88 - investing in useful studies

You may have already discovered that the world's finest and most enlightened tertiary education service is provided through the elegantly egalitarian Adelaidezone Information Service rather than from one or more of the world's purportedly prestigious universities.

I have experienced three universities and they were all as mediocre as each other.  

Yet I still managed to achieve extraordinary results academically.

But now I prefer quaternary and quinary studies.

Perhaps you have a similar preference.

A most enlightened education system has been developed in the Adelaidezone.  It primarily asks questions of quaternary students, individually and collectively, about their own ignorance.  

The system also helps real leaders to ascertain whether and when any other person is incapable of quaternary understandings.

Quaternary studies provide a beautifully inclusive perspective, a delightfully thorough understanding and a magnificent contribution to the improvement of leadership in the world.

Many secondary and tertiary studies are not particularly useful to students at all, unless they are students of boredom. Perhaps you even regarded your experiences of primary education as rather dull.

Quaternary studies are another matter entirely.

I have indirectly invited you to help me solve problems but you have not yet responded.

Perhaps you continue to lack knowledge, creativity and empathy.

Perhaps you even fail to locate very necessary news about political improvements.

As you will be very well aware by now, at least if you have been adequately attentive, I am not particularly interested in hearing about your personal problems, or about anyone else's personal problems, even if you are a really well-informed and kind individual with adequate empathy. I am interested in how you, as an enlightened world leader, address problems and learn from experience.

I have never been interested in hearing about anyone's personal problems unless I have been suitably invited, beforehand, to help solve those problems and have adequately agreed to do so.

Tertiary educational services are meant to support the provision of enlightened leadership in the world, though they rarely do, hence the importance of quaternary services.

Perhaps you wish me to provide you with a tertiary education rather than a quaternary one. Yet my work is highly advanced. I refuse to allow anyone to waste my time, or my money.

If you have not experienced these notes every week over the past eighty or so weeks, you are likely to feel quite overwhelmed by this one.

I hope you have been studying the investment notes here in the library very carefully indeed. Frugality Cottage is an investment hub, as you may have noticed and noted.

Perhaps you spend much of each week preparing for the following weekend. I hope, however, that you are saving the world especially carefully on Friday afternoons.

For much of the time, when I was growing up, the only way I knew about possibilities in life was through the mass media. I did not learn about possibilities very much at school.

Yet the mass media does not reveal anything about reality at all, in much the same way as words, images and sounds perceived through online experiences.

Many persons genuinely devoted to the improvement of civility and kindness in the world are also appropriately registered as patrons and students of the work conducted from Civility Central.

Advanced patrons and students even have the opportunity to achieve highly privileged access to extraordinary tutorials supporting the second Age of Enlightenment, through a wide range of venues.

Information about those tutorials is usually displayed on various levels of the main observation tower in the Villa Twaklinilkawt grounds for gracious causes.

The world's finest and most enlightened quaternary education services are provided in many usual and unusual locations, online and in life. Real world leaders know how to access those services, and when to do so.

The virtual cultural institutions around the Social Media Quadrangle, including Civility Central, are places in which social and cultural compatibility, and social and cultural incompatibility, are examined with scientific precision and artistic vision.

I have often provided you with opportunities to improve your leadership of the second Age of Enlightenment. I have done so without expecting any financial contribution from you at all. I have merely requested your time, and the continuation, and improvement, of your thoughtfulness, reasonableness and honesty.

If you are a film, video or television editor, director, producer or cinematographer of exceptional talent, you may wish to study through the Adelaidezone Media Hub.

If you consider yourself to be an extraordinarily accomplished editor, writer or literary critic, you may be hoping to begin a course at the Adelaidezone Literature School quite soon.

You may have had the virtual chance to visit the remarkably grand Twaklinological library of enlightenment in Villa Twaklinilkawt, especially if you are a scholarly sort of patron in relation to elegant egalitarianism.

You may possibly even have had the opportunity to conduct virtual research in the Twaklinology archive associated with the elegantly egalitarian Adelaidezone science studio within Villa Twaklinilkawt.

Here in Frugality Cottage, up in the attic, you are likely to appreciate the chance to discover the latest findings about enlightened economics today, especially if you are eligible to do so.

You may or may not have been attempting to study enlightened economics in the attic of Frugality Cottage recently.

But where have you been studying enlightened politics?
At the International Political Reform School, genuine students of quality politics have long been invited to register there as responsible practitioners of societal good governance.

No genuine students have, in fact, registered yet.

Does that mean there are no suitable persons to run governments, anywhere in the world?

Does it mean that genuine students of political reform are rare?

Perhaps you prefer to regard yourself as a student of revolution.

What have you been learning about the Australian Political Reform Club?

Perhaps you have already experienced at least a little, self-directed quaternary training within the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter, particularly training in the art and science of enlightening self-assessments.

When I was younger, I was interested in interacting with a wide variety of people. I was interested in learning about, and from, differences.

Now I prefer to communicate only when absolutely necessary, preferably with people I consider to be adequately compatible with me.

When I was growing up, the only encouragement my parents gave me was to work, not study. They measured success in terms of gaining employment, even in low paid jobs. They only wanted me to do well at school so it reflected well on them as parents. My needs and interests did not matter. My parents assumed I was merely an extension of themselves.

I share important information because I believed it is my duty to do so. I continue to believe it to be everyone's duty to improve access to enlightenment.

You apparently do not even appreciate your access to this dignified little digital library. 

You apparently have not expected me to provide you with a written investment note each Monday afternoon for eighty-eight weeks.

How do you intend to express your leadership over the next eighty-eight weeks, and why, and where?

Part of my duties, on behalf of the Spirit of Enlightenment, is to ask important, and therefore useful, questions.

The questions are mainly intended to be useful from your own point of view, at least if you wish to acquire a more enlightened mind.

Perhaps you already believe that the Spirit of Enlightenment contacts you directly rather than through a medium, or through various media.

Perhaps you are unsure about the type of medium I happen to be.

I am certainly not a charlatan.

Nor am I deluded about my powers in any way whatsoever.

I know I am actually powerless.

The only talent I have is for assessing evidence objectively.

