well-informed investing

Most people seem to be unimpressed by the contents of the investment notes I have written for their benefit.

That is understandable. Most people are obviously unenlightened.

They do not invest in anything particularly reasonably, or particularly reasonable.

My investments in quarantine, simple living, suitable independence, good relationships, intelligent frugality and well-informed kindness have certainly not been investments in dullness.  They have, in fact, been quite the opposite.   

Yet I am an ordinary person.  I do not have surplus wealth, adequate power, excessive influence, or any sort of celebrity status, and nor am I seeking them.

If you believe yourself to be too unwell to train as a leader of an intelligently kind culture, please be aware that everyone, in every circumstance, has a right to contribute to the advancement of well-informed kindness in the world.

I do my best to assist, through the support I provide through these notes, and through my work more generally.

If you have been exploring Frugality Cottage attentively, you will have already read through all the available information on the noticeboard inside the entrance.

You may even have read all the available notes and other reference works here in the library.
Perhaps you have even been reading books and other publications here.

What are your usually experiences of digital libraries, including magical ones?

There is nothing magical about well-informed investing.

How have you already assessed your skills and other qualities towards possibly improving your abilities regarding enlightened world leadership? 

How have you compared yourself in relation to the criteria here?

All excessively competitive practices are problematic, as are all excessively monopolistic ones.

I am not seeking to compete with you or anyone else.  Nor do I wish to monopolise any situation.

I merely prefer acquiring important knowledge, hence my immense patience in seeking your suitable responsiveness.

I know that most attempts at developing an intelligently kind culture have failed, which is why my own attempts are nothing out of the ordinary. 

How would you like me to continue investing in you, and why? 

Adequate social research always makes clear distinctions between evidence, reasoning, emotions and intentions.

Your apparent intention is to ignore your responsibilities towards well-informed investing, hence my concerns.

Being a cultural leader can often be frustrating, of course, as I know from my own experiences.  This is especially the case when expressing exacting standards and expecting other people to maintain the same or similar standards, or possibly even higher ones. 

Most people have been far more interested in taking up my time with their problems than with contributing anything to make situations better.

They have not really wanted to contribute to making the world a better place.

They have mainly preferred to procrastinate and wait for someone else to do the important work.

They have diverted their own attention away from the causes of problems.

They have ignored the truth about how problems can be solved.

They have not even been interested in knowing their own minds, or their own ignorance, particularly well.

I feel no sense of belonging in relation to such people.

I have long been interested in helping you to clarify your own mind so that you will have the ability to provide better leadership within an emerging culture of well-informed kindness.

I am deeply concerned that you have been following an unenlightened path rather than an enlightened one. 

How do you usually attempt to account for yourself, and with what, and whose, assistance? 

I have found most people to be deceptive.

I have also had the misfortune of encountering many cruel people, even when I have attempted to protect those individuals, and other individuals, from harm.

I have even done my best to prevent cruel people from causing harm.

What have you done, and why?

My investment-related questions can be interpreted in a wide variety of ways.  This is part of a deliberate, carefully developed strategy on my part.

This current note, on the topic of well-informed investing, is mainly associated with your educational requirements rather than your most suitable investment strategy.

Perhaps you require an education in the etiquette of quality investing.

Perhaps you require an education in the accurate measurement of unintended consequences.

Perhaps you require an education in the dangers of greed.

Wisdom is associated with insight.

Through the weekly investment notes here, I have provided you with a few insights into my life as it was when I was young, and how my life has changed over the years, and how it has stayed the same.  I have done so to indicate to you my insightfulness and lack of spitefulness.

If you are not yet twenty-nine years of age, what are you seeking to learn about cultural leadership from me, and why?

If you are now over the age of twenty-nine, what do you believe you are still to learn of great importance to your own cultural leadership, and from whom?

I am particularly keen to acquire evidence of your emotional maturity and moral development.  Being well-informed is associated with the expression of insight even more than knowledge and experience, of course.

How do you usually attempt to solve serious problems?

How do you identify those problems? 

I have been investing in you mainly in the hope that you are truly good, regardless of how intelligent or reasonable or lovely other people consider you to be. 

How do you usually attempt to distinguish between truth and opinion?

I do not wish to be ignorant of your needs, hence my questions to you.

I do not wish to be viewed as foolish by you, hence my attempts to provide you with possibly useful, exceptionally well-informed investment notes.

I do not wish you to regard me as presumptuousness, which is why I do not place the notes in your email inbox, your underwear collection or anywhere else likely to make you feel uncomfortable, unless I have your permission.

Perhaps you consider me to be unfriendly.  

Perhaps you regard this virtual library as uninviting.

Are you here to experience an emerging culture of well-informed kindness, intelligent frugality, elegant egalitarianism, enlightened democracy, beautiful liminality and suitable serenity or are you here for something else entirely?

I hope you have the ability to think carefully about your experiences of culture.

I also hope you have the ability to express enlightened views on such matters.   

My most recent investment notes to you have include many questions.  They have also included necessary links and a few deliberate non sequiturs, mainly to help me assess your responses to ambiguity and perplexity. 

How have you been using the notes here in your analysis of your investments, your philanthropy and your patronage?

The Author
