86 - investing in political kindness

I have long attempted to prevent myself from being overwhelmed, whether by the things I love or the things I hate.

Yet politics is overwhelming for a wide variety of reasons, very few of which are associated with love or hate. They are mainly associated with experiences of inappropriate indifference.

Facing reality is not political.

Denying reality is political.

The political kindness movement is therefore not political at all. It is all about facing up to reality as kindly as circumstances allow.

You may be aware that I use several different pen names and writing styles and electronic devices to help me maintain fun and privacy and ethics and mental health in my search for knowledge, especially knowledge about adequately ethical compatibility and political kindness.

I never make claims to be a source of wisdom.

I am merely a source of documentation.

Whether as a tourist or scientist or author, I have always loved exploring colours and textures and sounds and shapes and smells, and tastes, as long as they do not overwhelm me.

I tend to become overwhelmed very quickly indeed when I have little control over the situations I face.

All the knowledge I seek relates to well-informed kindness and well-informed investing.

I particularly enjoy investing in wonderful experiences.

Perhaps you arrived here as part of a detour.

Perhaps you are surprised to find eighty-six investment notes here for your urgent attention, as well as an important selection of educational notes and other documents.

Do you regard politics as a quantitative or qualitative investment or both?

Do you regard kindness as a quantitative or qualitative investment or both?

Genuine kindness is never superficial.

How have you usually prepared for your visits to locations you have never visited before, particularly when a considerable amount of time, effort and expense have been involved in the planning?

Perhaps you chose to visit particular locations in the past mainly because you had already experienced picturesque or glamorous or majestic images of those places on television or through films, or you read about the locations in a novel, or the locations were mentioned in a magazine as fashionable places to be, or they appeared to be popular and/or beautiful and/or exciting on YouTube.

How do you tell the difference between the popular and the fashionable?

Of course, the answer is that the popular is a quantitative phenomenon and the fashionable is a qualitative one.Yet many people muddle up the popular and the fashionable, particularly politically.

Sometimes, destruction has been popular. It has often been fashionable.

I know for certain that I am an empathic developer of proper policies. Yet no-one with substantial political influence has ever really considered my ideas seriously in terms of good public policy.

In fact, on several occasions when I have politely pointed out public policies and practices incompatible with local, national and international laws, and even with the laws of nature and the requirements of good public health, I have been treated rudely by persons in official positions of power.

I have never been popular. I have never been fashionable.

Perhaps you despair at the prevalence of political unkindness, like I do.

I do not wish to feel despair any more.

I do not wish to experience political unkindness any more.

I want to experience the wonderfulness of political kindness.

You have already been informed, through these notes, about my sensitivities.

Perhaps you do not care.

Ordinary tourists are usually very badly dressed indeed. They also have considerable difficulty in addressing urgent problems.

But famous people do not address urgent problems appropriately, either. They merely throw money at problems, or promote emotive images, in much the same way as unkind and incompetent governments.

Perhaps you already have the research skills with which to identify authentic expressions of political kindness.

I hope you will not have too much difficulty in answering my questions today.

I especially hope my hope in you is not as misplaced as it has been over the past few months and years.

How, and where, have you attempted to acquire factual information about investments, politics and kindness?

If you wish to learn how to participate appropriately in the political kindness movement, how do you intend to do so?

Education is a quarternion, as you may have noticed.

Appropriate is a quaternion too, of course.

How do you know when a fact is politically important?

How do you know when an opinion is politically important?

How do you ascertain the facts about political kindness?

Proper policies are so much easier to implement once a proper political system is in place and a proper narrative of the future has been composed.

You may be aware that various cultures use various substances in various ways, including in relation to religion.

You may, for example, associate religious practices with bread, wine, special meals, and/or the burning of incense and candles. You may even associate religious practices with drinking tea.

You may regard tea as a chemical prop, yet a cup of fair trade, organic tea each morning, made with quality, local water, is all the physical refreshment I require, apart from a modest and nutritious breakfast, and a little, additional sustenance throughout the day.

Psychological refreshments are another matter entirely. I require considerable psychological refreshments during every moment of consciousness.

I know, for example, that most people fail to distinguish clearly enough between political kindness and bribery. That causes me a considerable amount of distress.

I hope you already know how to educate various people about such matters.

You may also educate people about access to suitable water for tea.

You may educate people about a suitably healthy atmosphere for political discussions.

You may even educate people about the provision of suitable recompense for the workers who harvest special leaves.

Perhaps you have contributed to heated arguments about how to make proper tea from time to time.

