89 - investing in quality of life

In my experience, there is no real freedom in life without experiencing adequate goodness and adequate reasonableness and adequate honesty and the adequate continuity of those qualities.

There are many persons with whom I refuse to collaborate, co-operate or even consider suitable for my attention. They do not understand the purpose of quality at all.

I have always enjoyed learning about different cultural practices yet I wish at least a few people would be adequately appreciative of my cultural preferences.

Even people who have considered me to be a friend have often failed to understand that their own preferences do not necessarily match mine.

Adequately accurate observations are always expected within the highest quality digital venues, such as here in the virtual library of Frugality Cottage.

When I first began developing the Adelaidezone as the Adelaide Zone, in early 2009, I published quite a few expressions of my humour.

Most well-informed people regard my sense of humour as elegantly egalitarian.
Yet the production of quality humour, like the production of quality poetry and quality music, often requires a considerable amount of prior knowledge, effort and attention to detail, as well as an advanced awareness of timing.

And effort, attention to detail and alertness to timing are not necessarily fun.

All effort, attention to detail and timeliness should be suitably rewarded when they are not fun.

I write from the Adelaidezone mainly for fun.

My reasoning is undoubtedly of the highest quality. I have tested it thoroughly on all sorts of suitable measuring devices and I seek second and third, highly qualified opinions on the subject on a daily basis.

I have provided you with plenty of evidence of my contributions towards your quality of life.
You have provided me with no evidence of your contributions towards mine.
I hope I have not contributed to your psychological trauma.
Who has advised you about investing in quality of life, and how, and why, and when?
Investing in the quality analysis of events can only occur with the necessary skills and information.

But how do such assessments and investments support quality of life?

How do you usually attempt to learn from and through assessments and investments?
I have no interested in joining clubs or other formal groups, other than through my spiritual and scientific duties. There is no point in me becoming involved in social interactions when most people fail to respect my needs.

That is why I have created semi-fictional organisations to meet my needs through digital means. 

How would you describe your community experiences in relation to simple living, intelligent frugality and quality expressions of civility and morality?  

How is it possible to invest appropriately in simple living without also investing in all the qualities upon which it is based? 

What do you believe to be the qualities of a wonderful conversation?

How cheerfully do you attempt to solve problems, and for whose benefit?

How do you distinguish between genuine cheerfulness and hideous inebriation?

How do you usually provide proof of your qualities and foibles?

In my private world, I experience happiness.

In the public world, I experience no happiness at all.

Yet the public sphere keeps intruding traumatically into my privacy.  

For a considerable time now, I have therefore been attempting to develop adequately compatible online communities as virtual bastions between my private preferences and the public sphere. 

When the momentum becomes evident for the wonderfully semi-fictional to become entirely factual, through thorough preparation and planning, I will happily invest in the associated developments.
Unfortunately, that investment opportunity has never arisen in my experience. 
I have never continued with an investment if the costs are likely to outweigh the benefits.  That is why I am yet to make an advanced investment in you.
I have gained a great deal of pleasure, over the years, as an explorer of one sort or another.
I always find something worth exploring, whether physically or virtually.

Where and how do you usually identify and examine your cultural assumptions about quality of life?

You may possibly even have had a privileged chance to explore Nilkawt and New Nilkawt virtually, at least if you have been eligible for those privileges.

In New Nilkawt, and similarly here in Frugality Cottage, intelligent frugality has been chosen as the preferred way to invest in simple living and better democracies.

Perhaps you are here for the first time.  I have no evidence that you have been here before.  You have not responded to any of my previous eighty-eight notes to you, as far as I am aware.

Who am I to you but words on a screen? 
Perhaps you are afraid of me.  Perhaps you even associate fear with respect.
Yet quality of life is not associated with fear in any way whatsoever.

Throughout the Adelaidezone, and beyond it, for many years, the Council of Enlightenment has been attempting to encourage you to be a good influence, particular in your work as a real world leader.

The council hopes you appreciate the enlightening, ongoing Adelaide Reports exhibition at the Old Adelaidezone Gateway, including all the efforts of the late curator.

How have you already demonstrated that appreciation?

I hope you are interested in addressing the causes of reasonable despair, including my despair.  I have long had the knowledge, skills, values, interpersonal qualities, citizenship status and personal finances to contribute to the development of New Nilkawt yet no truly qualified potential community members have notified me of their interest in joining, and their ability to do so.

Perhaps you know nothing about how to become a Nilkawtian citizen.

