83 - investing with Adelaide

I am only interested in investing in people who are willing and able to devote most of their time towards addressing the world's most urgent problems.

How do you define those problems?

How do you address those problems?

I am mainly interested in improving social environments so that natural environments can be protected and restored.

I do not claim to have much knowledge.

I do claim what is rightfully mine, namely a social and natural environment in which I can thrive.

I have never been interested in investing in Adelaide.

I have only been interested in investing with Adelaide.

Even if you are not associated with Adelaide at all, I at least hope you share my values adequately.

Since philanthropically initiating this series of notes for your benefit, in order to encourage your own philanthropic practices, I have been attempting to invest in you as carefully as circumstances have allowed, especially on Monday afternoons.

I intend to keep doing so at least until next Monday.

Your access to this digital library will only be permitted for as long as:

a) I keep providing weekly investment notes for you to read here, and 

b) The key to open the door into Frugality Cottage remains in its usual location when you may need it.

If you believe you know something important about Adelaidean communities, and even Adelaidezone ones, what do you actually know, really and truly?

I have long been wondering whether Australia has any bits of democracy left in it anywhere.  And I have long been worried that democracy everywhere, all over the world, has too much in common with extinct species. 

I need properly functioning democracies everywhere if I am to thrive.

I cannot function properly without that happening.

I have long invested in a long-term marital relationship with an Adelaide-born person though I was not born in Adelaide myself.

I feel secure in the relationship.  I do not feel secure in Adelaide.

Nor, in fact, do I feel secure anywhere else in the world.  The physical world is not adequately secure, and nor is most of the online world.

My husband has had a family connection with Adelaide as a place since the 1890s.  

He has never had a family connection with Adelaide as a person and nor have I.

I have no family connection with Adelaide as a place, or with South Australia as a place, apart from my marriage.

How do you feel about Adelaide as a place, and about the Adelaidezone as a manifestation of enlightened living and thinking?

I have no understanding why my publicly-available writings are not really of much interest to most people, possibly even including you. 

If you are unwilling to respect my needs, I can only form the conclusion that you are an unkind person.

Do you regard yourself as superior to me in any way whatsoever?

You are certainly likely to have superior knowledge about a particular area of expertise I do not possess.

What is that area of expertise?

I know that false hope is a form of deception.  It may even be a form of self-deception.

I also know that the denial of problems is dangerous when the evidence of those problems is overwhelming.

I often feel distressed by the evidence I accumulate and assess.

I often feel overwhelmed by feelings of grief when my distress and despair are treated with indifference by the people paid to care.

Perhaps you are unfamiliar with my perceptions of Adelaide, and of the world more generally. 

I have not met many suitably friendly Adelaideans.  I have mainly met rude, selfish and bigoted ones though not as many as I have met in and from Sydney.

I am not from Sydney.  Nor am I from Melbourne or Brisbane or Perth or Darwin or Hobart.

I probably have the desire to write to you as a consequence of my non-Adelaidean upbringing.  That upbringing included a considerable amount of government support through public health services, public education services, public housing, public infrastructure, public transport, public utilities, public libraries and public broadcasting.

Most of my parents' income derived from publicly-funded work and other public payments.   Yet I grew up without much access to money or equipment or transport.

Nor did I have adequate family support.  I had to use my time and energy in whatever relatively restricted way I could, primarily to avoid experiencing harm to myself and to minimise experiences of harm as best I could.

If you grew up with more privileges than me, whether through access to money or family support or safety, I have nothing more to offer you, except these notes, until you prove yourself worthy of my attention.

Perhaps you think I had more privileges than you, especially if your parents had no option but to pay for things and services and experiences and opportunities I was provided through public funds. 

Perhaps you are not interested in investing with Adelaide, or me.

If you find me attractive in a romantic or otherwise disconcerting way, please be aware that I am very happily married.  I am fortunate that my marriage is one part of my life entirely without problems.  

I have, however, encountered many sleazy persons in Adelaide, and elsewhere.  

The problem of sleaziness was much more obvious to me in the early years of married life, and before my marriage, as I was often a target of it in my youth.

My husband is not sleazy at all.  He is a person of considerable dignity and kindness, and reasonableness.  Our disagreements have mainly been associated with other people's expectations of us.

Which of your investments, if any, are mostly related to Adelaide?

Which of your patronages, if any, mostly relate to Adelaide?

Which aspects of your philanthropy, if any, mostly relate to Adelaide?

How is your patronage, here in Frugality Cottage and elsewhere, related to your philanthropy?