Enlightening you about important contexts was my main intention in the sitting room here in Frugality Cottage last year, until your inattentiveness became exasperatingly evident.

I never waste my time on inattentive persons or otherwise lazy ones.

What is your acquaintance with the Hubrisometer?

Perhaps you tremble at its mention.

How do you already contribute to various expressions and experiences of political kindness?

What are your political intentions?

What are your philanthropic intentions?

Have you ever attended an emergency summit?

How do you prefer to acknowledge your own failures?

How do you prefer to acknowledge your own successes?

How do you know when a failure or success is your own?

Emergency summits are only required when emergencies have not been properly prevented. Such summits should therefore be regarded as an acknowledgement of political failure.

But who is responsible for such failures?

What do you do when you perceive indifference to actual suffering and/or potential suffering?

How do you distinguish between enlightened nations and unenlightened nations?

How do you prevent yourself from expressing biases?

How have you examined the history of various movements and improvements?

Political intents are often insidious and ridiculous and horrible.

My political intentions are structured differently.

Perhaps you would prefer not to act politically at all.

Perhaps you do not even know how to tell the difference between a political action and a non-political action.What do you know about political trends in terms of facts, fashions and factions?

How do you tell the difference between a tourist and a spy?

In my experience, a spy is usually much better informed than an ordinary tourist, if not better dressed.

I am always unwary of a highly informed person, just as I am always annoyed by an ill informed one.

Where and what have you been learning about political unkindness movements and their goals and strategies?

What is your acquaintance with economic competition?

What is your acquaintance with political competition?

I have no political power and nor does my husband. We are often in despair at the seemingly endless abuses of political power in the world.

My husband supports me. I support him.

We both have 'special' needs.

We have always invested in simple living.

We are, in the Australian contexts, probably experts in that way of life.

We have, in the past, shared our knowledge of simple living voluntarily, but no-one really valued it, or us.

We attempted to invest in the development of sustainable communities, but such communities require adequate compatibility between people.

How can you be sure you know how to ascertain the trustworthiness of people and/or knowledge, and even your own perceptions?

The United Nations has often failed in its role as an expression of enlightenment in the world.

The United Nations has consistently failed to turn unenlightened nations into enlightened ones.

It has also failed to encourage any nation to become adequately enlightened as a role model for other nations.

Perhaps you are seeking to become one of my persons-in-waiting. That is the official title supplied by the Spirit of Enlightenment for my research assistants. 

The Spirit of Enlightenment and the Council of Enlightenment have been doing their best to assist my healing, and the healing of the world.  Unfortunately they and I cannot make situations better without your assistance, whether you have any authority or not, or any sort of power or influence or none at all.

My enthusiastic research assistant, Phil Anthropi, attempts to remain an objective observer of politics, and of various other worries, and other dangers, but rarely comments on any of those matters.

I train all my research assistants very well indeed, which is why they know the difference between a fact and an opinion. They never mention opinions in my presence, or elsewhere. They focus on facts.

The Spirit of Enlightenment is usually to be found on the other side of the Old Adelaidezone Gateway, rather than in the Social Media Quadrangle, unless arriving quite suddenly by celestial teapot for an emergency summit at the top of the Tower of Truth.

Her actions are never entirely fictional and nor are mine. We take our responsibilities very seriously indeed.

Perhaps you have been interacting with one or more ghosts here.

Perhaps you even regard me as a ghost. If so, where is your evidence?

I expect all my assistants, and trainee assistants, to be able to follow my simple instructions accurately and consistently.

I also expect my colleagues, at every level of the hierarchy, to ask questions when they experience confusion about my expectations of them.

I also expect them to prove to me, at the beginning of every day, that they clearly understand my requirements and that they have the ability to achieve them successfully.

But I am powerless. I cannot improve political situations.

What is the current structure of your political, educational and interpersonal intentions?

And how would you describe the structure of your previous political actions?

You may be aware that the magical is associated with the seemingly impossible. It is often associated with illusions.

This series of investment notes has not expressed detailed narratives of events, whether magical or non-magical. Each note initially contained descriptions of problems you have the power to solve, through the use of your special talents, with or without using any magical abilities you may possess.

I know that no-one with any power is interested in helping me to supply the world with new, improved constitutions.

You have never indicated a desire to help me in that regard.

I am not a legal practitioner, I am a social researcher.

What are you?

Do you usually regard improved constitutions as works of art?

Do you usually regard your life as a work of at?

Do you usually regard politics as an artistic practice?