Perhaps you have a similar talent.

Perhaps you have an entirely different talent.

The tone of my notes has deliberately expressed frustration towards you. Yet the frustration has not only been my own.

The Spirit of Enlightenment has long noted your inadequate investment in useful studies.

Except with my highly supportive and appreciative husband, I find verbal interactions emotionally draining, including on the telephone and in person, whether physically or digitally. That is why I much prefer to write as a way to communicate with you, and with most other persons with leadership responsibilities.

Even so, I do not usually write in the way, and at the time, the recipients expect.

I have indirectly invited excessively wealthy persons to provide adequate educational and/or financial resources to support enlightenment in the world though no such persons have actually done so, as far as I am aware. The wealthy are much more interested in avoiding their responsibilities, apparently.

Regardless of your current net worth, you apparently do not yet understand the difference between superficial grandeur, extravagant grandeur, delusions of grandeur and enlightened grandeur.

At the Old Adelaidezone Gateway, and in many other nearby, virtual locations, you may have already discovered how to access, assess and improve your qualities as an enlightened world leader.

You may also have had the chance to upgrade your skills as a contributor to quality journalism.

Have you had access to the most suitable assessment services in the past?

Do you have access to those services in the present?

If you currently regard yourself as a student within the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter, why do you do so?

Perhaps you are mostly interested in the research questions I have been asked to answer.

Perhaps you are wondering whether I am interested in the research questions you have been attempting to answer.

How, though, do you know when a research question is adequately enlightened?

What sort of research have you been conducting in relation to public interest journalism, and why?

To provide you with anything more substantial than these not-particularly-grand investment notes will require a substantial payment from you in order to pay someone else to do my usual work.

However, few people have yet received any of the advanced training associated with the work I personally do.

It is very expensive to provide the continual training and continual supervisory requirements associated with the necessary, continual assessments conducted on behalf of the Council of Enlightenment.

Perhaps you are mainly interested in devoting your investment time to reading, whether in a library or elsewhere.

Perhaps you enjoy the personal gratification of reading, without offering anything beyond it in terms of leadership.

You may appreciate the possible opportunity of studying within the Adelaidezone School of Remedial Etiquette over the next few months.

Queen Adelaide is currently helping to assess prospective students.

Which historical persons usually inform your self-assessments?

Perhaps you prefer to request the services of mythological persons and other fictional characters.

Perhaps you spend much time learning through digital discussions rather than through the perusal of investment notes.

But where, and how, do you attempt to learn about amazingly successful planning and how to invest in it?

Peace and justice, locally and globally, depend on a proportionally large, well-educated, well-mannered, politically aware, environmentally-conscious, compassionate and properly democratic middle class population in every society, with or without assistance from ethereal royalty. 

The middle class, by definition, is neither excessively wealthy nor desperately poor. Yet middle class people tend to plan ahead better than the very poor. They also tend to be more respectable that the very rich.

What is your current understanding of necessary ethics, and how did you acquire that understanding?

What, if anything, have you studied about peacefully authentic living, and where, and with whom, and why?

How much do you value peacefully authentic living, and how do you express that value, and the peace and authenticity and life associated with it?

Perhaps you regard a peacefully authentic life as an active expression of useful studies.

How, then, do you define usefulness in terms of value and peace and authenticity and life?

Perhaps you are seeking to learn how to improve your understanding of a piece of technology, whether in terms of hardware or software or usefulness or prestige, or in terms of moving one or more objects and/or persons from one location to another, or in terms of protecting objects and/or people and/or environments from harm.

How do you usually assess vulnerabilities?

Perhaps you fail to invest your time wisely, even on Mondays, whether through reading, listening or conversing.

Much controversy arises when people do not assess evidence adequately.

How do you study trustworthiness, and its opposite?

How do you examine the benefits, and costs, of various collaborations?

What do you know about authenticity in relation to trustworthiness?

How am I to assess your cultural contributions towards the second Age of Enlightenment if you consistently fail to attend the virtual assessment sessions in my laboratory in the Tower of Truth?

How have your studies related to your hopes at various times of your life?

An enlightened leader knows that it is always best to consider the full picture of a situation before seeking advice.

Only with good knowledge is it possible to assess advice adequately.

How do you distinguish between information, advice and sales techniques?

If you do not currently consider yourself to be a student and/or patron in this digital vicinity, why not?

Enlightened investments, enlightened studies, enlightened leadership and enlightened politics are cyclical processes.

My weekly goal has been to provide you with a new investment note each Monday afternoon, on the bookshelf here in the library of Frugality Cottage.

The investment notes are mine. I own them. I am making the investments. You are merely considering your own.

Becoming enlightened necessarily causes re-evaluations to occur, sometimes on a daily basis. I have been attempting to assist your re-evaluations on a weekly basis for eighty-eight weeks now. Perhaps you continue to be unappreciative of my efforts.

Whether you are associated with the Australian Political Reform Club or not, have you ever been a prospective student at the International Political Reform School in this digital vicinity, at least from your own point of view?

Perhaps you would have preferred to join a course there on lesser quality politics rather than most the proper sort.

Have you ever contributed to the work at the Proper Policy Institute near here?

If not, perhaps you do not usually associate proper policies with amazingly successful planning.

Do you usually attempt to read a textbook before beginning a course of study?

How capable do you currently believe yourself to be regarding the careful study of this investment note?

I have received no evidence that you are a good investor.

Perhaps you do not usually regard investments as a process.

Perhaps you do not usually regard studying as a process.

Perhaps you do not usually regard leadership as a process.

Perhaps you do not usually regard politics as a process.

I hope you will be honest with me. I also hope you will offer suitable recompense for the time and effort I will require if I am to upgrade the skills of my current assistants and/or to seek out and employ more highly trained ones.

Perhaps you are seeking to become one of my virtual private students.

If so, what are you seeking to learn from me, and why, and how much are you willing to pay for such a privilege?

You have, of course, not yet achieved the prerequisite requirements.

What is your current approach to researching the possibility of making ethical investments?

My job is to research investment options from a highly enlightened perspective.

I have often conducted research into attitudes towards luxury and frugality.

How, if at all, do you contribute to a beautifully useful culture?