I prefer to regard good friendship as a private experience of mutual civility through well-informed kindness.

I prefer to regard good patronage as a communal experience of justice and pleasure, for the greater good.

And I prefer to regard philanthropy as any private pursuit in the public interest. 

What do you already know about my needs, or at least think you know?

What do you currently know about your own needs, really and truly?

True friendship and good patronage are very wise investments in authentic living.  But such investments are apparently impossible in this part of the world.

During childhood and adolescence, I was indoctrinated through a screen into believing the screen represented reality, and power, and success in life.  Perhaps you were similarly indoctrinated.

How do you usually interact with persons with an ancestry and upbringing similar to my own?

How do you usually interact with persons with an ancestry and upbringing similar to your own?

What do you believe we have in common, and why?

How do you believe we differ considerably, and possibly incompatibly, and why?

As a child, I often rescued sick, injured and abandoned animals, just as I tried to protect other children, and even a few adults, from abuse. 

I also wanted to feel safe.  Yet I have rarely felt safe enough, at any time of my life, even with a kind, protective, thoughtful husband.

Even as a very young child, I wanted to protect children from abuse.  I wanted to protect adults from abuse.  I wanted to protect animals from abuse.  I wanted to protect beautiful buildings and beautiful environments from destruction. 

Why do I feel that the Australian Constitution will do nothing to protect me and my husband from further harm?

Why do I feel that the Australian Government, the state Government of South Australia, and our local government authorities, are actually encouraging harm towards us by the selfish, the indifferent, and the incompetent?

Telling people about my personal difficulties has always been difficult in itself.  I am a private person and so is my husband.  We prefer to maintain our independence from governments as much as possible.  We do not trust them.  Nor do we trust most providers of business services and 'community' services.

How do you compare yourself with me, and with other people?

I have often very quickly identified such motivations within and between organisational relationships and family relationships, and even within purported friendship groups, particularly when observing the normalised behaviours of bullies, braggarts, bores and boors.

I refuse to regard such behaviours as normal.

All my investments are associated with intrinsic motivators.

They are not associated with irrational impulses.

How honest do you consider me to be?

How do you distinguish between my activities as a researcher, my activities as an investor, my activities as a patron, my activities as a writer, and my activities as a philanthropist?

Please ensure you demonstrate your enlightened patronage whenever necessary, including here, especially if you regard yourself as an Adelaidean. 

When I was about nine years of age, I experienced two vehicle accidents within a few weeks of each other.  None of my family members ended up in hospital as a consequence but I had a spinal injury that was never treated until I was in my thirties.

In those same few months of my childhood, I also experienced a jaw injury.  It was never properly treated.  I found out in my thirties that my jaw was considerably misaligned and all my teeth were cracked. 

My jaw had probably been dislocated, like my spine.  I also discovered than my knee caps were misaligned and that my legs were different lengths.

Yet my mental state has long been misaligned, and maligned. 

My true feelings have usually been criticised rather than understood and appreciated.

Only my husband has been adequately understanding, and patient.  Without him, I doubt I would have regarded life as worthwhile for me.  He is my best friend.

I have no intention of corresponding personally with anyone unless that activity is adequately beneficial to my creativity, my mental health, and my philanthropy. 

I often ignore emails for weeks, or even months.

I can only write personally, or otherwise communicate personally, if I feel able to do so without lowering my mood or confusing my mind or disrupting my ability to sleep at night.

Perhaps you regard me as a ghost.  That is understandable, considering the fact that I am digitally invisible to you, apart from these words.

How long have you been aware of my writings, including the allegedly ghostwritten ones?

If I have already helped you to improve your philanthropy, please let me know how that has been achieved, and what it has achieved. 

You will obviously know for certain that I have now provided you with eighty-three important notes in relation to your investment options.

I have no aristocratic ancestry.  I have no middle class ancestry, either.

All my ancestors were poor, north-west Europeans two centuries ago, as far as I am aware.  

Regardless of whether they happened to be men, women or children at any particular moment, they mainly worked as farm labourers, coal miners, weavers, tailors and carpenters.  They had little, if any, formal education.  They had no wealth, apart from their ability to eke out a living through their relentlessly tedious work.

There is especially much work to do to improve the kindness industry, of course, even for, and by, non-wealthy persons.

I personally prefer the use of the word peaceful rather than the word non-violent in relation to my own practices.  I prefer not to use violence-related words at all unless absolutely necessary.

