
The future is here.  It is happening as I write these words and as you read them.

The present is an emergency.

The future may or may not happen, at least from your own point of view, and mine.

The past is not an emergency, of course.  It has already happened.

I want you to pay attention to my notes here.

My future investments will depend on how you respond.

Do you usually consider the future to be a virtual experience in your mind, at least until events happen through your senses? 

I hope you find these educational notes quite useful as you prepare yourself for a future life of adequate simplicity, peace and kindness.  

Are your activities here mainly associated with the past, the present or the future?

I hope you have been reading my weekly investment notes to you as well as these regularly updated educational notes.

What is your current attitude towards solving problems, particularly significant ones of immense consequence to the future of life on Earth? 

How do you usually educate yourself about events yet to happen?

How does my experience of the world, including the digital world, compare with your own, and how do you know?   

What, if anything, do you want to know about my investments, and why do you wish to receive that information?  

How are your investments shaping your future, and how do you know?

And how are your investments shaping the future of the world?  

What do you intend to contribute to future discussions in my presence, and why?

I hope you will not be boring.  The ordinary public and its political representatives are exceedingly tedious from my own point of view.

The ordinary public has given me no hope whatsoever that a quality future is possible, and nor has the medical profession, or anyone else for that matter.

I am assuming you are an ordinary member of the public, even if you claim to be a member of the medical profession.

Not only am I unlikely to experience a quality future but nor are you.

But should I seek a second opinion from somewhere, or someone?

Perhaps you would rather ignore my concern for your inadequacies as an investor.

Through my notes here, over many months now, I have been doing my best to assist you to prepare for the future properly.  Perhaps I have been wasting my time.  Perhaps you are not interested in the gift of my research and experience.

I hope my future possible trust in you will not be misplaced. 

My research suggests you are the type of person longing for a better system of politics, a better system of economics, a better system of education, and better health systems everywhere.

If I am wrong, that is likely to be the reason for your frequent absences in the sitting room of Frugality Cottage, your inadequate contributions to the discussions there and your failure to reciprocate appropriately.

All fact and fiction is presented in Frugality Cottage for educational purposes, primarily to help tackle corruption in Australia and elsewhere.  

The images of some lives have become relatively popular online, as with the mass media images before the Internet age.  Yet images are no more than illusions.  They are not accurate guides to life, unlike my notes here.

Even with a warming planet, I much prefer being warm than cold.  I would not wish to live in a place with frequent blasts of ice and snow and long, dark winters. The southerly winds arriving in Australia from Antarctica are much too cold for me.

My purpose in this virtual, non-tropical location, since early in 2021, especially here in the cottage library, has been to discover how readers respond to historical information about my life, and especially about my discoveries regarding the past, the present and the future of good investment practices. 

Please be aware that I do not appreciate wasteful 'gifts' or any other form of wastefulness.

You may be aware that anonymously and pseudonymously writing 'blogs' has provided me with a simple pleasure and a zone of comfort and creativity through which to explore possibilities, and dreams, and hopes.

Many regions of the world between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn have semi-arid climates.  They may even become deserts in the future.  They are not tropical rainforests.  

Even areas with such forests may become deserts quite soon, especially if droughts and wildfires become more common within them. 

Perhaps you regard my approach to the future to be reflective of a dry sense of humour rather than a scientific and philosophical concern towards future generations.

If you would like to know more about my plans for the future, and my contingency plans, what are your reasons for seeking that information? 

I am cautious about the possible consequences of all my communicative gestures.  I know, for a fact, that my previous influences in the world have caused quite a few people to make drastic changes in their lives. 
I have felt very uncomfortable indeed about that influence, especially as I have carefully attempted to encourage people to make gradual reforms in their lives rather than radical changes they may quickly regret. 

If you would kindly provide an indication of your proposed endeavours for future improvements in and through your leadership, that would make my life a little more comfortable than is usually the case.

How will your imagination assist you?

Although reading is often a good idea, it is only really a good idea when an emergency is not occurring and one is unlikely to occur in the foreseeable future.

You should really have completed most of your readings before the current emergency arose.  That would have given you the knowledge with which to plan properly before it happened.

I have systems in place for any emergency situation, but do you?

I have the knowledge and economic resources to help me cope in any crisis, but do you have similar supports?

Even with all the knowledge and resources available to me, I despair at the corruption-related problems in the world.

I do hope you appreciate well-informed patronage as much as I do.

Perhaps you are already an esteemed member of the Enlightened Society for Future Global History.  That, in fact, is the main prerequisite for working with me, or on my behalf.  Through the society, I receive all referrals for prospective assistants.

You may already be aware that the key to the future is the key of trustworthiness.

What have you been learning about me?

How often have you been investing in me, and how?

There are many volunteers in Frugality Cottage, as you may have already discovered.  They are hoping you will soon join them, if you are suitably qualified to do so.  They do not have time for time-wasters and nor do I, of course.

