97 - investing in genuine caring

If you have ever suffered from emotional exhaustion, you will know that genuine caring begins with self care.  Such care is incompatible with experiences of bullying.  It is especially incompatible with the demand to do more with less.

When people are emotionally exhausted they tend to be rude.  And rudeness is incompatible with genuine caring.

When people are rude, they are untrustworthy.

When people behave with sycophantic politeness, they are untrustworthy.  They are displaying a superficial charm offensive, not genuine caring.

A trustworthy person avoids associating with untrustworthy persons, whenever possible.

Perhaps you regard me as untrustworthy.  I have received no indication whatsoever that you regard me otherwise.

You may, however, already be quite well aware of my reputation as an enlightened leader.  I know that my responsibility is to lead the way towards a peacefully authentic society in which trustworthy collaborations through good policies result in mutually beneficial pleasantness for everyone.

Where are you attempting to lead, and why?

Who are you attempting to lead?

And how do you know you are effectively addressing the evil of greed?

The only trustworthy form of mutual benefit is pleasantly kind and well-informed.

How have you been investing in trustworthy collaborations over the past few years, and how successfully or otherwise?

I do not trust you enough to provide you with detailed information about my research findings.  That information is highly sensitive.

My work is entirely devoted towards well-informed investing.

Through these notes, I have invited you to assess your mind and other resources to improve your investment strategy.

After all, Frugality Cottage is the world's most enlightened investment house.

How do you usually consider investments in terms of care, caring and carefulness?

Everyone deserves to receive the information they require in a timely and suitably sensitive way, in accordance with their ability to understand.  That, indeed, is the basis of genuine caring.

So, how have you been investing in mutually beneficial pleasantness over the past few years, and why have you taken that approach?

How have you attempted to ease the suffering caused by various sources of unpleasantness?

How do you prefer to provide people with bad news?

Perhaps you prefer to avoid doing so, in which case they may suffer more deeply once they do receive the news from someone less sensitive than you.  They may, perhaps, even receive traumatising news through the insensitive mass media, or through the haphazardness associated with social media.

How much value have you placed on my previous notes to you here, and what methodology did you use in that assessment?

I hope you value my questions sufficiently well.  I am yet to receive any indication that you do.

Perhaps you are not interested in understanding the theoretical and practical basis of genuine caring.

How are you currently investing in your life and your health?

How are you currently investing in other lives, including mine?

How are you currently attempting to prevent bulling?

How have you been investing in an intelligently kind culture over the past few years and how did you decide upon that approach?

How have you researched the features of such a culture?

How have you identified the beginnings of such a culture?

How do you attempt to maintain an intelligently kind approach to problem-solving?

How do you communicate the fact that most organisational cultures are neither intelligent nor kind?

To whom do you address your concerns about organisational cultures?

I have carefully tested your knowledge of history, science and philosophy primarily to examine your responses, including your emotional responses.  I have tested your knowledge of various subjects in order to examine your coping strategy.

Even so, discovering the emotional support you require has been exceedingly difficult, given your non-compliance with my requests for answers.

Perhaps you fail to take me seriously enough, especially when my scientific, historical and philosophical activities are combined with the few artistic attributes I possess.

If you regard yourself as a caring online leader and a caring online actor, how have you been investing in peacefully authentic living in the physical world, if at all?

How consistently caring are your online and offline practices, and how do you know?

Only truly enlightened beings are capable of genuine caring.

I genuinely care about you.

Why else would I have provided you with ninety-six important investment notes before this one?

Mutually beneficial pleasantness is an expression of genuine friendliness but not necessarily emotional intimacy.

There are many levels of friendliness, and unfriendliness.

For much of the time, you are apparently not in the same psychological zone as me in many ways, even if you may be in the same time zone. 

I hope you are dedicated to well-informed kindness, and to well-informed investing more generally.

Perhaps your emotional exhaustion has overwhelmed you too frequently over many years now. 

What have you already been learning about me and my work, and where, and how, and why?

How have you been investing in good policy this year, and how do you know?