On various days, in various months, usually around mid morning, enlightening discussions about refreshing possibilities and wonderful opportunities have taken place with physical refreshments, and digital ones, in the sitting room here in Frugality Cottage.

I have been entirely absent from those discussions this year, as you already know, but Queen Adelaide has been regularly in attendance in ethereal, non-imperial, splendour.  You have not, apparently.

Do you believe you know much more about my world now than you did a few months or years ago?

I have received no indication from anyone that you have acquired your knowledge of investing through my carefully composed notes to you.

Nor have I received any indication that you have acquired better manners with the assistance of Queen Adelaide.

Perhaps you are uncomfortable about my interactions with ethereal beings.

Perhaps you do not regard those beings as real.

But how real are you?

How do you compare yourself with Queen Adelaide?

When people treat each other as superior or inferior, they are competing rather stupidly, as I am sure Queen Adelaide will agree.

Queen Adelaide has much more patience with expressions of stupidity than I do.

Please be aware that Queen Adelaide is not dozing during her visits to any part of the Internet, even though she may seem that way to you.

When she is not sewing or sipping tea, Her Majesty is most likely to be meditating and/or listening attentively.

Perhaps you are not interested in contributing to discussions about, or with, Queen Adelaide.

Perhaps you are not interesting in initiating or continuing any discussions with me in any locations whatsoever, whether directly or indirectly.

Perhaps you are too frightened of me to answer my questions.

Perhaps you are too frightened of Queen Adelaide, or her ghost.

I have delegated the initial interactive processes to my dear, ethereal associate as a consequence of your lapses in that regard.

I had been hoping you would be a qualified moderator by now.

Her Majesty has devoted a considerable amount of time and attention towards your improvement, both in Adelaide time and in the EverTime.

Even so, as befitting her ethereal status, Queen Adelaide often requires my assistance, and/or the assistance of one or more of our quaternary colleagues, particularly whilst seeking to communicate with you.

In my experience, many people have difficulty understanding the meaning of appropriateness.  That is why I often require the assistance of Queen Adelaide. 

In her presence, most people behave with more civility than they would otherwise.

Perhaps you wish to delegate your leadership to me, or to someone else, possibly including Queen Adelaide.  That would, of course, be very lazy of you.  Indeed, it would also be an indication of your ignorance and unworthiness, and possibly even your cowardice and arrogance. 

How do you currently compare yourself with Queen Adelaide, particularly in terms of leadership?

I have cultural connections across many centuries, and through the EverTime, with many people who managed to make the world a much better place than it would otherwise have been.

Yet the improvements they made were mostly ignored by bullies.

Those improvements continue to be ignored, and destroyed.  That is why I require further assistance from powerful personifications from time to time.

Unlike my husband, our Adelaidean neighbours have never shared any of my values.

In fact, our neighbours have never had anything substantially in common with me or my husband.  They have either been aggressive or intrusive, or both, or merely absorbed in their own wasteful, consumerist and hedonistic habits, and/or they have been unable to communicate adequately in English and/or they have had loopy religious beliefs and/or ridiculous political views.

That is why I do not have a sense of belonging with those people.

Perhaps you do not associate informative notes and important discussions with simple living, intelligent frugality and well-informed kindness. 

Perhaps you do not associate Adelaide with those qualities, whether as a person or as a place.

You are aware, by now, that my husband long experienced work-related bullying in Queen Adelaide's namesake city.  Yet he felt powerless to improve the situation.  He had no academic qualifications.

He had technical skills he had acquired through a long apprenticeship, and through years of informal study and workplace experiences.  He also had advanced interpersonal skills and analytical skills, and highly developed personal values, his employer did not appreciate.

Yet he enjoyed the work itself, and his interactions with customers.  It was only the bullying by incompetent, purported supervisors that he could not, and would not, tolerate.

As I do not co-operate with bullying once I recognise it, nor do I co-operate with any other expression of aggression.

If you are not currently an agent, have you ever acted as an agent in the past?

If so, why are you not doing so in the present?

Your continuing procrastination is most unpleasant to me and to the volunteers here, and to Queen Adelaide herself, and especially to the Spirit of Enlightenment.

We have received little indication that you have been adequately attentive towards my notes this year or last year.

Do you intend to be more attentive next year?

Perhaps, by then, I may permanently be situated in the ethereal realm with Queen Adelaide and the former curator of the exhibition at the Old Adelaidezone Gateway, as may you.

I have long been hoping you will help me cope with the complexities within my life and work.  I will certainly be disappointed if you continue to be unwilling to provide that assistance, and so will Queen Adelaide and everyone else officially associated with the Adelaidezone.  