If you are an Australian politician, your rudeness is likely to be regarded as an ongoing problem by all enlightened beings.

Whether you are any sort of politician or no politician at all, you may have noticed that there are no "buy now" or "donate here" buttons to push in any of the better areas of the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter.  Such buttons are unhygienic in many ways.  

What do you know about the quality philanthropy virtually conducted from Villa Twaklinilkawt at the centre of the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter?

Investing time in developing the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter, and its associated entities, has given me a freedom I had never experienced before.  

Fortunately, I am not a greedy developer of any sort.  I am a suitably dedicated one. 

What sort of developer are you?

All motivators associated with Frugality Cottage are intrinsic, as is the case throughout the better parts of the Adelaidezone. 

Queen Adelaide often offers her well-informed, kindly patronage in this vicinity.  

Her Majesty is currently one of the main ethereal patrons of the Adelaidezone Information Service and a healthy imagination, as you are likely to be well aware by now.

How can you prove to me that you have been adequately helpful here in the virtual library over the past year or so, and elsewhere in this ethereal cottage, and elsewhere in the Adelaidezone?  

Unreasonable behaviours are not welcome here. 

Even with relatively free access to the highly enlightening education services provided within the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter, ordinary members of the public, especially the greediest ones, have continued to prevent intelligently kind cultures from thriving, in various parts of the non-virtual world.

How have you visualised the parts of the Adelaidezone you have not yet had the chance to experience?


The links in the information below are for appropriately registered patrons only:


You have much work to do to develop the narrative of the future.  The narrative of the past has already been written.

I am only interested in working with honest people and honest characters.  I do not wish to waste my time.  My future may be very short indeed.

You have been offered the chance to learn about, and through, the Adelaidezone Literature School:

What have you been learning about the most appropriate relationship between civility and security?

How have you been preventing suffering if not by preventing corrupt practices?

And what have you been learning on the Dark Humour Tour?

How do you reflect upon civility and etiquette through the harmonious interplay of beauty, understanding and magnificence? 

How have you been involved in attempts to improve the relationship between civility and bureaucracy over the past few years, and with what sorts of results?

How have you been appreciating access to the Social Media Quadrangle, and how can you prove it?

What do you believe to be the most appropriate relationship between civility and writing, and how do you intend to demonstrate it? 




Good investments always require the best policy.

If you enjoy virtually touring, do you have a policy in relation to that activity?

How do you tell the difference between exploring the future and destroying the future?

How, if at all, does your sincerity reflect your equanimity and commitment?

How well is your conscience acting upon the truth and listening to reason?

Are you seeking to be more independent of social pressures?

Do you ever travel as a way to remove yourself from such pressures?

Are you capable of leading the political reform movement wisely?

In the Tower of Truth, you may have recently enjoyed access to locations associated with Brilliant Australian News, the Really Quite Pleasant Australian Political Organisation, the International Training Centre for the Harmonious Interplay of Beauty, Understanding and Magnificence, and many other esteemed cultural institutions.

At the Old Adelaidezone Gateway, please ensure you have completed all your training in real journalism unless you have the appropriate permissions to continue.  Also ensure you understand the permissions associated with the exhibition at the gateway.  You will also require an appointment before being admitted to the waiting room at the gateway.

How much of your knowledge has been reliant upon your own research rather than the research and/or opinions of other people?

What is your approach to researching appropriate goals?

How do you usually think about journeys in relation to your ongoing freedom, and how do you think about them at present?

How and where will you express your decisiveness, and why?

How and where do you prefer to celebrate appreciation?

Do the political reforms you seek have an ongoing history or are you still at the beginning of that advocacy journey? 

Are you often frustrated on tours?

Whether you are or not, what is your approach to examining changes in ongoing history?

What is your approach to examining changes in ongoing heritage?

If you are an Australian citizen, are you really quite pleasant?

Have you expressed an interest in the virtual retreats associated with the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter?

Have you ever found the best available answers to your questions in an almost lost world?

Would you prefer to begin the course on real journalism for beginners at the Adelaidezone Gateway quite soon, if you have not already done so, or would you prefer to postpone that necessity?

Are you sure you have a suitably generalist approach to civility and journalism?

The exhibition at the Adelaidezone Gateway has long been intended to have global relevance.  It also has local relevance, of course. 

Are you capable of ongoing calmness in most, if not all, situations?

You may not feel calm after receiving news from here next week.

If you are already quite familiar with the work of various institutions within the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter, you will know that improving politics involves acting with kindness.

All other efforts towards supporting enlightenment involve acting with kindness, too.

Well-informed kindness is a prerequisite for membership of the Enlightened International Society of Arts and Sciences, as you will already know if you are a member.

All expressions of well-informed kindness involve upholding freedom with the utmost appropriateness at all times.

If being informed also means being kind, why are there so many ill-informed and unkind people in the world?

Do you think well-informed kindness is about providing reasonable hope?

Do you think it is about undoing damage?

Do you think it is about enlightened economics?