Improving constitutions is almost impossible for ordinary persons, such as myself, to achieve. It is usually a job performed by lawyers and politicians.

Perhaps you regard legal practices as artistic.

Perhaps you do not regard political kindness as dramatic.

Perhaps you regard political kindness as rather dull.

I am always exasperated by the superficiality of the so-called conversations so many stupidly and selfishly unempathic people have attempted to initiate with me, especially when I have sought serious discussions and well-informed deliberations.

I do not have time for such people in any way whatsoever.

Unfortunately, you have been of no assistance to me whatsoever in developing a culture of well-informed kindness. I do not understand why you are so insensitive.

What, if any, have been your experiences of quaternary education?

What, if at all, have been your experiences of quaternary research practices?

Queen Adelaide is as aware as I am myself of the problems caused by unjust social and political hierarchies.

You may also have noticed that Her Majesty visits this virtual library on occasion, interpreting my notes for your benefit and awaiting your responses on my behalf in her role as The Moderator.

What is your acquaintance with political moderation as a strategy for political kindness?

If you are diplomat of any sort, you may be worried that political kindness will put you out of a job, particularly if you are often employed as a double agent.

Most politicians are apparently double agents themselves. The evidence is clear that they only pretend to serve the interests of democracy and the public interest.

You may have noticed that this part of Frugality Cottage has only been open to the digital public since early last year.

Regardless of your access to suitable locations for the development of (your) enlightened leadership, I continue to be interested in how you are contributing to an intelligently kind culture.

There are several introductory presentations on the immensely elegant and digitally dignified YouTube channel officially associated with the enlightened being of quality political leadership.

Those presentations have been produced as an expression of political kindness, not economic desire. They have been philanthropically produced on behalf of the Spirit of Enlightenment by several ethereal and material personages for your benefit.

Transforming politics into an intelligently kind culture is everyone's responsibility, including ordinary tourists, whatever they may be wearing and/or feeling and/or thinking and/or imagining and/or seeking to experience.

Perhaps you have been sitting here in the library of Frugality Cottage, or in the sitting room, reading a book or a notebook or a note in my absence, wondering why virtual tourists and possible spies have been staring at you. 

Perhaps you often feel uncomfortable as the centre of attention, or perhaps you actually crave that attention.

How carefully do you distinguish between philanthropic intentions and political intentions and economic intentions and emotional intentions? 

The political kindness movement peacefully leads the way towards the second Age of Enlightenment.

Political unkindness movements continue to go in the opposite direction, as usual, trampling kindness underfoot, and under tanks, bombs, propaganda and prejudice, along the way.

How do you usually assess the direction of movements of any sort?

I usually regard a desire to climb to the summit of a mountain, and similarly unnecessary goals, as signs of failure.  Such goals are egotistical distractions from the duty to express political kindness where and when it is most needed. 

The summits attended by the Spirit of Enlightenment are usually associated with efforts to identify strategies for turning unenlightened nations into more enlightened ones.  Such summits are also associated with preventing enlightened nations from becoming unenlightened ones.

Yet enlightened nations are entirely works of fiction, in much the same way as magic and miracles.

Perhaps you would rather pray for an emergency to resolve itself rather than actually address problems appropriately.

How consistent and respectable are your political and moral principles, and how do you know?

What do you know about patterns of political conflict?

What do you know about geopolitical changes over time?

What do you know about the Cold War?

How, if at all, have you explored the development of new political movements and new religious movements and various social movements and cultural movements?

You may already have an enlightened desire to receive future information about the political kindness movement.  But what have you so far discovered about its history?

As a consequence of my curiosity and desire for independence as a child, my parents occasionally regarded me as missing.  I never thought of myself as lost or in danger, at least when I was very young.  I merely had a sense of wonder and a sense of adventure and a desire to experience the wonderful through my wanderings.

What is your preferred approach to investing in trustworthy collaborations, and where, and for what purpose? 

What have unkindness movements being doing over the past few years, and over various centuries, in your view, and why, and how do you know?

What do you know about the etymological connections between facts, fashions and factions?

Over what sort of timescale do you prefer to assess trends?

What does investing in a sense of belonging mean to you at present, especially if you prefer experiencing the world of your imagination instead of acting in accordance with your responsibilities as an enlightened world leader?  

Where have you most recently been investing in the delights of adequately ethical compatibility, and for what reasons?

What do you know about the biases enabled through the expression of Salic law and other forms of law?

How original, relevant and interesting is your approach to investing in improving political practices, and how do you know?