Perhaps you consider me to be an agent of the Spirit of Enlightenment and/or the Council of Enlightenment.  

I am a servant, not an agent.

As I am not an agent, I act as both a colleague and servant in order to serve the greater good.

How have you been investing in the Adelaidezone over the past decade?

My experiences of organisations in Australia, and in many other conceptual countries, have mainly been negative.  That has primarily been due to the unpleasant encounters I have experienced within them, and observed between them.

I am currently investing in you as much as is possible, and so is Queen Adelaide, of course.

What is your acquaintance with the history of Adelaide as a place and as a purpose?

Queen Adelaide is most disappointed in you though she would never tell you so directly.  I am merely unsurprised by your procrastination.

Her Majesty is especially disappointed in your rudeness as well as your procrastination. 

How do you intend to make amends, if at all?

Although I always work for the greater good, please note that only appropriately registered patrons are eligible to receive my philanthropic attention from now on, through my relatively exclusive, private and community activities.

Apart from here in Frugality Cottage, have you been investing in social research anywhere else quite important recently?

I gain a considerable amount of pleasure through conducting social research and discovering the truth about the world.

Which of your policies, if any, mostly relate to Adelaide, and why?

I hope you are investing in thoughtful reciprocity to the best of your ability though I have seen little evidence of it.  

Real leaders uphold civility properly, hence the work of Queen Adelaide here in my absence.

Apparently, you have not yet provided sufficient, proficient patronage towards the continuation of public access to Civility Today, in the public interest.

Queen Adelaide is now ethereally in charge of the initial patronage assessment process within Frugality Cottage, as you may have noticed.  Her Majesty is especially interested in how you are investing in simple living, if at all, and why you are doing so.
I do not currently participate in discussions with non-patrons, in any locations whatsoever, though Queen Adelaide might do so, if she is available.  
If you are appropriately registered, perhaps you will provide suitable assistance to Her Majesty.  We both wish to know how well are you currently investing in enlightened philanthropy, and where. 
I hope you associate civility with good faith, regardless of your spiritual beliefs, or lack of them.
You are probably quite well aware of my association with Adelaide by now.

My husband has helped me to develop the concept of New Nilkawt, as you may be aware.

What is your acquaintance with the husband of the Spirit of Enlightenment and his duties in relation to the future of Nilkawt?

Perhaps you do not have much acquaintance at all with thoughtful, quiet persons.


I hope you prefer unpretentious, freshly made, locally grown food rather than any other sort.

There is a community twitter table at which some of my notes to you are occasionally mentioned.  You may or may not have had a chance to visit that table to contribute to the discussions there.

I always ask questions in good faith.

I always describe problems in good faith.

I always provide possible explanations in good faith. 

Sometimes I am assisted by Queen Adelaide.

Sometimes I am assisted by Adélaïde Labille-Guiard.

Sometimes I am assisted by Johann Sebastian Bach, particularly as a prelude to the experience of enlightened being through well-informed community practices.

All the aforementioned ethereal personages assists with the world's most enlightened and refreshing YouTube channel.
You have apparently not been doing the same.
What is your current patronage relationship within Frugality Cottage and how did you acquire it? 

When I was growing up, my parents rarely gave me money towards anything of importance or interest to me, or even towards the things I urgently needed, though they occasionally gave me expensive, unwanted presents.  I could never understand why. 
My parents never tried to understand life from my point of view.  They never had empathy.  They had no idea how to manage money wisely, or how to be honest about the subject.
Being with either of my parents, or both of them together, was perplexing.  They were polar opposites in terms of temperament.  They also habitually acted in contradictory ways, whether alone or together.
What do you know about gambling?
I do not trust gamblers.
I do not trust any opinionated speculations, especially if they have little basis in fact.  
Nor do I trust the people who encourage such speculations.

I know for certain that could have considerable influence in the world of crony capitalism and plutocratic mateship if I acted unjustly or otherwise unreasonably.

I have no idea if or how most of my ancestors managed to save money.  In the 19th century and early 20th century, few of the women in my ancestry, in particular, were literate.  They may not even have been able to count.  They were often regarded as though they counted for little, if anything. 

You are probably well aware of my own policy towards tourists.

What is yours?

I hope you are investing in awareness in various, very important ways.

Do you currently have access to the Adelaidezone Information Service?

Do you currently have access to the Hall of Appropriate Patronage

Do you currently have access to Civility Central?

Next Monday afternoon, I intend to leave you a note here about investing in urgent reforms.