You may already be aware that legal documents apparently meant to protect vulnerable people from exploitation are not worth the paper they are written on.  Those documents may be deceptively changed at a moment's notice when the vulnerable are duped by the greedy, including greedy relatives.

Perhaps you have personally been exploited through gaslighting and false promises of good care.

The best policies in the world mean nothing if people do not follow them consistently, if at all.

And the best policies in the world do nothing to improve situations if those policies are mixed with an assortment of bad policies, as is usually the case.

Perhaps you have been investing in social research with different priorities than my own.

I do not know what has caused you to ignore my questions.  I consider them to be absolutely essential for you to answer if you are to be a genuinely caring leader in the year ahead.

How can you prove to me that you are consistently investing in suitably clear boundaries

I am hoping you are truly wonderful and kind.

I am also hoping you are making the world a much better place than it would be without you.    

How do you know you are capable of investing in thorough assessments of the truth about genuine caring and its limitations?

How can you prove to me that you are who you claim to be and/or believe yourself to be? 

Of course, I have much more important things to do than assess your answers personally.  I merely feed data into the Hubrisometer and it does the analytical work.

My job mostly involves synthesis, not analysis.

My joyfulness has often been associated with the peak experiences I gain through my research findings.

The possibility of sharing of those findings with you has given me most joy, and hope.  That is why I am so disappointed in you.

Apparently, you are not interested in knowing about my findings, even in relation to genuine caring.

The opportunity for you to participate in my investigations has always been limited in terms of time if not money.   

Do you have nothing to contribute?

Do you have something to hide? 

I cannot cope with dishonest relationships of any sort.  And I seem to be able to spot dishonesty long before other people apparently do, even without the Hubrisometer to assist me.

Why should I share any insights from my assessments with you?  

Why are you not interested in sharing your insights with me?

Why do you make investing in you so difficult for me?

You may be aware that I am never motivated by the desire to seek approval.  I am mainly motivated to express the truth about importance as sensitively as possible.

I have been doing my best to keep you up-to-date with all the most important news.

I really am trying my best to educate you as gently as circumstances allow.

Are you interested in discovering any ulterior motives you may not be aware of possessing or do you fear the truth about yourself? 

I am assuming you are reasonable but somewhat lazy.
I hope you assume I am reasonable and conscientious.

How have you been investing in creativity as a way to solve societal and environmental problems?

And when will you write me a note about your various investments?

I am curious to know, especially as you appear uninterested in investing time in attending important virtual discussions with me about genuine caring.

Time is running out.

While people with silver tongues and greedy minds may briefly have the outward appearance of being friendly and caring, they always have ulterior motives. 

While people with acid tongues and bitter minds may briefly have the outward appearance of being hospitable and generous, they always have ulterior motives, too.

I have no ulterior motives.  Genuine caring is never associated with ulterior motives.

As I refuse to be exploited or exploitative, selfish people may consider me to be unfriendly.

That is not my problem.  I have no interest in appearing friendly to exploitative people, or superstitious ones. 

How have you been reflecting upon your own and other people's prejudices over the past few years, and why?

Perhaps your lack of communication with me is indicative of your prejudices against me.

How well are you investing in value, and how do you know?

Perhaps you do not regard my notes as having any value whatsoever.

You may even think I should try to make money from my writings.

Is that the only way you ascertain the value of anything?

Perhaps you wish to interview me for some reason.

Or perhaps you only interview people when they have books to promote.

Maybe you only interview people when you are seeking to employ them, or commission them, or offer them positions on a board.

I am part of an emerging, non-problematic culture of well-informed kindness.  As yet, there is no real community associated with that culture.  There is not even much of an online community associated with that culture.   

Perhaps you are interested in promoting non-problematic cultural practices through your own well-informed kindness, yet promotion itself is often a problem, directly and indirectly.

Braggarts and other self-promoters often seek careers as politicians and/or lobbyists and/or celebrities and/or media commentators.

I am certainly not any of those.

I am not an attention-seeking sort of person, as you are probably well aware by now.

How, if at all, have you been investing in reading over the past few decades, and for what purpose(s)?

Perhaps you regard yourself as investing in reading now.