What do you know about investing in good faith, and how do you know it?

How have you been investing money recently, and why?

How have you been investing in awareness recently, and for what purpose?

I am investing in social research very carefully indeed, as you may have noticed.  I hope you are, too. 

What do you know about political donations

Corrupt individuals regard such donations as investments.

Non-corrupt individuals regard them as bribes.

And crony capitalism is prevalent all over the world, as is the associated political cronocracy

Do you usually associated enlightened politics with the well-informed kindness of quality policies?

Do you usually associate enlightened economics with the well-informed kindness of well-informed investing?

Are you adequately investing in good policy, whether as a philanthropist or as any other sort of leader? 

The Spirit of Enlightenment especially hopes you are aware that real philanthropy is necessary

New audio-visual presentations associated with enlightened being will only become publicly available once a sufficient number of apparently enlightened beings indicate their active support towards the second Age of Enlightenment.

You may wish to subscribe on YouTube.

The aforementioned YouTube presentations are occasionally displayed to the ordinary global public.  However, the presentations are intended primarily to assist enlightened world leaders in the development of enlightened imaginations and enlightened relationships: in private, in community groups, in the public sphere, in business and government and non-government organisations, and in and between entire societies, online and in other ways.  

In music, the pleasantness of consonance can be more deeply appreciated when it is compared and contrasted with dissonance.

While a relaxing piece of music may be appreciated in itself, especially as a way to experience peace and equanimity, the satisfying expression of varying emotions through music tends to require the tension of dissonance, the memory aid of repetition, the interest acquired through dynamics, pleasantly surprising changes in pitch, the suitability of tempo, the structure of rhythm, the appropriateness of volume, and the qualitative and quantitative variation in note values.

Reasonable despair should not be mistaken for an unhealthily depressed mood.  To use terms wrongly is a political activity, and an unkind one.

It is wrong to blame people for the reasonable despair they experience.

It is also wrong to blame people for the moods they experience when unwell.

I am only interested in investing in certainty, especially in relation to value and values.  I do not take unnecessary risks with my investments.

That is why I wish to know for certain whether you are truly wonderful and kind.

Are you sure you are aware that cruelty is NOT normal?  

Why have so many governments allowed commercial sporting events to occur this year, and last year, in hideous, "bread and circuses" fashion, while thousands of distressed citizens remain stranded and abandoned in foreign lands? 

I have invited you to read this series of notes to help you gain knowledge about the world's most important community development process.

I have also invited you to participate appropriately in the associated communities, and possibly help to lead them, through your memberships, patronages and/or philanthropy. 

I have even invited you to improve your mental health through my assistance. 

I am providing these invitations as a free expression of my philanthropic contributions towards a suitably enlightened, globally and locally responsible, civil society

How conscious are you of your own sentience?

How conscious are you of mine? 

Perhaps you have enlightened yourself of the truth about scarcity.

Perhaps you have enlightened yourself of the truth about frugality.

If you are in a position of social privilege, how are you using it for good in the world?

How, especially, are you using your advantages to prevent harm?

Providing yourself with the very best mental health is in the public interest, regardless of your net worth, especially if you simultaneously do your best to avoid causing any detriments to sentient beings and their environments.

How imaginatively are you investing in peacefully authentic living, and how do you know?

How are you currently investing in thorough assessments, and how do you know? 

I have noticed that you continue to treat me as though I do not exist, even though these notes quite clearly indicate that I think and I care.

How are you currently investing in better communities, and how do you know?

What, in fact, makes communities better if not the very best mental health?

My disabilities are often treated not only as invisible by most people but as non-existent.  My feelings are treated as non-existent.  I am either treated as non-existent or as a nuisance.

What does investing in value mean to you, and why?

What is your preferred approach to investing in evidence at present, and why?

Do you believe it is possible to measure mental health?

Perhaps you believe that mental health is more nuanced and elusive and qualitative than quantitative.

I am only interested in investing in enlightened beings.  No-one else is likely to be able to help me improve my mental health.

I know my husband is relatively enlightened yet I am attempting to support his mental health too.

I do my best to prevent disinhibition and deindividuation and all other undignified behaviours.

How visceral is your experience of life, and how do you know?

Perhaps you overly think quite often.

Or perhaps you mindlessly chase after decadent sensations. 

My mental anguish never really disappears, even when I am being creative and experiencing the privacy I require.

I have no time for superstitions, ephemerally popular culture, disinformation, pseudoscience and junk news.  In fact, you are likely to be well aware, by now, that I spend much time attempting to prevent gullibility, bad taste and hypocrisy.