I doubt you will be able to answer that question with honesty and clarity at present, at least not with a sufficiently original and practical answer of your own.

Perhaps you are unaware that you usually answer questions from the point of view of culture, not nature.

Regardless of your current age, what have you been studying about emergence and emergencies?

If you have never been an emerging adult, you are likely to be a child or adolescent at present.

If you are an established adult, you are likely to be at least thirty years of age.

If you are an emerging adult, you are likely to be in your twenties at present.

But what does it mean to be an enlightened persons?

Have you invested suitably in the development of a philosophical laboratory, whether the facility is your own or owned by a distinguished research authority?

If I fail to provide a new investment note on time in any particular week, the entire Adelaidezone is likely to disappear from the Internet forever. Or at least that is the grim warning I have received from the Council of Enlightenment.

How do you usually assess warnings?

How do you tell the difference between real leadership and marketing spin?

What do you already know about enlightened economics and how did you acquire that knowledge?

What have you been learning in the attic here in Frugality Cottage, and when?

How purposefully have you been learning from history, and where?

And how do you usually locate refreshing possibilities and wonderful opportunities?

How do you define a refreshing possibility?

How do you define a wonderful opportunity?

In the vestibule of the boudoir in Villa Twaklinilkawt, you are likely have had the opportunity to learn about women of some importance, particularly those who have contributed substantially towards enlightening humanity and thereby improving the world.

How have you responded to that opportunity, and why?

You may wish to learn more about the Villa Twaklinilkawt patrons, especially if you are not yet one yourself.

You may also wish to learn about the Villa Twaklinilkawt tours, which are rarely available to ordinary members of the public nowadays.

What do you believe you know about my ongoing studies, and how have you acquired that information?

What do you believe you know about my earlier studies, including my various research projects and findings?

Perhaps you are not yet adequately familiar with my world.

Perhaps you are not particularly deeply acquainted with your own.

Perhaps you would rather play with ideas and play with money and play with lives, whether through sport or other means.

Perhaps you usually associate investing with industries rather than studies.

I do not directly invest in children or adolescents or young adults or non-humans.

I invest in possibilities associated with the magnificent maturity of enlightened being.

Are you mostly interested in learning more about, and from, this virtual cottage in relation to industries and relationships and well-informed kindness or for other reasons?

What have you studied in relation to ethical and unethical financial gains?

What have you studied in relation to bullying and other abuses, including psychological manipulation?

What have you been learning about investments in the library in Villa Wikipedia?

What have you been learning about your own mind?

How much of your quaternary training have you completed, and how do you know?

I am currently at the quinary level. That is why I am qualified to teach at the quaternary level.

Perhaps you wish to do the work I usually do.

I am not paid to do it.

If you will expect payment, who do you expect to provide it?

And how do you know you are suitably qualified?

Are you fully capable of learning facts for yourself?

Are you fully capable of discerning cause and effect relationships accurately?

Are you fully capable of distinguishing clearly in your mind between one location and another, one person and another, one priority and another, one choice and another, and one moment and another?

I am mainly interested in the long-term view of time and place and purpose and people, as befitting my status as a longitudinal research practitioner.

From the age of nine, I was required to take long walks alone to and from school in any sort of weather. It included climbing up a steep hill, carrying whatever I was expected to take with me for school each day.

A school bus never went anywhere near our house.

Do you usually associate physical and/or virtual cottages with enlightened economics and/or enlightened democracies?

Over the past few years, though possibly not particularly recently, you may have spent at least a little time in the enlightening Adelaidezone News Observatory in the tower of the main gatehouse to Villa Twaklinilkawt.

When I was a child, my father drove to work but he never drove me to school on his way there. My mother did not drive. We only had one car at a time. It was usually an old one.

I certainly know what it is like to walk long distances in all sorts of weather, with ignorant farmers spraying pesticides and herbicides nearby.

I am also well aware of the noises and smells associated with livestock production and the mechanical harvesting of crops.

Highly enlightened, scholarly patrons may occasionally have access to the heritage quality, local news vaults under the grand hallway of Villa Twaklinilkawt.

Such patrons are also likely to receive invitations to experience the Villa Twaklinilkawt ethereally serene salon for world peace.

What sort of scholar are you?

You are very fortunate indeed if Civility Central currently remains open to you.

Good government is obviously associated with the enlightened expression of civility, as is good governance more generally.

You currently have access to the introductory level of Civility Today through this virtual library.

How much or little do you appreciate that experience?

If you are a highly competent scholar and patron of the elegantly egalitarian leadership work conducted from Villa Twaklinilkawt, you are likely to be a voluntary virtual and actual servant of local and global enlightenment.

If you truly appreciate the Adelaidezone, regardless of your physical location, you are possibly likely to appreciate the importance of Remarkable Adelaide Reporting, including Reporting for #Adelaide.

If you regard yourself as a highly appreciative and suitably respectful sort of visitor, patron or potential patron, how do you prefer to show that appreciation?

Perhaps you prefer to regard yourself as a fan or follower or admirer or customer, or even as a friend.

People are either compatible or incompatible rather than superior or inferior.

I am incompatible with all unreasonable people. Such individuals tend to regard themselves as superior to me.

From about the age of seven, I had chronic eczema and nervous tics. I would also fall over quite often when I tried to run.

I was regarded as inattentive and clumsy, both indoors and outdoors, by children and adults.

I have never had the ability to catch a ball or hit one with a racket or bat, at any age.

Politics, in all societies at present, is mainly treated either as a war or as a game. It is sometimes treated as both.

Perhaps you associate usefulness with making money, regardless of the lifelong injuries and enemies acquired along the way.

How have you already addressed the excessive political influence of wealth, prestige and greed?

Perhaps you do not regard those influences as excessive.

Wealth has excessive political influence everywhere.

Prestige has excessive political influence everywhere.

Greed has excessive political influence everywhere.

How do you define political influence?

I have never appreciated anything about sport whatsoever. I find all sports pointless and often ugly. I know that sporting activities cause many serious injuries, both physically and mentally. And I find comments about sports to be exceedingly tedious.