Reading is a technical skill.  It is also a cognitive one and a perceptual one, of course.

What are your current cognitive skills and how did you acquire them?

What do you know about the technical, cognitive and perceptual aspects of genuine caring, particularly when that practice involves mentoring, counselling, nurturing and/or supervision?

What do you know about the cultural aspects of genuine caring more generally?

When oppressed people and vulnerable ecosystems are treated as problems, the actual problems reside in the people who misguidedly consider themselves to be less of a problem, particularly those who brag that their own lives are without problems.

How do you measure the benefits of genuine caring?

How do you measure the costs involved in its provision? 

How do you believe you have been investing in thoughtful reciprocity recently, and how do you know?

Who do you believe should be encouraged to live more simply and responsibly, and how, and by whom?

How do you prevent yourself from over-indulging in hedonistic pursuits?

What do you know about hubris and hypocrisy in relation to hedonism?

People either feel as though they are part of a community or they do not.

I do not feel as though I am part of a physical community at all.  I have rarely met people who share or understand or appreciate my needs and values adequately.  Nor have I met many people with a personality compatible with my own.

How do you know you are capable of investing in the quality analysis of events whenever necessary, and possess the willingness to do so?

How well are you investing in civility, and how do you know?

How carefully have you been investing in privacy, and how cautiously will you be continuing that practice in an ongoing way? 

What has history taught you about how and why people think and feel as they do?

What has science taught you about those matters?

I have devoted much attention towards your quality of life and leadership potential for many months now.

Perhaps you often take the care you receive for granted.

Perhaps most people take the care you provide for granted.

Perhaps you do not regard my approach to investing to be particularly important.

How do you train and mentor people so that they can take on some of your duties when you are otherwise occupied?

What do you consider to be your most important duties at present, and why?

I hope genuine caring is at the top of the list.

How have you been attempting to contribute to an intelligently kind culture over the past twenty years?

How do you know you are capable of making suitably thorough and truly enlightening assessments of your past activities and past responses to events?

Exploring problems and solutions is a moral duty.

Exploring and implementing ethical options is a duty.

Supporting the development of better communities is a duty.

And duties must sometimes be delegated to prevent ourselves from becoming overwhelmed.

Unfortunately, finding appropriate delegates, particularly politically, is fraught with difficulty.

Being well-informed is a necessary prerequisite towards being careful.  Even so, many people disregard important information when they prefer impetuousness and/or impertinence.

Many researchers, whether in academia, government or the media, pursue investigations to benefit their careers more than the greater good.  I have no time whatsoever for such persons. 

I hope I have a reputation as a careful manager and as a careful researcher.  I never knowingly micromanage any of the non-confidential parts of my work.  The confidential parts are another matter entirely.

I never manage people.  I simply supervise their maintenance of ethics.

Each week, since beginning this series, I have encouraged you to think carefully about a particular investment theme.  I hope you consider this to be importantly useful information. 

If you do not believe you are investing in importantly useful information here, why are you still reading these words?

What is your preferred approach to investing in elegance egalitarianism as an expression of well-informed kindness and genuine caring?

What do you know about the development of intelligently frugal cultures in terms of well-informed kindness and genuine caring?

How do you prevent yourself from becoming overly dependent on anyone or anything?  

How do you know when you need support?

How do you know when someone needs your support rather than the support of someone else?

How do you know when someone is merely seeking your attention for their own self-gratification, regardless of your needs and priorities?

How do you know when the support you need should be provided appropriately through public services?

What do you do when you discover that the support you require is lacking or entirely absent?

You may consider it strange that reasonable discussions about simple living and well-informed kindness are necessarily sophisticated.  They require not only knowledge but intelligence and kindness, of course. 

I often distance myself from exhausting people, as you may have noticed.  I have, in fact, been finding you exhausting for quite a while now, and exasperating.

Well-informed kindness is usually expressed through genuine volunteering.

Are you capable of making accurate interpretations of intentions?

Have you thought carefully about genuine caring in relation to the public interest and how you express it?

Are you sure you are investing in appropriately high standards in every aspect of your life? 

