction stories and other factual expressions are in the public interest?
How do you know when fictional stories and other non-factual expressions are in the public interest?
How do you feel when fact and fiction are intertwined to protect necessary privacy and address threats to the public interest?
How do you conduct research in the public interest, and where, and why?
The world is not being managed in the public interest. It has never been managed in the public interest.
How, if at all, have you been attempting to change that situation for the better?The questions in my notes here are meant to improve the clarity of your mind, in the public interest.
How do you know when your private interests are in harmony with the public interest?
How do you know when your private interests are in conflict with the public interest?
How do you define the public interest and distinguish it from other interests?
Who are the public?
What is society?
What interests you, and why?
Perhaps you are not interested in the public, or society, or anything but your own interests.
Perhaps you do not care about the public, or society, or anyone but yourself.
Perhaps you are aware that 'care' is one of the most political words in the English language.
Perhaps you are not interested in politics.
But how do you respond when politics is expressed in conflict with the public interest, particularly if you are part of the relevant public?
How do you identify, and clarify, relevance in such circumstances?
How do you usually attempt to inform yourself about activities in the public interest, and about activities against the public interest?
What is your acquaintance with public interest journalism?
Where and how do you usually seek advice about improving your leadership, in the public interest?
Perhaps you feel too powerless to improve your leadership, or even to take a leadership role if you have never been in such a position before.
What do you believe it means to lead in the public interest?
Do you ever make public pronouncements of twitter or elsewhere on social media?
Have you ever attended a public protest or signed a public petition or sought legal advice?
Have you ever expressed an opinion through the mass media?
You are currently experiencing the virtual little library in the entirely ethereal Frugality Cottage. If you are not aware of this imaginative location, it is situated in the extraordinarily intangible Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter.
What do you know about artistic practices in the public interest?
Perhaps you are mainly interested in the topic of interest in terms of economics and finance.
Perhaps you usually associate investments with economics and finance, regardless of the public interest.
What do you know about morality, virtue and ethics in terms of conflicts of interest?
Perhaps most of your interests are in conflict with the public interest.
What do you know about the ethics of care, and how did you acquire that information?
Where do you usually seek advice about your moral duties?
What do you currently believe to be your duty of care, and why?
Perhaps you find such questions quite distressing to consider.
If so, why is that the case?
Please remember you are currently experiencing a virtual library.
How does your actual, non-digital location, at present, compare with this virtual experience?
I hope you will consider my questions carefully and respond to them with adequate civility.
You may or may not feel the need to do additional research at present.
What does self-interest mean to you in various contexts?
What does well-being mean to you?
What does pleasure mean to you?
What does happiness mean to you?
What does mental health mean to you?
How do you usually seek the truth when attempting to observe and understand the above concepts as phenomena?
This library is associated mainly with concepts and how they are expressed.
This is a private library. As a member of the ordinary public, your access here could be denied at any time.
What do you know about the private sphere and the public sphere in terms of the public interest?
What do you know about the concepts of copyright and public domain?
How do you usually assess intellectual property in terms of the public interest?
How do you usually assess private ownership, communal ownership and public ownership in terms of the public interest?
What do you own in tangible and intangible terms, and why?
What do you owe in tangible and intangible terms, and why?
What is your acquaintance with public assets?
There are obviously many important questions and concepts to consider and clarify, in the public interest.
Perhaps you regard public access to this private, virtual library as being in the public interest.
There is no public right of way associated with Frugality Cottage and its copyright grounds.
The cottage is merely a point of interest associated with subjective well-being.
Perhaps you are mainly here to experience storytime.
How do you usually think about privileges in terms of the public interest?
When clarity is absent, how do you locate the reasons for the associated obfuscation and obscurantism?
Another word for clarity is transparency, of course.
When something is unclear to you, and you want clarity, what do you usually do?
Perhaps you seek out further information, to ascertain the facts.
Perhaps you reflect upon the causes of your confusion.
Perhaps you reflect upon the emotions associated with your confusion.
How often has a style of language been the cause of your confusion?
How often has perceived emotion been the cause of your confusion?
How has illness or injury or medication or experiences of abuse, and possibly even self-medication, been the cause of your confusion?
What is your acquaintance with cognitive distortions?
What is your acquaintance with faulty reasoning?
What is your acquaintance with the politics of sociolinguistics?
How clearly do you distinguish between the perceived and the real?
How do you discern the public interest?
There are obviously many important questions to be answered by anyone with responsibilities in the public sphere with regards to planning, editing and the recording and/or interpretation of history and/or current events.
What, in your view, should be regarded as particularly important in relation to the public sphere and the public interest, and why?
How do you prefer to communicate your own responsibilities in that regard, and why?
What do you regard my responsibilities to be in relation to the public sphere and the public interest, and why?
What do you regard as everyone's responsibilities in relation to the public sphere and the public interest?
And what do you believe to be everyone's rights in that regard?
I hope you regard your time here as a good investment in itself.
My weekly investment notes to you are intended to transform you into a very good investor indeed, in the public interest.
- 10 - investing in better communities
- 11 - investing in well-informed kindness
- 12 - investing in thoughtful reciprocity
If you follow a particular lifestyle, why do you do so?
Perhaps you are the proprietor of a lifestyle business.
Perhaps you are the proprietor of a business promoting a particular lifestyle or system of beliefs.