Yet I know that sport, particularly elite sport, has often been regarded as politically important, particularly when the performers are military-age males.

I have never gained any pleasure whatsoever from either playing or watching sports. I find all practices associated with sports, including the reporting of sports, to be boring, aggressive and boorish.

Yet I became quite a good sprinter by the time I reached puberty. It became a very useful skill when attempting to catch public transport in my late teens and early twenties.

I was quite good at the hurdles and long jump in my teens, too, which came in handy when exploring nature.

But, like the journey to and from school, I found competitive athletic activities far less enjoyable and far less meaningful than strolling gently through relatively natural surroundings.

I still prefer to appreciate scenery and wildflowers, particularly when in no hurry to reach an educational institution or workplace or transport hub or place of residence or shop.

But I currently live less than five metres above sea level. I must therefore hurry.

I find the usual practice of politics, and the reporting of that practice, to be boring, aggressive and boorish.

Political activities, reporting activities and sporting activities are rarely regarded as scholarly, or even peaceful.

The scholarly is often regarded as boring to everyone but the scholars themselves and those sharing their interests.

Relatively enlightened scholars may even be denigrated by populist politicians as an out-of-touch elite.

Populists tend to regard peace as boring. They may even regard facts as boring and unimportant.

I hope you are not a populist or otherwise out-of-touch with the truth.

If you are relatively wealthy at present, there is a considerable amount of work and study for you to do in and from Frugality Cottage over the next few months, regardless of your prior association with the Adelaidezone, or even with Adelaide as a place or person.

Even if you are not relatively wealthy at present, whether on a local level or global level, wherever you happen to be in the world, I still intend to provide you with a new note in this library every Monday afternoon at around 3 o'clock, Adelaide time, until I no longer have the physical and mental constitution to do so.

How do you know you are capable of studying at a highly advanced level, not as a specialist but as a leader?

Politics will continue to serve the greedy at the expense of the good and the gullible unless you help to implement enlightened democracies everywhere.

Corruption is a form of societal pollution, of course.

And all aggression is societal pollution.

No world will soon exist for good people unless you act reasonably, and urgently.

The poor and otherwise powerless will still be punished by the rich and powerful if you do not act wisely.

The cruel will still run governments for the benefit of the greedy, whether openly or behind the scenes, unless you provide suitable political leadership.

How do you intend to do so, and upon which philosophical grounds, and with what evidence?

Where and how are you providing political philanthropy?

I always prefer to encourage well-informed kindness and well-informed investing.

That is why I only respond to interesting questions, not intrusive ones.
Perhaps you do not regard my questions as interesting.
Perhaps you do not even regard my questions as important.

Perhaps you regard me as impressive and/or wealthy.

Perhaps you are impressed by wealth rather than well-informed kindness.
Perhaps you do not believe you have responsibility for improving government policies, or societal constitutions.

Within the Twaklinomical archive of ethereal economics, in the service wing of Villa Twaklinilkawt, much elegant research has been conducted into the cause and effect relationships between access to physical power and access to political power.

I hope my kindness towards you is not misplaced.

I intend to continue placing these notes on the bookshelf here each week.

My only desire is to help you assess your investments very well indeed.

Perhaps you are not particularly appreciative of my efforts to assist you.

Perhaps the intangible confuses you.

Perhaps my philanthropy towards you is a source of your confusion.

Genuine charity responds to the consequences of perceived problems.
Genuine philanthropy responds to the causes of perceived problems. 
Fake charity relates to the egocentrism of the donor.
Fake philanthropy is the same as fake charity.
Fake charitable organisations are criminal enterprises.
Real charitable organisations are often barely distinguishable from criminal enterprises once their managerial practices have been properly investigated.
Much marketing is deceptive, regardless of the legal or illegal basis of the associated organisation.
Charity is not a contract.  There are no obligations on the part of the recipients.

To require obligatory responses is to behave politically.
How do you define charity?
How do you define philanthropy?
As history, and news reports, frequently show, young people have often been exploited by governments for sinister purposes.  They have also often been exploited by businesses and charitable organisations for sinister purposes.
How do you know whether a purpose is sinister or not?
What do you know about exploitative practices towards persons in particular age groups, ethnic groups and gender groups?
I have considerable expertise regarding traumatic situations.  And I only employ persons with a similar level of expertise in that regard.
As a relatively enlightened world leader, you are meant to be compiling the necessary records and ascertaining the most important facts in the sitting room here, and elsewhere. 
There are many extraordinary individuals, organisations, groups and opportunities associated with the Adelaidezone, as you may already be well aware.

Yet you may not yet be eligible to learn more about them.

How do you assess your patronage practices in relation to businesses and charitable organisations?
How do you assess your other patronages?
How do you distinguish between one type of patronage and another?
How do you prevent yourself from encouraging corrupt practices and other forms of deception?
You have not been required to pay money to be here, as far as I am aware.  
Perhaps that is why you do not value my attentiveness towards your investment options.

I am particularly interest in emergence as it arises before, during and after emergencies.
I am also interested in emergence in relation to chronic conditions of ill health and the associated needs, with or without associated emergencies.
If you wish to invest in my philanthropy, what are you seeking to offer in that regard? 
If you have forgotten much about, or have even forgotten to learn about, my enlightened investigative and investment activities, mainly due to the fact that your own activities have been somewhat chaotic over the past few years, I do understand. 
Of course, on behalf of the Council of Enlightenment, I am meant to convey my expertise to you regarding sublime simplification but as you appear to be in a hurry to leave, that must wait until another day.
How usefully have you already studied sublime simplification, and how do you know?

If you soon achieve notability as a philanthropically advanced and highly enlightened world leader, you may become eligible for membership of the Fellowship of Transcendental Enlightenment.

Through your transcendent leadership, your loyalty and service will already be expressed towards enlightenment itself and not towards a particular public or community or person or organisation.  
How long are you willing to wait for politics to serve the greater good?
How do you serve the greater good?
How do your studies serve the greater good?
Perhaps you have been studying the art and science of quality mentoring.
None of the volunteers associated with Frugality Cottage have expressed any interest whatsoever in training to assist me in my laboratory in a voluntary capacity.  I can only form the conclusion that they, like you, have an inappropriate sense of priorities.
How do you attempt to locate the people likely to act with adequate respect towards your needs, and my needs, and everyone's needs?

