87 - investing in careful design

There is little point in seeking to invest in poorly-designed, high-maintenance societies. Such societies do not support reasonableness, peacefulness, health or equitable prosperity.

You may be seeking a well-designed, low-maintenance community in which to live and/or work. Such a community harmoniously reflects a good constitution and a good society and a very good understanding of nature.

Coziness is often associated with pleasant informality though some people may find cosiness within the elegant drawing room of a rococo palace or in a well-heated, private chamber in a grandly maintained castle or in the presidential suite of a very expensive hotel.

Perhaps you often mistake expensive decorations for careful designs.

Unnecessary changes can cause considerable distress to persons who depend upon, and/or benefit from, the continuity of a design, a system, a formula, a recipe or a service. Even the threat of possible changes can cause considerable distress to such persons.

A good constitution provides the legal structure upon which such a society is built.

You may be seeking a well-designed, low-maintenance society in which to live and/or work.

Do you design human settlements, and human communities, in accordance with the facts of natural systems?

I have carefully designed this series of notes to assess your approach to investing, especially in terms of your approach to leadership.

The most distinguished research, design and development authority is obviously the Council of Enlightenment.

Perhaps you are afraid of the council.

What do you currently know about the Tower of Truth, and how do you know it?

What do you currently know about Frugality Cottage, and how do you know it?

What do you currently know about the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter?

What do you currently know about New Nilkawt?

In my teens, I wanted to travel. I yearned to see the world for myself, especially as my richer friends had all travelled much further than my experiences of family holidays had ever taken me.

When I was an adolescent, I worked very hard to gain qualifications. That goal was as important to me as earning money. The purpose of both was to escape from experiences of cruelty and powerlessness.

As soon as I began earning enough money to pay my own way in the world, without being economically dependent on anyone but myself, I did my best to save as much as I could.

I do my best to design for sustainable communities.

How carefully do you design anything, and for whose benefit?

You apparently do not care about me or biodiversity.

I have received no evidence in either regard.

Perhaps you regard me as boring.

What is boring about you, and to whom?

Who do you frighten, and why?

Queen Adelaide and I agree that appropriate legislation, and the appropriate implementation of that legislation, is the only way to protect the poor from exploitation, improve the care of children, prevent slavery, and uphold tolerant attitudes towards differing tastes and opinions.

While many people apparently prefer to indulge themselves in potential chaos, I much prefer a nice cup of tea in a peaceful atmosphere, as does the ethereal Queen Adelaide.

Her Majesty is a supervisory moderator here in Frugality Cottage from time to time, as you may have noticed.

You have every right to choose the problems you wish to resolve.

You have every right to choose your own priorities.

I have similar rights and so does Queen Adelaide.

Are you aware that a carefully structured register of quaternary qualifications is maintained within a highly secure location within the main, gated area of Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter?

Such qualifications are associated with personal qualities much more than with the prior acquisition of specialist knowledge or special skills.

Design is often associated with structures and their purpose.

Many people have stupid and dangerous habits.

Many people are unworthy of my care.

They do not care about me.

Is my life trivial to you?

Should I care about your life?

You seem to be a hedonist.

I want to be treated with respect.

I want to be understood.

You apparently prefer triviality.

You also apparently prefer to offer opinions.

All opinions are trivial.

I am here to report on the results of my research, not to share opinions.
Over many decades now, my needs, wants and values have not changed, except that my travels have become mostly virtual rather than actual.

I find the experience of virtual travels much more comfortable and far cheaper, and possibly even much safer than physical travels.

Why do the cruel want more suffering in the world?

Why do they encourage stupidity to thrive?

Why do they hate the truth?

Why do they not care about my despair?

Perhaps the cruel do not know they are cruel.

Perhaps the stupid do not know they are stupid.

The despairing know themselves to be in despair.

I am in despair.

What do you now know about my expectations of you?

What do you know about your expectations of me, and of yourself?What are you capable of designing to help meet my expectations?

Please be aware that you currently deserve nothing from me, including this note.

No-one deserves anything from me.

I have no debts to anyone.

I have already given my best.

Most voters in degraded democracies do not have the ability to assess personalities and policies and possibilities. They have not received the required education and training.

But you have no such excuse. I have, in fact, been educating and training you very carefully, in a structured way, through these notes, even without you noticing.

Perhaps I have mistaken you for someone else.

Perhaps you are not trustworthy at all.

Perhaps you do not really care.

As you will be well aware by now, the little rooms upstairs, here in Frugality Cottage, have been economically transformed into virtual exhibition spaces.

Those spaces principally display important conceptual ideas about enlightened economics. They do so primarily for appropriate patrons to consider with appropriate carefulness and timeliness.

You may wish to examine at least a little of the context of the work I have conducted from this virtual cottage over the past few years. 

But how will you do so?

How long have you been aware of my digital discussions, including the ones you have not attended?

How carefully have you examined the associated documentation, beforehand and afterwards? 

You will probably be well aware, by now, that intelligently frugal people do not travel unnecessarily.

Nor do they use inappropriately powered vehicles unnecessarily, in any way whatsoever.

They certainly do not use alcohol or other drugs unnecessarily. 

Nor do they purchase overly packaged items, unless they have no better choices. They prefer to avoid consuming or otherwise using animal products or imported products, unless absolutely necessary.

It is always necessary to test assumptions carefully, whenever possible, hence my work in testing talents and virtues through the Hubrisometer and Gullibulometer.