I current have the freedom with which to select my own interpersonal, intellectual and investment preferences.  Unfortunately, most people do not have such good fortune, or such good taste.

My genuinely caring husband and I both associate family life with materialistic concerns.  I know I am fortunate to have married a thoughtful man.

We know that many people are unaware of how materialistic their lives happen to be.  Perhaps they have not interacted with impoverished people as much as we have.

When friends of our generation began to have children of their own, we often found the situation tedious.  Such friends and couples were not really friends or couples anymore.  They were tribal leaders.  We did not enjoyed being around them and their offspring.

We still find most children impertinent and exhausting.  They distract from the possibility of enjoying intelligent conversations.
Many children are also bullies.

We still find most adults boring or otherwise annoying when they are parents or grandparents.  That is especially so when they mistakenly assume we are as eager to know about the activities and development of their children and grandchildren as much as they are themselves.

It is the same with boring pet owners and boring owners of technology or houses or furnishings, and even boring businesses.

My research has tested the market for real kindness and genuine caring thoroughly.  I have offered you the chance to purchase samples of my expertly authenticated kindness and care in non-monetary ways and you have offered nothing I would value in return, hence the validity of my assessments.

I have tried to assist you through my carefully presented notes each Monday afternoon for ninety-seven weeks now.  You have disregarded my well-informed kindness and genuine care and regarded all my writings as worthless.  

Perhaps I should regard you in the same way, yet it would not be in my nature to do so.

I have found that most people ignore my words because they do not regard me as authoritative enough or famous enough or wealthy enough or interesting enough.  

When I have placed my words into the mouths of people and characters with greater prestige than myself, quite a few people have take more notice. 

I am completely powerless because most people, including you, have no care whatsoever about me even though I have provided considerable care towards you, and humanity in general, throughout my life. 

Throughout my life, and on many occasions, I have been a victim of considerable injustice, indifference and incompetence.  I doubt you care about my experiences, even though I have long cared about you and your potential as an enlightened world leader.

You are not even investing in evidence with the appropriate sense of priority.

I have never been a beneficiary of adequate societal care so why should I supply my care towards you, or any other uncaring people, any more than I have already?

There is very little genuine care evident in business, in government, or even in the so-called community sector, whether in Australia or elsewhere.

Genuine care is only evident when harassment, bullying and greed stop entirely.  Only then can well-informed kindness thrive.

Yet most people are unaware that the under-resourcing of genuine care is an expression of political bullying.

There are no laws to help protect, encourage and develop, the types of investments I wish to make.

There continues to be too much uncertainty and cruelty in the world, including in my local experiences of it.

Perhaps you regard me as a member of an Australian and/or international intelligentsia, yet I have no official institutional memberships associated with my activities as a researcher, writer, leader and educator.

My work has never been acknowledged as valuable by anyone apart from my husband, perhaps because it is unpaid.

And I refuse to co-operate with oligarchies.

I have the freedom to choose my own associates.  Perhaps you do not.

I prefer to observe organisational relationships from the outside.

I have never been an insider.

My research has always been entirely independent of governments, businesses, charities, universities, ideologies and oligarchs.

Perhaps you desire a similar level of intellectual and/or artistic freedom to my own.  

Yet I have very little physical freedom.

Traumatised people require societal care, not the burden of unwanted leadership.  

I am a traumatised person myself, which is why I am required to delegate many of my leadership responsibilities to other people, including you.

I am fortunate to know that the harmonious interplay of beauty, understanding and magnificence can arise through the expression of enlightened being, sometimes unexpectedly, even in the most distressing situations.

What are your contributions to culture, and why?

How, for example, are you involved in developing a culture of well-informed kindness, intelligent frugality and genuine care?

Graciously insightful expressions of high quality culture provides remnants of quality in my own life, in much the same way as experiences of peaceful nature.  

Yet aggressive cultural practices intrude into nature more often than not, thereby destroying my enjoyment of it.

You have provided me with no evidence that you care about me, or my work.   That is why I am so disappointed in you. 

You are apparently a narcissist.

No narcissist deserves any sort of mentoring.