I do not want to be dependent on anyone.  I do not want anyone do be dependent on me.  I attempt to encourage suitable independence and suitable interdependence.

Good planning is particularly necessary in that regard.  It encourages adequate independence and suitable interdependence.

You may also have noticed that several extraordinarily valuable, additional online resources are currently only accessible to ordinary members of the public through this virtual library
How have you expressed appreciation towards your access to those resources?
Perhaps you are already aware that adequate compatibility is usually most reasonably perceived in terms of shared beliefs about normality.  
You may associate living and/or working in a cottage with a slower pace of life yet cottage-dwelling workers may have a fast-paced existence, especially if they have a long commute each day and a large mortgage to repay. 

What do you know about the structure of my work?

What do you know about the structure of my life, and your own?

What do you know about the structure of Frugality Cottage?

What do you know about the structure of the work here?

How have you responded to the structure of these investment notes?

How do you compare the enlightening work in Villa Twaklinilkawt with the elegantly egalitarian work conducted from the attic of this virtual cottage? 

Perhaps you do not usually associate attics and service wings with elegance.  

On most occasions, hushed tones are preferred by the volunteers here, and even complete silence, especially in this little library and up in the attic.   

You may consider my assistant, Phil Anthropi, to be an unreliable narrator.  That is your choice.

Phil is a virtual student of mine as well as a worthy assistant.
Perhaps you regard me as an unreliable narrator.
You may also have noticed that I have been required, by the Council of Enlightenment, to supply you, and the properly registered patrons, with a few additional, frequently updated educational notes to supplement these investment notes, with or without the assistance of Phil. 

Phil has compiled careful records of various discussions in the sitting room of Frugality Cottage.  Having subsequently placed the contents into later contexts, including the experiences of ongoing discussions, Phil has demonstrated a very high level of skill as a note taker and fact checker.

I have often referred to Phil's notes before composing educational and investment notes for your benefit.  I have, of course, also referred to many other relevant documents.

What have you been learning in the sitting room of Frugality Cottage recently, or at an earlier time?

I am sure Phil will continue to assist me in my laboratory in the Tower of Truth over the months ahead, rather than here, except when delivering updated educational notes to this library on my behalf.  

Phil obviously assists with the essential maintenance of my public invisibility. 

For the past few months and, indeed, for the past few years, I have been indirectly inviting you to invest in well-informed kindness, both directly and indirectly, though not necessarily financially. 

To whom have you provided similar invitations, and why?

Privacy has long formed the essence of my philanthropy, my creativity, and my independence.  

Pleasant interdependence depends upon respect for privacy, health, hygiene and sanity.
I prefer to drink tea in the early morning.  I prefer a range of other warm beverages in the afternoons, or cool ones during the warmer months.  I do not drink alcohol.

I prefer to participate in alcohol-free community practices, and smoke-free ones, of course.

I insist upon reasonable communication and pleasant interpersonal behaviour.

I prefer to support communities based on mutually compatible self-expression, not inappropriate obligation.

Good faith is an experience of interdependence, not dependence.  

How do you prefer to conduct research, and what do you prefer to study, and why, and with whom?  

Reviewing your previous practices is not particularly easy when you are unwilling to participate with adequate consciousness and conscientiousness in the review process. 

I regard the facts about local, national and international politics to be exceedingly worrying, as does Queen Adelaide.  We have both been worrying about politics for a considerable time now, as have many of our ethereal colleagues.

Enlightened beings know there is a time and place for everything necessary here.

I do hope you regard my notes as suitably dignified.  Queen Adelaide frequently reviews them for me, as you may have noticed.

Where do you usually learn about history, and how and why do you acquire that information?

Where do you usually assess your past, present and future investments if not in a virtual library?

How do you make those assessments?

What do you believe you know about me, and how have you formed that conclusion?

How do you distinguish between research work, administrative work and the art of persuasion?

I have been investing in explorations of the world, and my thoughts, and my abilities, values and interests, for many years now.  I have paid particular attention towards improving the quality of local and global leadership, though I have rarely paid any money towards that improvement. 

I meet all sorts of people through my work, most of whom are merely virtual tourists with little understanding of culture and its emergence at all, with or without an associated emergency.

What do you know about communication in relation to reality?

How do you usually distinguish between patronage and membership?

How do you usually distinguish between patronage and financial investing?

You may have noticed that Frugality Cottage is mainly an educational facility and an investment house. 

You are likely to be quite well acquainted with Frugality Cottage by now. 

What do you believe to be reasonable about making a cause and effect connection between a virtual cottage and creativity?

What is the purpose of making such an observation, and what is its value, and to whom? 
You have been permitted to open the ethereal front door to experience being here.

What, if anything, have you been learning in relation to the cottage and competence?

There are many reasonable activities to experience virtually here, and elsewhere in the Adelaidezone.

Perhaps you consider nothing virtual to be reasonable.

But what is reasonable about your non-virtual experiences?

What have been your experiences of longitudinal studies?  

What do you know about mine?



What is the purpose of your investigations?

How do you prefer exploring?
How global is your current sense of purpose, and why?
How competently do you provide local leadership, and where, and how do you know?

Perhaps you usually regard useful studies as a chance to contribute to some sort of improvement.

One of the main problems in the world is an absence of trustworthiness.

Unreasonable people are untrustworthy.

How, therefore, will you demonstrate your trustworthiness to me?

How have I demonstrated my trustworthiness to you?   
What do you know about my research into various forms of emergence?
Are you, or have you ever been, an emerging adult?

Have you examined much research on the subject

Queen Adelaide is highly trustworthy.  She has great renown as a courtesy expert.  She is as aware, as I am myself, that recommendations, like advertising, are often mistaken for good advice.  

What have you been learning about my research into official and unofficial advisory practices?

How have you been investing in education at various times of your life, and for what purposes?

There are refreshing possibilities in the Adelaidezone mainly for relatively enlightened beings though not necessarily for any somewhat ignorant, rude or immature relatives or colleagues of those persons.