Perhaps you are mainly interested in solving mysteries, possibly including the mysteries in and through and of your own mind and/or the mind of someone else.

I encourage the development of well-evidenced morality and the well-informed expression of moral intelligence.

What relevant research have you already conducted into achieving and maintaining the very best mental health, and what were the findings?

Regardless of your current age, if you have much experience in investing in magnificent maturity, what have been the main results of that investment?

How, for example, do those investments relate to investing in health, including the very best mental health?

Through my deeply devoted support for elegantly egalitarian practices, I have long been investing in thorough assessments of a wide variety of problematic situations and non-problematic locations.

Rudeness is always a sign of psychological immaturity, regardless of the age of the perpetrator, unless physical and/or psychological illness accounts for that behaviour.  

What has your maturity taught you about ongoing distress and ongoing possibilities for the alleviation of distress?

How do you know when a person or place or product or policy is problematic? 

How do you know when conformity is unreasonable? 

How do you prefer to assess, and reassess, your obligations.

Addressing unreasonableness either requires the freedom to express moral intelligence in suitable safety or it requires considerable courage.

What do you know about your current mental age?

What do you know about adult development in humans? 

What do you know about the psychology of young adulthood

How do you distinguish between therapeutic activities and mutually-beneficial emotional appreciation 

What do you know about progress in relation to mental health?

What do you already know about authentic living in relation to mental health? 

Perhaps you usually associate the voluntary practice of crafts with improved mental health.  

How well do you express a work ethic when your personal effort to solve a problem is most required?

I had hoped you would be especially interested in investing in value in a suitably enlightened way by now.

Yet you have still not indicated to me that you value my work, and that you appreciate my compassion towards you.

How skilled are you in investing in trustworthy collaborations, whether artistically or politically, and how do you know?

I do my best to avoid unreasonable expressions of sentimentality.  I much prefer to maintain equanimity whenever and wherever possible.

Yet your apparent uselessness as a world leader continues to cause me great suffering

How do you know you are capable of investing in thoughtful discussions on a daily basis?  

And what research do you conduct before participating in such discussions?

How appropriately have you been investing in the delights of adequately ethical compatibility over the past few years, and how do you know? 

How much distress have your choices in life inflicted upon other people, and why?

Perhaps you often mistake hedonism for freedom.

How do you usually document and assess your own investigations into the very best mental health?

Perhaps you already know how do define successful investing in an enlightened way.

How do you define environmental sensitivity? 

The vast majority of injustices, all over the world, are caused by hubris.  

Hedonism often causes hubris.

How have you been making assessments elsewhere to help you invest in an intelligently kind culture appropriately?

I hope you are already investing in peacefully authentic living to the best of your ability.  

How sensibly are you investing in magnificent maturity, in personal and interpersonal terms?

An adult is meant to be a fully grown person.  Yet being fully grown, in physical terms, usually has nothing to do with behavioural and psychological maturity

Is a magnificently mature person actually one without dependents and/or dependencies and/or debts, in your view?

What do you know about differences in intelligence in relation to mental health and problem solving? 

Being mature may or may not mean the same thing for a person of average intelligence as it does for a person with an intellectual disability or high intelligence. 

What do you know about the biomarkers of ageing?

What do you know about your chronological age?

What do you know about your biological age?

Many matters relating to moral character are examined in Frugality Cottage, as you are likely to be well aware by now.

This little library is, in fact, devoted to the topic, as is the noticeboard at the entrance:


The best way to learn in this part of the Internet is through virtual volunteering.

What are you able to offer and why do you wish to offer it, and when?

How do you know you are investing in an intelligently kind culture to a sufficient degree, with or without possessing a relevant tertiary degree on the subject?

How do you prefer investing in mutually beneficial pleasantness, and why?

As I am only interested in investing in enlightened beings, I am also investing in magnificent maturity as carefully and cautiously as possible.

How do you know your biases do not include gerontophobia and/or gerascophobia?

What do you know about the psychology of the reminiscence bump?  

How do you define volition and procrastination and obsession

What do you know about the evolution of ageing?

What do you know about the history gerontology?
What do you know about the science of geriatrics?

What do you know about human genetic variation in the past and present?

What do you know about archaeogenetics?

If you regard yourself as fully grown, what does that actually mean?

Does fully grown mean the same thing for a physically stunted person as a non-stunted person?