But what should happen when a narcissist expects care?

It dismays me that the vast majority of Australians, including most of their political representatives and ephemerally idolised celebrities and sporting heroes, do not appreciate the essence of high culture.  

They may accept the public funding of prestigious buildings and organisations for soft power and tourism purposes, as is the case elsewhere in the world.  Yet most Australians do not understand the importance of developing their own high culture practices as aesthetic and ethical expressions of genuine caring.

Instead, they seek and provide entertainment as a way to distract attention from the utter degradation so many vulnerable people suffer each day.

Unfortunately, according to my evidence, you are apparently too lazy and selfish to develop your talents as an enlightened world leader.

The complacency and denial expressed by the narcissists-in-charge of public policy is utterly exasperating, demeaning and inclined to make me despair on a daily basis.  I try to overcome such feelings through my creativity.

Unforeseen problems are often a shock, at least when they are especially unpleasant and outside the ability of the sufferers to cope.

Even foreseen problems can be a shock when other people respond to them insensitively, and possibly even cruelly.

What have been your experiences of journalists?

Some people suffer in life, at different times in life, more than other people do, yet various people suffer in various ways.

Even seemingly happy people may be utterly miserable in reality.

It is much easier to be a researcher, a reporter, commentator, a critic, an educator, a humourist, a comedian, a megalomaniac and/or a sycophantic political puppet than it is to be a real world leader.

Perhaps you provide the public, or a community, with political satire as a philanthropic practice. 

Have you ever been a humourist or satirist in a high culture sort of way?

Do you usually associate satire with genuine caring?

Genuine political satire mixes fact and fiction to demonstrate truth more clearly and directly, and entertainingly, than usually happens through other means. 

I simply refuse to co-operate with people I know to have unpleasantly competing intentions to my own.  That is why I ignore, or satirise, most political and media organisations. 

Perhaps you do not feel you require mentoring from the Spirit of Enlightenment.  She has asked me to assess you very carefully indeed and she is most disappointed in you.  

Perhaps you do not usually associate genuine mentoring and genuine enlightenment with genuine caring and genuine satire.

This virtual library is a private space, as you already know.  It is not part of the public sphere.  Your access here is only temporarily provided for philanthropic reasons though you may choose to extend your access, or attempt to do so, by becoming one of the registered patrons.

You are probably also well aware that this online library is an entirely digital location

If you wish to meet me in a non-digital venue, what preparations are you willing to make to ensure my health and comfort can be maintained acceptably, from my point of view, before, during and after the meeting?

No-one has yet been able to offer me a satisfactory answer to that question.  My disabilities are usually dismissed as trivial, even after they become visible and audible.

Every time the small amount of control I have over my life is reduced, I feel as though I am treated as worthless.

Perhaps you have similar feelings.  Perhaps those feelings are the location from which your empathy arises.

If you do not have similar feelings, you may never be able to understand how I feel.

Every time I feel powerless, I think no-one really cares whether I exist or not, including the people who do really care about me.

You may be aware that I have a conscientious assistant called Phil Anthropi.

Phil is the personification of intellectual attentiveness.

You may be aware of the activities of Queen Adelaide as The Moderator here.

Her Majesty is the personification of simple kindness.

Phil is far too busy with the documentary side of the work to be involved in the supervisory aspects.

Please review the following notes carefully now: 

What is most genuine about you, and how do you know?

I am simply happy exploring how the structure of my life has intertwined compatibly with another life, namely that of my husband.

Our relationship has been my priority throughout our marriage.

Yet our individual and combined needs have so frequently been ignored, by officials, neighbours, family members, ex-colleagues and ex-friends, that we believe we deserve adequate investments in and for ourselves.

We do not invest in, or even buy anything from, businesses with objectionable production and/or marketing practices.

We no longer donate to any organisations with marketing practices we consider offensive, which happens to be most organisations nowadays.

We spent much time, money and energy, in the early years of our married life, carefully nurturing plants from seeds and cuttings. 

We had the chance to plant them in various areas of South Australia, only to watching them die in droughts and heatwaves soon afterwards.