How well have you been investing in reading over your lifetime, and how do you know?

The attic of Frugality Cottage can currently only be reached through the sitting room though some people have attempted to enter through the chimney or through the attic window or even through the fourth wall. 

What does investing in curiosity mean to you at present?

How have you been investing in social research regarding anti-establishmentarian necessities, and for what reasons? 
What does investing in anti-establishmentarian necessities mean to you at present? 
Perhaps you are interested in learning more about the cottage and politics

What do you already know about political pleasantness?

I am not interested in promoting my own activities as an enlightened world leader.  That would intrude upon my privacy too much.

I am merely interested in developing your real character, and the philosophical character of this virtual cottage.



What have you already experienced through character education

How do you, in fact, define and measure any process 

At the Proper Policy Institute, all the foundational guidance on developing enlightened societies has been available to you for quite some time now, whether you have appreciated that guidance or not.

The only way to indicate that appreciation is by registering appropriately as a patron, of course. 

As you may be aware, journalism is a public activity.  My activities are now relatively private.  Yet I continue to do my best to help improve the world, especially in the absence of good journalism in various contexts.  

Of course, the only good journalism available to the ordinary global public at present is provided by a few members of the Adelaide Adagia News Ensemble, namely the associated courtesy experts.

The supplementary, complementary, complimentary educational notes here in the library are to support your learning in relation to enlightened investment practices.
You will probably have noticed that those notes are currently part of the digital guidebook here.

What do you know about the Fellowship of Transcendental Enlightenment, and how did you acquire that information? 
How often do you intend to visit Frugality Cottage over the next few months, and for what purposes?  

I have been doing my best to assist with your investigations into the delights of adequately ethical compatibility, as I am sure you are aware by now. 

Where have you been learning about well-informed investing, whether in terms of money or through non-monetary practices? 

What is your usual approach to investing in enlightened beings and protecting their interests? 

Please ensure your patronages are adequately reflective of well-informed kindness at all times, in all places.  That, in fact, is the essence of appropriateness.

What, if anything, have you been learning through investing in enlightened philanthropy?

You may already be aware that the Duke and Duchess of Wikipedia have a reputation for charitable, educational services to the Adelaidezone community, and many other communities.

What do you know about the financial contributors assisting those pursuits?
Queen Adelaide and Phil Anthropi often interpret discussions on my behalf and attempt to transform them into notes you may or may not have the ability to read, for one reason or another.

Enlightened patrons are certainly capable of understanding the remarkable work conducted from Controversy Corner and the associated extraordinary archive.

I hope you are interested in investing in trustworthy collaborations with me.  There is much work to do, with or without money. 
Frugality Cottage is partly open to the ordinary public primarily for philanthropic purposes, as already mentioned.
Enlightened philanthropy attempts to solve problems at their source, hence the information services and educational work conducted from here, and elsewhere in the Adelaidezone.  

Fortunately, I have the freedom to accept or decline all offers of patronage.

Do you have a similar level of freedom?

If so, are you one of the world's most enlightened professional and/or citizen journalists?

How have you been examining evidence in the sitting room here over recent months, if at all?

How have you been examining evidence elsewhere?

How, if at all, has your reading been associated with your experiences of investing in freedom?

During my discussions in the sitting room here last year, Phil Anthropi usually sat comfortably on a cushion on the mat on the floor, under the tea table, unobtrusively scribbling shorthand notes on the most important matters explored, in between nibbling on shortbread and sipping tea.

Where do you usually look for refreshing possibilities, whether political or recreational or educational or vocational or nutritional?

What is your acquaintance with enlightening kitchens and chefs and cooks and serving staff? 

If you are currently quite hungry, you are likely to appreciate the deliciously insightful menus at the Queen of Quizeen virtual restaurant.  Only suitably registered patrons currently have a chance to experience those delights. 

If you have recently taken the official guided tour of Frugality Cottage, what have you discovered through that experience about the opportunities here, and about yourself?

What is your preferred approach to investing in evidence of trustworthiness, authenticity and fairness? 

I like mutually purposeful, beautifully compatible experiences.
What do you like, and why?

I have been informed by the Council of Enlightenment that the ordinary digital public will continue to have access to the noticeboard inside the entrance to Frugality Cottage until shortly after my final Monday investment note to you has been placed on the virtual shelf here in the library. 

Since I began providing investment notes for your perusal, on the bookshelf here in February last year, I have attempted to improve your awareness of your investment options each Monday afternoon, as I am sure you are well aware by now.

Yet I have not yet received any indication that you have improved in any way whatsoever.

Perhaps you are not interested in investing in structure particularly well, including structured studies of your physical, financial, ethical, virtual and political investment options.

Perhaps you are mainly in this little library to conduct a literature review.

If you were appropriately registered as a patron here a few months ago, you will have been eligible to a participant in a series of workshops about the cottage and creativity:

The first and second series of such workshops had to be cancelled as no-one sought to participate in them.  Only appropriately registered patrons were eligible to take part.

All experimentation is associated with creativity.

The development of simulations may or may not require much creativity.

My laboratory is mainly used for experimental purposes through the development of various measurements, technologies and simulations.

Frugality Cottage is mainly used for simulations and experiments, too.

How do you distinguish between exploratory research and other types of studies?

 Perhaps you are seeking to know more about the case studies Phil has been compiling on my behalf. 

How well have you been assessing feasibility studies recently, and how do you know?

Perhaps you have been attempting to conduct a pilot study on possible political improvements.

How would you prefer me to invest in you, and why? 

How would you prefer me to examine and measure you, and why?

How do you usually receive research questions?

Perhaps you mistakenly believe you acquire them entirely through your own mind.

How have you been investing in awareness recently, and where, apart from here?    

What have been your experiences of investing in hope?

Emerging cultures of quality are often suppressed by the bullies and other beneficiaries within established cultures, and by bullies within various subcultures, cliques and elites.

I have long been investing in understanding you.  I have been studying you as usefully as possible.

Yet I have never enjoyed spending time around petty people.  That is why I prefer to remain aloof from such persons, directly and indirectly. 

Perhaps your pettiness is the reason for your lack of reasonable responsiveness to my earlier investment notes.
Pettiness is, in fact, the cause of much societal chaos and trauma.