For my discussions with you last year, in the sitting room here, the Council of Enlightenment asked me to structure the topics very carefully indeed.

I hope you appreciated the chance to take part in those discussions.

I also hope you appreciate the chance to read these notes.Of course, all the discussions involved important topics, as do these notes.

You have been offered the chance to read my words or ignore them.I have offered you the chance to read my words for structural purposes.

Many people have dreams and unfortunately jump at them without exploring the direction of the jump properly. Far too many of those people then become disillusioned, burned out, in debt, possibly injured, nursing trampled emotions and watching the crumpled wreck of the dream rust away. Or worse.

If you have ever been involved in attempts to improve the design of a political system, what have you discovered along the way?

If you have ever attempted to improve the systems of an organisation to prevent the infiltration of selfish persons, of any sort, how have you attempted to do so, and with what level of success?

All authoritarianism is selfish. It prevents good ideas from flourishing. It even prevents good ideas from being acknowledged, or even encouraged. It encourages corruption. It is abusive. It is unhealthy for minds, for relationships, for societies, and for organisational systems.

The only people to benefit from authoritarianism are the cruel and their genetic and cultural dynasties.

If you care about careful design, how do you express that care, and for whose benefit?

Are you sure you regularly ask yourself, and other people, such a question?

How carefully do you design to prevent catastrophes from arising?

What have been the obstacles you have encountered before, during and after that design process?

The prevention of catastrophes is always the first sign of success during and after any activity.

How do you examine records to ascertain trustworthiness?

How does good editing contribute to your knowledge?

Perhaps you regard me and/or my questioning as frightening. 

I hope you will act in the public interest properly soon.

When the people adversely affected by a change are relatively privileged rather than relatively disadvantaged, that change is likely to be necessary for the common good.

Without the ability to adapt items and improve approaches to the design requirements of a situation, nothing much can be achieved.

Without appropriate creativity, inventiveness cannot develop. 
How do you identify the most suitable designs for physical and/or social bastions?
How do you know when a social bastion for the common good is adequately secure? 

What do you really need, and how do you know?

How do you address the environmental influences on your mood, whether through better planning, better design, better relationships or better philanthropy?

Have you ever suffered from sick building syndrome

Have you ever attempted to thrive in any type of unhealthy environment?

You may think it strange that many of my writings mix a little obvious fiction into the careful relating of facts. 

Investing in careful design involves investing in privacy very carefully indeed.

Perhaps your health requires you to live in a relocatable building, carefully designed for your special needs.

Whether you have special needs or not, you may currently live and/or work in a portable building.

Do you have much knowledge and experience of universal design
I am carefully investing in the delights of adequately ethical compatibility, as these notes to you may suggest.

How carefully have you been investing in the harmonious interplay of beauty, understanding and magnificence?

Such harmony is the purpose of constitutions, particularly in terms of true justice.

How carefully have you been investing in improved constitutions?

You may be happy living in a standardised, structurally sound, prefabricated building.  You may enjoy the convenience of having someone else do all the design and construction work for you. 
Perhaps you believe you are living in a society with a standardised, structurally sound, well-designed, prefabricated constitution.

How carefully do you perform due diligence, especially when most necessary? 

My maternal grandparents were always careful with money.  They trusted few people and nor do I.

Should I trust you?
How carefully are you investing money at present, and how do you know? 

There is much work to do in relation to good investing, whether with money or when experiencing a lack of it.

What do you know about locally unwanted land use?

There are many types of exclusion zones in the world.

There are also many other types of exclusions.

What, if anything, do you know about zoning in relation to permaculture design principles?

What, if anything, do you know about eco-sufficiency

How do you usually ascertain your values?

Have you ever thought carefully about investing in me?

Perhaps you would prefer me to address you verbally, though obviously not in a quiet library. 

What is your current awareness of my activities as The Author?

Perhaps you do not regard my writings as carefully designed at all.

If you are interested in investing in trustworthy collaborations with me, I will expect you to be a well-informed person with adequate courtesy and a healthy imagination.  If you also have a healthy sense of humour, so much the better.

Perhaps you are not interested in investing in the delights of adequately ethical compatibility.

Perhaps you are not even interested in learning more on the subject.

How carefully are you investing in a healthy imagination, and how successfully?

How do you measure success in that regard?

How carefully are you investing in anti-establishmentarian necessities?

How carefully have you been investing in an intelligently kind culture, and for what purpose?

Please review the following educational notes carefully now:    

Healthy communities frequently involve the expression of compatible priorities.
How carefully have you been investing in awareness, and for what reasons?

What do you know about travel advisories?  

How carefully have you been investing in structure, and how do you know?

How philanthropically have you been investing in social research, and where is your evidence?

How successfully have you contributed to the associated structural improvements?
How carefully and considerately have you explored this virtual library, and for what reasons?  
How carefully have you been investing in purposeful reviews of my work, and your own?

What do you know about corruption and how do overcome it?

Most crime is caused by corruption.  The atrocious 'planning' associated with badly designed localities is rarely indicative of simple incompetence in public administration and public policy.

I have long been investing in a gentle philosophy as well as in health, education, love and life.  Perhaps you have been doing the same, with or without a cup of tea and an acquaintance with bonnets and cottages.

Have you ever wondered why Australian motorcars and early 19th century European ladies are both associated with bonnets

What do you know about design in relation to systems theory and systems thinking?

What do you know about the problems associated with authoritarian approaches to design, including architectural design, civil engineering and town planning?

Next Monday afternoon, I intend to provide you with a note about investing in useful studies.