We also donated money to conservation and heritage organisations, only to find that our generosity was often rudely exploited. 

After making a donation, we frequently received expensively produced, wasteful marketing materials, and continual requests for more money. 

That is why we now usually consider most marketing and fundraising campaigns and strategies to be objectionably hypocritical.

I know that my husband is well-informed and kind.

We have both witnessed, and personally experienced, cruelty, including official cruelty, time and time again, in Australia and in various other parts of the world.

And we have carefully documented those experiences.

Yet gathering evidence of suffering does nothing to alleviate it.

We know that many people paid to 'care' do not care at all.  They are mainly motivated by money, even in very small amounts.

They may even be motivated by power.

Apart from the bullying we have both experienced for much of our lifetimes, our way of life has always been relatively healthy.  We have always followed all the recommended public health advice.  Yet we have suffered physically and mentally, and relentlessly, for many years now.

My husband assists me, when he can.

Unfortunately, he is still often too ill to assist me.

He is often too ill to be my carer.  I am often too ill to be his carer.

Yet I know I am well-informed and kind, like him.

I avoid associating with anyone associated with aggression in any way whatsoever, and so does my husband.

We avoid associating with self-serving cliques.

We avoid associating with anyone involved in perpetuating unjust societal and economic privileges.

I am not a practitioner of cronyism, and nor is my husband. 

We are not practitioners of nepotism.

We are not practitioners of any other type of corruption.

We refuse to be anyone's crony or sidekick or slave.

No-one in any position of power in the physical world has ever shown any interest in acting upon my concerns, and respecting my privacy, in a carefully considered, responsible, evidence-based way. 

And I, and my husband, have been made to feel more and more powerless as the years go by.

A few years ago, while my husband was seriously unwell as a consequence of relentless stress, and attempting to recover with my support, he was forced by his bully of a 'boss' to give up work entirely through a 'voluntary' redundancy.

My husband reluctantly agreed to the arrangement, primarily for the sake of his mental health, and mine. 

My husband was on long-term, paid sick leave from work at the time, to which he was perfectly entitled.  Even in such circumstances, he was under relentless pressure from the bully, who personally placed threateningly 'persuasive' messages in our home letterbox on several occasions.

Even as a long-time union member, my husband's distress, as a relentlessly bullied employee, was treated as trivial by the people he had long expected to support him in times of difficulty.
When I complained to the personnel section of the company about the abusiveness, I was rudely told to discuss the matter directly with the bully.  I felt completely powerless, as did my suffering husband.
No-one helped us.  No-one held the bully to account.  No-one cared.
But that is only one example of the cruel practices we have personally experienced in Australia. 
That uncaring attitude has long been evident in many of the situations in which we have urgently required assistance and support.
Several years have passed since my husband began to suffer from chronic pain and chronic fatigue.  Initial medical tests indicated the cause was viralYet he is still suffering.  I am still his main carer and he is mine.
My purposeful reviews are meant to hold you to account for your own inaction regarding abusive practices.  Perhaps you would rather I did not do so.

In my own case, being in Australia as an Australian citizen with relatively invisible disabilities yet unable to interact for several years as people 'normally' do in the non-virtual world, has been a uncomfortable and distressing adjustment to make.  

That has not only been due to the absence of the necessary societal support for my 'special' needs but also as a consequence of political obstacles deliberately placed in the way of acquiring the cultural and emotional supports I continue to require.  

I have been told too many lies by people in 'caring' roles, in and from various societies and cultures, that I do not trust them at all any more.

I only trust my husband.

How trustworthy do you consider yourself to be at present, and why?

How gullible do you consider yourself to be at present, and why?

Perhaps you are not at all gullible, at least from your own point of view.

Gullible people are obviously not enlightened beings.

I am sure most gullible people regard themselves as kind and caring. 

Yet considerable numbers of gullible people follow bullies and hypocrites on social media, and through the mass media, and in workplace situations, and through politics, and especially through the inevitably distorted images associated with romance and sexual experiences.

With so much corruption, cruelty and incompetence in the world, a truly caring, reasonable, kind and suitably cautious person tries to manage as best as circumstances allow.