Are you here mainly for your own research purposes or to assist mine?

You may be wondering why I have asked you to tell me what you know about something mainly confidential, namely my own research. 

Knowing about the existence of confidentiality does not necessarily mean that all aspects of the work must be kept confidential.  It merely indicates that a few parts of it require more careful management than the other parts.

How have you been investing in education for the long-term benefit of humanity and life on Earth? 

How and where have you been investing in curiosity over your lifetime, and what have been the results from a philanthropic point of view? 
What have you been learning, whether from me, or from other people, or even from yourself, about investing in good relationships?
What have you been learning, whether from me, or from other people, or even from yourself, about investing in thoughtful discussions?
How do you know when particular attitudes and actions prevent those discussions from happening?
What have you been learning, whether from me, or from other people, or even from yourself, about investing in appropriate priorities? 
I have carefully been investing in a gentle philosophy and researching its possible influence.
But what is the point in attempting to live, act, think, study and communicate reasonably well when surrounded by political, social, economic and environmental chaos?
I have no faith in chaos. 

I have no faith in unreasonable beliefs, including those described by some people as their religion.

I have no faith in unjust social hierarchies, including those described by some people as governments.

Yet I am investing in good faith as carefully as possible.  I hope you are, too.

How have you been investing in peacefully authentic living this year, if at all, and where, and why? 

How have you been investing in pleasant inderdependence, and what have you been learning through that process?

Each week, the volunteers here provide me with an updated, confidential copy of the List of Quality Patrons.

The names of all the officially accepted volunteers are also on the list, of course.

You may have noticed, and noted, that my 50th note to you was about investing in trustworthy collaborations.

All good relationships are expressions of such collaborations. 

You may be well aware, by now, of my longitudinal research into the prevalence of, and causes of, corruption, cronyism, apathy, incompetence, hypocrisy and hubris. 

Perhaps you prefer to lead people, physically and/or virtually, in the direction of Adelaide.
If so, how do you know you already have an enlightened view of Adelaide and the Adagia
Perhaps you do not associate Adelaide with the Adagia at all, especially if you associate Adelaide with the Marquis de Tabloid.  

I am only interested in investing in the leaders of intelligently kind cultures.  Such leaders have goals acceptably compatible with peace.

My main goal, of course, is peace, especially world peace.

What is your main goal, and why?
How are you currently investing in better governments, and who has been attempting to prevent you from doing so.

Improved constitutions prevent bullying and encourage the provision of better governments.

Quality constitutions shape cultures in the direction of well-informed kindness. 

Perhaps you already have experience at leading people towards the second Age of Enlightenment.

If so, what have been the associated plans and practices so far?

What, if any, have been your experiences of investing in amazingly successful planning?
Corrupt individuals are not interested in investing in the delights of adequately ethical compatibility.  Nor are they interested in investing in the harmonious interplay of beauty, understanding and magnificence.  They do not understand the meaning of investing in good faith.  
I am loyal to enlightenment, not to persons as individuals or as members of groups, organisations or belief systems.
I am loyal to the Council of Enlightenment because it is enlightened.
I am loyal to the Spirit of Enlightenment because she is enlightened. 
How purposefully do you review your loyalty?

What is your acquaintance with effective altruism and the research and review processes associated with it?

There are many indirect ways to find good advice and very few direct ways to do so.

Much purported advice is nothing more than a sales technique.

Most positive reviews are merely forms of promotion.  They are not objective assessments. 

Most negative reviews are merely malicious.  They do nothing to encourage improvement.  In fact, they may even ruin lives and livelihoods. 

How do your reviews examine concepts, variables and attributes?

All policies involve fuzzy concepts, inadequately defined variables and invisible attributes.

How have you been investing in quaternary possibilities over recent years?  

Apparently, you are not interested in investing in evidence with adequate consciousness or adequate conscientiousness. 

What does independence mean to you?

What does interdependence mean to you?

What does dependence mean to you?

What have been your experiences of investing money over the past few years? 

How philanthropically do you practice money management, and how do you know? 

You may associate suitable independence and pleasant interdependence with investing in simple living

Perhaps you regard pleasant interdependence to be associated with shared tastes in food and other experiences.

What do you know about necessary social supports to help people remain or become adequately independent?

I am especially attempting to assess whether you are deluded.  Pleasant interdependence is impossible when people are deluded.   

What do you already know, really and truly, about investing in the delights of adequately ethical compatibility with nature and culture and yourself?  

Since you first virtually arrived in Frugality Cottage, what have you been reading about the cottage and cookery?

If you have ever been a member of an intentional community in which independence of mind has been adequately encouraged, insight respected and enlightenment expanded, how would you describe that experience?

Perhaps you are seeking to be part of that sort of intentional community through the pleasant interdependence associated with Frugality Cottage and its digital environment.

What have been your experiences of investing in purposeful reviews, and how have you ascertained the associated purposes?

You may be aware that investing in the quality analysis of events depends on first investing in importantly useful information.   

Perhaps you usually associate investments with industries.

Perhaps you prefer to lead people in the direction of twitter or other social media venues rather than in the direction of better governments, better societies, better environments, and better economies.
What have you been sharing, and why?

Are you fully aware of the contents of this library or are you more interested in seeking knowledge elsewhere?
If you had already been part of an emerging culture of well-informed kindness, I would have welcomed you into the sitting room of Frugality Cottage quite often last year to join the discussions there.
Perhaps you have been more interested in experiencing more carefully curated and edited, and therefore deceptive, experiences. 
What do you know about the roles I have chosen for myself?
What do you know about the roles you have chosen for yourself?
How do you usually study for roles?
How are you investing in life if not through well-informed patronage and enlightened philanthropy? 
The patronage assessment process  here is associated with the evidence-based examination of ethical compatibility.
What have been your experiences in investing in improving political practices?
Perhaps you do not yet know how to tell the difference between a change and an improvement in that regard.
A message from the sitting room here sometimes makes its way into Mr Twitter's Coffee House, from where it reaches various reputable and disreputable persons   

Enlightened beings know that real philanthropy is necessary.  