Does being fully grown mean the same thing in endocrine terms, whether a person is of average height or experiencing dwarfism or gigantism?

Does being fully grown mean the same thing from the perspective of pygmy people as non-pygmies?

Does fully grown mean the same thing for an underweight person as an overweight one?

Does fully grown mean the same thing genetically for people with the same chronological age?

What is your acquaintance with philosophical razors?

What do you know about the gene-environment interaction?

In humans, sexual maturity usually occurs at least twenty years before psychological maturity, if psychological maturity happens at all.

There are many different Internet cultures, offline subcultures and lunatic fringe groups. 

Lunatic fringe groups have usually been inhabited by the vulnerable and by exploiters of the vulnerable. 

Do you know much about emerging subcultures and emerging countercultures, and historical ones?

While some cultural groups and communities have been like cults, others have been more playful.

Sometimes, however, the seemingly playful, like the seemingly compassionate and seemingly generous, can turn into something much more sinister and cruel.

What do you know about the differential susceptibility hypothesis in relation to experiences?

What do you know about the indifference of governments in relation to various problems, including mental health problems?

How, if at all, have you attempted to improve your expressions of well-informed kindness and well-informed investing?

Perhaps you have been contributing to discussions elsewhere about traditional cultures, fashionable cultures, faddish subcultures, abusive cults and the true expression of good faith and goodwill. 

There is never an existential crisis in this virtual vicinity.  The same cannot be said of any part of the physical world.

Yet philosophical perfectionism is a necessary attribute for quality leadership.

What have you discovered about psychological perfectionism, especially as an enemy?

What have you discovered about an Australian idyll?

What have you discovered about any other idyll?



Perhaps you are currently in despair as a consequence of payment problems.

Perhaps you are in despair as a consequence of political problems

Perhaps you are in despair as a consequence of history-related problems.

Perhaps you are in despair as a consequence of language problems and/or other communications difficulties.

Perhaps you are in despair as a consequence of economic problems.

Perhaps you are in despair as a consequence of ecological problems.

Perhaps you are in despair as a consequence of food-related problems

Perhaps you are in despair as a consequence of addiction problems.

Perhaps you are in despair as a consequence of housing problems.  

Intelligent frugality is informed by a deep awareness of scarcity, not only local scarcity but global scarcity.

What do you know about investing in enlightened productivity?

What do you believe you currently know about investing in enlightened philanthropy?

How intelligently have you been investing in quaternary possibilities, and how do you know?

What have you discovered about wicked problems?

What do you know about the identifiable victim effect

How do you define enkrateia and akrasia, and from which cultural perspective, and why?

Perhaps you are seeking my assistance to solve a few mysteries of the political variety.

You may even be interested in helping me to solve a few. 
What do you know about violent crime and its causes?
What do you know about abusive 'orphanages'?

What do you know about coerced signatures?

Victims of physical and emotional abuse, regardless of the identity of the perpetrators, often turn to the temporary solace and possibly even the possibly permanent despair of substance abuse.

Perhaps you view the Hubrisometer as similar to a bubbling cauldron.

Perhaps you regard me as a practitioner of witchcraft.

Yet I am not a witch.  I do, however, know of many wonderful witches, including many very good Australian sand witches.

Wonderful witches mainly practice statecraft, not witchcraft.

How, if at all, are you investing in better governments?

You may wish to review your understanding of my philanthropy and creativity.

If so, how will you approach the task?

How carefully and thoroughly have you been investing in purposeful reviews?

All identity politics is unjustly divisive, regardless of where it is situated on the political spectrum.

Such politics, by exacerbating the practice of divide and rule, prevents structural inequality from being urgently and effectively addressed.

If you had been appropriately registered as a patron here in time, you would have had the chance to participate in various workshops about and/or from Frugality Cottage. 
The Cottage and Competence

The Cottage and Beliefs

The Cottage and Politics

The Cottage and Controversy

You would have also had the chance to explore the further educational possibilities and opportunities offered from here.

Maintaining suitable independence and suitable interdependence requires the necessary financial, legal, economic, political and social structures.  Those structures would ensure well-informed kindness and well-informed investing are supported and encouraged appropriately.

A Civility Party in Australia, either alone or in coalition/collaboration with similarly constituted, highly enlightened political organisations, must experience a landslide victory at the next Australian federal election if improvements in the political culture in this part of the world, and especially improvements in the culture within both houses of the federal Parliament, are to be possible.

Otherwise, life on this planet is soon to be doomed

Next Monday afternoon, I intend to provide you with a note about investing in careful design.