Perhaps you know nothing about the Nilkawtian constitution.

Perhaps you know nothing about the financial and constitutional development of New Nilkawt.

Perhaps you know nothing about my attempts to improve the Constitution of Australia and other states and societies, and international organisations.

Why are you here now?

Where have you been, and why?

What have you been doing, and why?

How often do you ask yourself such questions?

All over the world, people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and educational abilities are frequently duped by charlatans into mistaking prestige for quality.

The marketing of brands is usually the practice of charlatans.

I have never, in my entire life, spent money on self-promotion, or any other type of promotion for that matter.  I have, instead, expected word-of-mouth recommendations to suffice, without prompting. 

Do you regard quality of life as a worthy goal or as a daily necessity?

Perhaps I should concentrate my future investment efforts on the development of New Nilkawt rather than the Adelaidezone or Nilkawt or your leadership.
New Nilkawt is intended to demonstrate the possibilities associated with simple, gentle, sustainable community living.  
It will not be developed on a flood plain or in a potentially dangerous seismic zone or in an area of high bushfire risk.  Nor will it be constructed above or near a health-threatening waste dump or in an area likely to be under the sea quite soon or subject to a possible landslide or sinkhole or in a location likely to be too hot or too cold or too windy or too dry or too wet, or anywhere else inappropriate. 
Where, then, should it be situated in the physical world, if anywhere?
New Nilkawt will obviously require a quality democracy and a suitable constitution for that practice. 
Yet I want good governments to exist in every society.   
I want good journalism to exist in every society. 

I want every human settlement to be safe and sustainable.

I also want the practice of quality editing to be adequately valued for its contributions to civility, moderation and peace.
What do you want, and why?
How do you define quality of life, and for whom?
The Government of Nilkawt has most usually been surreal.  Perhaps you regard most other governments that way. 
All quality editing is an expression of enlightened virtue.

Such editing is obviously associated with suitable moderation, appropriate civility and quality information.

New Nilkawt is meant to be mainly physical rather than predominantly surreal or otherwise fictional and/or ridiculous.  It can only develop with the contributions of appropriately compatible persons. 

Perhaps you are interested in contributing to the governance of New Nilkawt.

But do any governance bodies, or even governments, ever provide anything towards the long-term establishment and maintenance of quality living, throughout societies, all over the world?

There has been some discussion, in the Council of Enlightenment, that New Nilkawt may require a new name, to distance it from the ridiculousness so often associated with Nilkawt and Australia and the Adelaidezone and anywhere else where satire is prevalent and/or relevant.
But what name would be suitable?
Perhaps Suitable is a suitable name, or Compatible, or Frugal, or Ethical, or Delightful.  
Yet there can often be considerable conflict when highly meaningful words are used for places, or groups.  You may be aware, for example, of arguments over the meanings of words like politics, religion, liberal, conservative, left, right, centre, democracy and enlightenment.

Perhaps you are investing in thoughtful reciprocity with adequate continuity as a way to support quality of life and quality democratic experiences.

If so, how do you distinguish between thoughtful and thoughtless reciprocity?

How do you attempt to make a quality analysis of quality of life, and for what reasons?

As far as I am aware, New Nilkawt will begin through investing in appropriately good patronage

It may include investing in you if you are regarded as adequately compatible with the financial and constitutional founders, and you are a long-time Nilkawtian citizen with the prerequisite life experiences.

How appropriately are you investing in life, and how do you know?

What is your approach to investing in the quality analysis of events?

What is your approach to investing in thoughtful discussions?

What is your approach to investing in useful inventions?

What is your approach to investing in importantly useful information?

I have been asking you similar questions for a considerable time now, as you may have noticed.  Yet your answers have been less than satisfactory, to say the least.

If you usually associate quality with investing in appropriately high standards, why are your answers to my questions of such a low standard? 

I have received no evidence that you are investing in mutually beneficial pleasantness for the benefit of pleasantness in my life.

Do you, therefore, associate mutual respect with mutual fear rather than mutual kindness?

I have received no evidence in my laboratory, or anywhere else, that you are investing in importantly useful information sufficiently, or in anything else I value. 

Perhaps you are not interested in receiving importantly useful information about Nilkawt.

You may not be interested in receiving importantly useful information about anywhere else devoted to quality living.

I have long been doing my best to encourage you to participate in the practice of good journalism.

Do you already regard yourself as a patron of enlightened editing?