Perhaps you regard yourself as following an alternative lifestyle to the type most usually regarded as mainstream in the neighbourhood in which you are currently situated, or in the society in which you spent most of your childhood and/or adolescence.
Or perhaps you regard the mainstream as normal and any differences as deviant.
But what is mainstream to one person is quite likely to be regarded as deviant, or at least odd or wrong or unhealthy, to someone with a different perception of normality, and morality.
To be able to make choices in life is an expression of freedom. It is not necessarily an expression of morality, or even reflective of good reasoning.
Acting in the public interest is meant to be an expression of morality and good reasoning.
- 31 - investing in justice
- 32 - investing in pleasure
- 33 - investing in simple living
- 34 - investing in suitable independence
I hope you regard me as acting in the public interest here. I also hope you regard me as doing so in your best interests.
How do you usually ascertain your best interests?
I am not an Internet celebrity or any other type of celebrity. I am not attempting to sell anything to you, or anyone else. I am merely attempting to help you improve your leadership, as a gesture of my philanthropy towards you, in the public interest.
That, indeed, is an expression of my leadership.
If you prefer to take no notice of my notes, that is your choice.
I am not a lifestyle guru. I am not involved with any type of marketing. I have no influence whatsoever over public opinion.
My current writing style does not follow any style guides or fashionable language trends. I merely try to avoid jargon and idioms and colloquialisms and slang, in the public interest.
When expressing myself primarily artistically and/or politically and/or scientifically, that is another matter entirely.
My primary aim, always, is to be understood.
- 36 - investing in good relationships
- 37 - investing in an intelligently kind culture
- 38 - investing in value
- 44 - investing in suitably clear boundaries
- 45 - investing in good policy
- 46 - investing in magnificent maturity
- 47 - investing in mutually beneficial pleasantness
- 48 - investing in the public sphere
- 49 - investing in appropriate priorities
- 50 - investing in trustworthy collaborations
But what is understanding in terms of the public interest, and mental health?
What do you know about transparency and translucency in terms of optics?
What do you know about the physics of reflection?
What do you know about opacity?
What do you know about self-reflection as a practice in the public interest?
What do you know about reflective educational practices?
How carefully do you practice critical thinking in the public interest?
How carefully do you reflect upon culture, in the public interest?
How carefully do you assess transparency of behaviour in terms of the public interest?
As I am providing this note to you in a private online venue only briefly open to the ordinary public, my purpose is to improve your understanding of the public interest and therefore your enlightenment.
Although I am unwilling to interact in a more personal way with ordinary members of the public, especially ordinary tourists, I do employ a fictionalised moderator to assess your comments and questions in terms of the public interest.
Perhaps you are familiar with the necessary fictionalisations here in terms of protecting privacy, providing safety, enhancing security and supporting mental health.
All my expressions of fact and fiction here are in the public interest.
If you have any comments to make here, please ensure they are simultaneously relevant, courteous and authentic, in the public interest.
If you have any questions to ask here, please ensure they are in the public interest and you have adequately exhausted all other possible sources of relevant answers.
Wasting, or otherwise intruding upon, a person's time is always discourteous.
What do you know about courtesy in relation to the public interest?
What do you know about peacefulness and authenticity in relation to the public interest?
You will probably know, by now, that I find all intrusions rude and often quite cruel.
That is why privacy is so important to me.How do you usually respond to graciously dignified questioning?
Perhaps you do not believe my questioning of you is graciously dignified. I do my best to avoid being emotive.How have you already considered contributing to my community mission, in the public interest, rather than my former public mission?
Do you currently have a public mission in the public interest?The world is too corrupt for me to overcome its cruelty on my own.
Only you can help me. How will you do so?
Should I regard you as the personification of the public interest?
How do you think about the common good in relation to the public interest?
What is your acquaintance with the concepts of open access and open government and open science and open research and open societies and open mindedness and openness to experience?
The highly trained volunteers in Frugality Cottage do their best to prevent people from acting on the basis of ulterior motives, as do I, not only here in the cottage itself but everywhere.
What do you know about lobbying in relation to the public interest?
How do you think about soft media and other forms of entertainment in terms of the public interest?
Where do you usually locate important information on policy, politics and potential disasters, and for what purpose?
Where have you discovered important political news, in the public interest, regarding sexual interests and other vested interests?
What do you know about legal interests and national interests in terms of the public interest?
Pets and livestock are incompatible with intelligent frugality. They have a tendency to make a mess, particularly in bedrooms, sitting rooms and libraries. They also tend to be highly disruptive in kitchens and gardens.
Goodness is wonderful. Evil is not, even when other people may try to persuade you otherwise.
Yet electoral systems often require voters to endorse the implementation of evil public policies as well as good ones.
In some elections, voters have no choice but to select an evil candidate or none at all.
Where do you usually experience thoughtful discussions?
Whenever I have tried to reason with a bigoted point of view, I have only ever received an unreasonable response.
I am not a bigot. I am entirely incompatible with such persons.I know for certain I am not such a person.
As I completed my public activities adequately, in accordance with my public mission, I have since been devoting my attention entirely towards community-related problem-solving pursuits and creativity-related private pursuits, as I am sure you are very well aware by now, if you have been paying adequate attention to my notes.
I only ever support peaceful, highly reasonable approaches to solving problems.
Which approach do you most support, and why?
Are you sure your intelligence and thoughtfulness are adequate?
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