I regard myself as truly caring, reasonable, kind and suitably cautious.  I try my best to prevent myself from becoming overwhelmed by all the suffering I witness, and personally experience.

The private me wants to maintain privacy.  That is why I do not wish to draw attention to myself unnecessarily.

The non-private me, acting as The Author, seeks a more caring world, through the development of caring communities, better governments and quality decisions.

How are you currently investing in better governments

How do you think about politics in relation to competence?

Are you curious to know why I am asking you such questions?

How carefully have you been investing in purposeful reviews recently? 

If you often fail to answer such questions honestly, before, during and after collaborative processes, you are likely to experience many problems, much disappointment and possibly also a considerable amount of distress, unless you are entirely predatory or otherwise uncaring. 

My husband has had little in common with his parents and other family members, just as I have had little in common with mine. 

My husband has had little in common with my family members and I have had little in common with his.

Yet we have much in common with each other.

We both continue to be very glad we did not have any children of our own.  There was a very strong possibility they would resemble our family members.
And we are glad we briefly experienced the difficulties associated with being part-time foster parents. 
That is why we decided not to foster children subsequently, or to adopt any, or to have any of our own.

The bureaucratic system was so traumatising that I decided I was much happier looking after abandoned animals than poorly socialised, and possibly traumatised, children. 
The social workers kept pressuring us to take more children into our care, without providing us with any appropriate support.

I was in my mid 20s at the time.  I was also studying full-time, learning how to run a household, providing hospitality to various visitors from various parts of the world while attempting to develop my own a sense of place and a sense of belonging in a new environment, and trying to keeping in contact with old friends far away.

I stopped looking after animals directly a long time ago, too, and so did my husband.  The emotional burden became too much for us, in much the same way as caring for other people's deeply confused children.

That was especially the case when having to rely on other people to look after the animals temporarily when we had other commitments.
The animals in our care either died or became sick when we relied on other people to look after them.

We continue to dislike having to rely on anyone, especially when those people have not been particularly reliable or conscientious or reasonable or knowledgeable or respectful in the past.  

I certainly have no intention of relying on you for anything at all, yet the world relies upon you to express your leadership appropriately.

You may already be a quaternary student of the International Training Centre for the Harmonious Interplay of Beauty, Understanding and Magnificence.

There is certainly no better way to acquire an advanced understanding of elegant egalitarianism and quality leadership than through that highly advanced training facility.

At the tertiary level of education, academic teaching positions are usually filled with non-intellectuals who believe themselves to be intelligent and possibly even caring.

Such persons pride themselves on their knowledge, and occasionally even their eloquence, rather than their reasoning abilities, particularly in terms of moral reasoning.

They often fail to develop their own personalities and emotional lives properly.  

They are often unaware of their own motives and their own conflicts of interest.  

They very rarely have adequate communication skills, or even appropriate civility.

I never ask anyone for money except through a fair exchange and/or through the expression of satire.

I personally require no funding. That is mostly due to the fact that I have long been a highly successful investor.

However, I do require funding to employ the services of persons to assist with my work in the absence of qualified volunteers.

Unfortunately, attempting to find the funds to employ adequately qualified, experienced, caring and competent, potential research assistants, and/or highly trustworthy contractors, has proved as difficult as attempting to recruit qualified volunteers.

Incompetent volunteers often expect to be paid indirectly.  They do not understand the meaning of volunteering at all. 

I am especially interested in cloning the brains of deeply caring, well-informed persons and transplanting those resources into the skulls of overly powerful persons, all over the world, in the public interest.

Perhaps you are willing to volunteer to assist me with that ongoing project. 

I would value your improved investments in real friendships, even if that means extricating yourself from excruciatingly difficult relationships of various sorts.

I would also value your improved investments in good relationships more generally.

My husband is investing in me and I am investing in him.  We are perfectly compatible with one another.
We have long been investing in knowledge together.
We have long been investing in fun together.
Of course, knowledge and fun both depend on us investing in reading wisely.