If you have found quality of life anywhere, what have you reported on the subject, and for which audience?

Perhaps you have not even invested in the development of your own peaceful and cosy library, whether virtually or otherwise.

How do you usually locate suitable, informational and educational contents for your lifelong enlightenment and contentment.

Such a library would obviously support your well-informed expressions of simple living, and your well-informed, intelligent kindness.
Perhaps you are relying, instead, on receiving continuing access to this little library.

This afternoon, here in the library of Frugality Cottage, I placed this investment note on the virtual bookshelf for your urgent attention.

As you may have noticed, this is note number eighty-nine.

There are a few additional, hopefully educational notes on the writing table here to assist your assessments of various investments.   I hope you have been reading them.

As I do not enjoy promoting my ideas, I rarely publicise my work directly.  I would, however, like to know that at least a few of my writings are valued by you.

Perhaps you do not enjoy sharing information about the truth. 
Perhaps you are only interested in sharing whatever you find ephemerally entertaining.
I want to maintain a quiet, peaceful, private, creative and gentle existence, supporting justice to the best of my knowledge and reasoning abilities.  
My Adelaide Adagia associates assist me in that regard, as you may be aware. 
They may even assist you, in a suitably reciprocal sort of way. 

How, if at all, does tourism contribute to your quality of life?
How, if at all, do actual and/or virtual visitors contribute to your quality of life?

Here in the library of Frugality Cottage, I have been investing in documenting expressions of my unclouded consciousness, in accordance with the desires of the Spirit of Enlightenment and the Council of Enlightenment.  I have been doing so primarily to convey my well-informed kindness towards you.

The spirit and the council only co-operate with well-informed, kind people, and so do I.

Do you feel comfortable here?

Do you even find this virtual cottage library quite cosy?

What do you believe to be the purpose of these notes from my own point of view?

Perhaps you are incapable of answering any of my questions appropriately.

We all have a duty to contribute to world peace.  That is the main purpose of my work.  I hope it is also the main purpose of yours.

Without world peace, quality of life is impossible to sustain.

Your access to Frugality Cottage is obviously an act of kindness on behalf of the owner. 

Indeed, that expression of kindness also applies towards myself.  I am not the owner of this digital venue.  I am mainly a visitor here.  I am also a patron of the work conducted from various parts of the cottage.  I also work directly and indirectly on behalf of the owner.

How would you describe your current patronages in terms of quality of life?

I hope you are not overly trusting of external appearances, whether of places or persons. 

You may have discovered quite a few of the enlightened plans for New Nilkawt yourself through exploring the Adelaidezone, if you have been eligible to do so.

All the necessary social institutions for the New Nilkawtian communities have already been highly developed, theoretically and imaginatively.

The necessary infrastructure has not yet been developed at all, for highly enlightened reasons.

Children are not permitted in most areas of the Adelaidezone.  Nor are they permitted in Nilkawt and New Nilkawt.

The Nilkawtians involved in developing New Nilkawt are currently composing the constitutional sovereignty of the proposed new nation state.

As with Nilkawt itself, no public displays of religion will be permitted in New Nilkawt.

The Nilkawtians are well aware that much cruelty has been perpetrated, throughout history, in the name of religion.

The Constitution of New Nilkawt is likely to be associated with the active expression of intelligent frugality and liminality.

Such expressions are actively encouraged by the Council of Enlightenment, including here in Frugality Cottage.



Do you associate intelligent frugality with quality of life?

Do you associate liminality with quality of life?

The Nilkawtian state has never had a desire to contribute to cruelty.

The same applies to authentic Teapottians, such as myself.  We always source our tea, water, electricity, kettles, teapots, teacups and teaspoon from reputable suppliers.

What do you have a reputation for supplying, and to whom, and from where?

Perhaps you help to support quality of life through the development and maintenance of quality cultures.

How do you usually define, describe and assess the actions of agents?

What do you know about the etymology of the word agent?

What do you know about the etymology of the word colleague?

What do you know about the etymology of the word servant?  

What is your acquaintance with the verb to serve?

Most agents are untrustworthy.  They are primarily motivated by self-interest, not the public interest.

Only enlightened self-interest is ethical self-interest, and only if it is expressed through the enlightened protection of the public interest. 

Any other expression of self-interest destroys quality of life very quickly indeed.

How do you know you are investing in the delights of adequately ethical compatibility adequately well?

How do you know your are investing in awareness in a way compatible with quality of life?
