
Perhaps your perceptions of my notes make you feel uncomfortable.  That, in fact, is part of my intention here.

You are not yet a good investor.

You are not even a good educator yet.

You do not perceive the world accurately enough.

Perhaps you never will.

Please let me know if my perceptions of you are accurate.

As you may have noticed, I much prefer to write you notes than interact with you in other ways.

I do not trust many people at all, as you are probably very well aware by now.

I have no faith in anyone I perceive to be acting unjustly or stupidly.

Regardless of your current age and the quality of your imagination, I hope you have been taking the time to catch up with reading the earlier notes I have left for you here in the library. 

I have already provided you with quite a few educational notes, such as this one.  I have done so to help you interpret the investment notes with adequate accuracy.

Perhaps you had difficulty reading the font I initially selected for my notes to you.  I chose one to look like formal handwriting, for the simple reason that it made the notes appear more personal and informal than print-like characters.

Unfortunately, you apparently continue to fail to comprehend my words and my intentions, however I presented them, hence the changes I have subsequently made to a more informal, handwritten style, such as this one.

Perhaps you are not much of a writer.  Perhaps that is the reason for your lack of reciprocation.

I consider most people to be either too aggressive or too timid.  The timid do nothing to prevent aggression, including hubris.

What do you do?

I am not impressed by the perceived financial status of anyone. 

I certainly have no respect for bad taste, either.  I regard it in much the same way as bad faith.  It is a sign of poor decision-making.

I have invested as little as possible in relationships, even with family members, when they have failed to respect my needs in, and my need for, good faith.

I have soon broken off friendships with anyone unwilling or unable to understand and respect my needs, values and principles.

I have withdrawn my patronage immediately from businesses and other organisations when the practices within them have not been in accordance with my values and goals.

For many years now, Adelaidean life would have been easier for me with compatible neighbours.  Such persons would have had the qualities I respected in adults in my younger years.  

My Adelaidean neighbours have long made me feel uncomfortable.

Most of my family members have made me feel uncomfortable, too.

Most of my experiences of formal education, and the associated institutions, have also made me feel uncomfortable.

How do you tell the difference between one type of intention and another?

I do not tolerate bullying or any other form of cruelty.  Such practices are intolerable.  They prevent timid and intimidated people from acting in good faith.

My words may sometimes appear too harsh to the self-indulgent fools I have had the displeasure of encountering on far too many occasions to mention, including those who happen to be related to me genetically and those who claim to represent me politically.

How do you usually interpret interpersonal intentions?

How do you usually interpret political intentions and economic intentions?

How do you usually interpret philanthropic intentions?

How do you usually interpret scientific intentions? 

When I was a child, I probably deceived myself about the qualities expressed by adults.

I probably confused perceptions of compatibility with provisions of comfort.

I probably idealised my social experiences on many occasions, even into early adulthood.

I am now much more aware of the fact that most people do not act in good faith on a regular basis though they often misguidedly convince themselves that they do.

Perhaps you perceive these notes to be a political manifesto as well as an economic one, and possibly even an artistic one, too. 

How do you usually interpret artistic intentions?

How do you usually identify and assess important records?

When, if at all, have you spent much time, as I have, observing how ridiculous perceptions about personal and household wealth cause people to behave selfishly and stupidly? 

I hope you have caught up with all the available information on the noticeboard in the virtual entrance of Frugality Cottage.

I also hope you have at least made a start on examining the guidebook here in the library.

The Author



part one


The links below are exclusively for appropriately registered patrons:


How do you usually distinguish between investing time and spending time?

Where is hope if not in an intelligently kind culture?   

I do hope you are adequately familiar with such matters.

What is your preferred approach to exploring emerging cultures of possible interest to you? 

How, if at all, have your cultural practices, and your choices and decision in life, been shaped by money and the lack of it

Perhaps you have lost the plot.

Perhaps you have lost a large amount of money.

Which services usually help you to improve your cultural leadership?

I have done my best to accomplish my public mission to a satisfactory standard.

The Adelaidezone Information Service is open for your questions about good societal structures. 

Regardless of your experiences of life, including your sexual experiences and personal history, how much control do you currently have over your life, and other people's lives?

How can you prove to me that you are a relatively intelligent and thoughtful person?

How creatively are you dismantling conflicts of interest?  

What does investing time wisely mean to you in practice?

I hope you have an honest view of anti-establishmentarian necessities

How do you assess influences?

How have you been reassessing your investments recently? 

The people I choose to assess and assist are the same sort of people, namely good people. 

Have you been exploring the attic here in Frugality Cottage?

If so, have you become a registered patron of any of the displays there, or even of the entire Enlightened Economics Today exhibition and its maintenance.

You may or may not have experienced any of the discussions in the sitting room on the topic of intelligent frugality.

Philanthropy is often considered to be a one-way relationship rather than an investment in thoughtful reciprocity.  I consider enlightened philanthropy to be an expression of enlightened democracy.

I believe your cultural leadership is of the utmost importance.

Time is running out for me.

How can you prove to me you are a relatively intelligent and thoughtful person

How do you try to prevent yourself from falling into despair?

How do you intend to respond to me, and when?


Please think clearly about your patronage, your memberships, your relationships, and how you are choosing to spend your remaining time in the world of the living.

What is the quality of your values, and where and what are the facts in relation to those values?

Magnificently mature people are relatively independent.  They are not impoverished.  They are not lonely.  They are well-informed and kind. 

What and where have you been learning about faith?

What and where have you been learning about satire?

What do you believe to be the most appropriate relationship between civility and travel?

Do you think well-informed kindness is an expression of good mental health?

Do you think it is an expression of objectivity?

Do you think it is about preventing danger?

How do you respond to impulsive people?

How do you respond to confused people?

How do you respond to presumptuous people?

Intelligent frugality is an expression of inspiration more than income

You are especially welcome here as a patron.

What have you been learning about proper productivity and mutually beneficial pleasantness in the attic here?

Are you likely to need a key or a guide to help you interpret the exhibits in the attic?

The next scheduled virtual experience of the most economical tour for climate change deniers is about to begin. If you are seeking to attend, please make your way to the starting point now.

What are your beliefs about economics and investments, and how do you attempt to prove those beliefs to be true?

Do you usually associate cottages with moving from failure to success?

Do you usually associate cottages with meaningful virtual pursuits?

Do you usually associate cottages with educational services?

Do you usually associate cottages with the journey from fear to freedom?

Do you usually associate cottages with the journey from unawareness to awareness?

Is there something you are seeking to learn here, apart from the fact I am often in despair?

How can an intelligently kind culture be developed and maintained, without hypocrisy? 


How do you intend to contribute to the future of well-informed kindness?

Do you usually associate cottages with the work of the Council of Enlightenment?

Where have you acquired your accomplishments in relation to civility?

Please become aware that it is necessary to gain experience volunteering in the Hall of Appropriate Patronage before being offered the chance to volunteer here.

How do you try to show leadership in relation to civility and etiquette in various circumstances?

What do you believe should be the ideal relationship between civility and journalism, and why?

How do you try to understand the proper relationship between civility and control?

When thinking about civility and education, what are the thoughts uppermost in your mind?

When thinking about civility and you, how do you wish to improve yourself, and in which situations?

How well-informed and kind are the climate stability policies you support?

How do you attempt to develop authentic friendships with genuinely pleasant people?

How successfully do you express well-informed kindness through your leadership?

I have spent quite a large amount of my time virtually touring over the past few months, as you yourself may have done.  

What do you understand about the plot here?

Are you currently experiencing a new beginning?