I have never really experienced genuine affection in a community situation, or elsewhere within groups for that matter.

 I do not enjoy hugs with anyone but my husband.
We enjoy hygge as an entirely private experience.  
I hope you have caught up with all the peaceful possibilities and opportunities presented to you from the virtual sitting room here.

Was the "you" sitting there always your authentic self?

Should I become better acquainted with anything relating to your life at this very moment, from your point of view?  

Apart from my husband and the Spirit of Enlightenment, and possibly also the members of the Council of Enlightenment, and Queen Adelaide and my various other ethereal associates, of course, who, if anyone, has genuine respect for me

You apparently have no respect for me whatsoever.

Perhaps you wish to prove otherwise.

You may also already know that I associate genuine friendliness with investing in continuity, and investing in reasonableness.
What do you believe you know about my values?

What do you believe you know about your own?
I prefer acquiring and maintaining a clear understanding of the true basis of real friendships and genuine philanthropy. Such relationships are essentially peaceful, non-intrusive and beautifully reflective of well-informed kindness, thoughtful reciprocity and intelligent frugality.  

How has history informed your approach to genuine caring?
I do hope you are a genuinely reputable patron of well-informed kindness.
The physical neighbourhood around my physical home environment is not conducive to the development of trustworthy community interactions, and nor are the cultural confusions within it.

Indeed, many of my attempts to develop trustworthy relationships through enlightening community experiences in my local area, over the past thirty years, have either been met with hostility or intrusiveness or indifference. 
That is why I prefer to work locally and globally through the digital Adelaidezone instead.

If you are already appropriately registered as a patron here, you have the chance to access the links below:

What do you already know about the information services provided from here, particularly in the attic?

Are you hoping to learn more about conditions relating to the past, the present and/or the future?  

This is not a residential cottage, of course.  It is an educational facility.  The bedrooms upstairs have been transformed into artistic displays on enlightened economics.  No-one sleeps here.

You may wish to go upstairs straight away, even if you are still regarded as an ordinary member of the public here.  Please be aware that the attic is now only open to appropriately registered patrons.

Do you frequently associate cottages with history rather than the future?

Enlightened economics is about transforming lives from hard work to happy work.


How are you trying to transform socioeconomic experiences from aggressive demands to reasonable requests?

How and where are you attempting to lead the world from bad economics to good economics?

You may be doing so on a journey from coal to soul.

There are many ways to experience life from one transition to another.


How have you already imagined the Social Media Quadrangle?

How have you already imagined the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter in its entirety?

Are you moving from originality to clarity at all? 

Do you ever associate cottages with tea and quality or possibly even with tea and anxiety?

How do you try to transform situations from private profit to public benefit?

You may already be aware that the world is waking up to the problems within unsustainable economic systems, and unsustainable political systems.

A cottage is meant to be an unpretentious dwelling.  The people living within it are often assumed to be straightforward, honest and willing to tell it like it is, relatively politely, at least if the cottage is not a hovel.

Intelligently frugal people often consider themselves to be the lucky ones when economies are fragile.

Are you here seeking wonderful investment ideas?

Are you interested in virtually touring the Bank of International Detriments today?

If you have been appreciating access to the Social Media Quadrangle over the past few months, how have you been expressing that appreciation?

Perhaps you do not even appreciate virtual garden tours very much.

If you really and truly appreciate gardens, and nature, and art, you may be interested in investing in the special virtual tours for well-informed climate activists, whether you are currently a well-informed climate activist or not.

Have you been wondering about the most enlightened ways to invest in the Future is on Fire Tour

What will you contribute to the discussions in the sitting room here over the next few days, and why? 

Do you usually associate a sense of belonging with valued continuity?

Do you usually associate a sense of belonging with hope?


How do you believe the harmonious interplay of beauty, understanding and magnificence can contribute to the improvement of civility and politics?

Where do you usually learn about the most suitable relationship between civility and training?

How are you currently living with the consequences of the earlier decisions you, and other people, have made?

Which of those consequences have had positive outcomes for you, and which have not?

How controversial have any of the consequences been?  

Do you have any investments in an almost lost world at present?