The Spirit of Enlightenment is the sole source of that service.

That is why I am her servant, as is Queen Adelaide. 

Phil Anthropi is my servant-assistant.

Who serves you, and why?

And who/what do you serve, and why? 

Next Monday afternoon, here in the library, I intend to leave you a note about investing in quality of life.
What do you think will be the subject of my note after that one?


The links in the following information are provided for appropriately registered patrons:

I consistently serve the common good, not only through my philanthropy but through my entrepreneurial activities.  Even so, I am not directly involved in business practices.  Much of my time is spent as a virtual scholar and virtual tourist and virtual tour guide and scientific researcher.

Are you only interested in universality in terms of youniversality?

Your true uniqueness relates to your youniqueness when factually compared with universality and youniversality.

How have you been attempting to improve your education?

What is your acquaintance with valued continuity?

As you may have noticed, investing time in you can be somewhat tedious for me.  You are not particularly attentive or consistently reliable.

What and who do you value, and why?

What and who do you not value at all?

Perhaps you do not value intellectuality, even on Mondays.

I know that making changes in behaviour is difficult for many people, especially in relation to necessary improvements, on any day of the week, and in any month of the year.

Changes in behaviour require changes in patterns of thinking. 

Have you had the chance to learn about the LiberTea Arcades yet?

Before the open day, in mid July last year, you were invited to experience the background knowledge tours and associated training, possibly even free of charge.

What do you know about the virtual transport options around here? 
There are waiting lists for many tours, courses and other visitor experiences within the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter, for the simple reason that adequate assessments are necessary in order to ascertain compatibility accurately. 

What do you already know about the community compatibility tours and courses?

If you are seeking to know whether you are adequately compatible with any of the communities within the Adelaidezone, particularly here in the arts quarter, you may discover the truth of the matter on one of the introductory virtual retreats.

Have you been seeking to invest in the Journalism Improvement Tour?

You may be interested in investing in the study tours here. 

Are you here as one of the enlightened patrons of real journalism or are you here in another capacity?

You may be hoping to experience the Truly Wonderful Tour here today.  It curently begins in this virtual library at 5pm each Monday.

Communities can develop in healthy ways through suitably compatible values, in accordance with well-informed kindness and intelligent frugality.

Such communities are not haphazardly developed.  They are carefully constructed, physically, socially and economically.


 The students at the political reform school have been especially required to think about kindness more deeply in lessons eleven and fourteen.

If you are currently preparing for one of the virtual retreats associated with the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter, how competently are you doing so? 

What are your intentions in relation to the Adelaidezone Information Service?

What do you already know about the history of the virtual tours associated with the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter?

Have you experienced the Prevention of Evil Tour yet? 

How do you think about meaningfulness in relation to affinity?

How can you be sure you do so with kindness and fairness?

Are you sure you consistently express suitably informed kindness?

Have you experienced any form of frustration in connection with the virtual exhibition at the Adelaidezone Gateway?

Even if that has been the case, did you treat the unpaid curator with appropriate kindness before that person's permanent entry to the ethereal realm of history?

You may be aware that the Teapottian Temple of Teapottian Truth is still virtually open for you if you are appropriately registered as a pilgrim or scholar.

To be kind includes taking measures to increase accessibility and other forms of inclusiveness in relation to healthy societal, and global, experiences.

How does your enlightened, ongoing kindness help to alleviate legitimate, ongoing frustrations?

How do you tell the difference between predatory acts of seeming civility and gentle expressions of true kindness?

Please do not ask me intrusive questions.  They cause me despair.

Have you asked your questions elsewhere?

Are you currently a student at the nearby youniversity or are you more advanced than that in your educational attainments?  

If you have been exploring refreshing possibilities within the Adelaidezone over the past decade, what have you most delightfully discovered?
If you have any questions about patronage, you may wish to direct them to the Adelaidezone Information Service today.

How does your creativity contribute to a better understanding of culture and its possibilities?

How does your philanthropy do likewise?

The moral, emerging culture in an emergency is one of well-informed kindness

Such a culture is also appropriate when emergencies are not happening.

If you are seeking an explanation to help you understand the existence of the Adelaidezone and its digital arts quarter, what do you want to know, and why?

If you have been reflecting on how and when cultures emerge, you are likely to be a relatively intelligent and thoughtful person and an extraordinarily good cultural leader.

How have you been attempting to identify current cultural movements of considerable value towards dismantling conflicts of interest?

How do you prefer to contribute to the analysis and synthesis of morality?
What is your most usual approach to money and the lack of it, and why?

You may already be aware that I have been involved in several feasibility studies over recent months, and over many years.  There are many additional strategic assessments to make in relation to any well-informed investment.

I had hoped you would want to help with the feasibility studies over recent months though you may have had too many other things to think about during that time.

What are you able to offer now?


You may even want to become one of the patrons of the assessment process, at least if you are eligible to do so.  You may even know quite a few people who may also want to become involved.

How do you identify adequate investments, in any context?

How do real world leaders study the world?

Do you think the tours for religious lobbyists are likely to include any real world leaders, apart from the guides?

Do you think any real world leaders are likely to take part in the most economical tour for climate change deniers?

How have you been experiencing enlightenment, and how do you know?  

How do you develop plots and dialogues to enhance understanding of the world and its problems, if not through elegantly enlightening expressions of your well-informed kindness?  

You may have preferred to spend much of your time in the attic here in Frugality Cottage.

What have you been learning in the attic?

What have you been learning about the Adelaidezone more widely?

My notes to you in this library are signed From The Author, of course.  The Author is my official name here, and throughout the Adelaidezone.

Do you already consider yourself to be a member of a community here, through your patronage

Why are you investing time in this virtual library now?

If you are a relatively good person, this is your chance to prove it.

How will you make your decisions this month, and why?

What have you been learning here recently, if anything?

What do you know about the plot?

What do you know about the services offered from the Hall of Appropriate Patronage?

There are many ways to transform situations from dreadfulness to peacefulness, most of which require an understanding of different personalities.

Although it is sometimes possible to change minds from inappropriate attitudes to better ones, some minds will never experience peace.  They do not really wish to experience it. 









