92 - investing in advanced decision-making practices

I retreat to this library each week with the intention of helping you to perform your public and community activities more productively, regardless of your citizenship status in any part of the world, and regardless of your sense of humour.

In the past, I often did a considerable amount of research to help you and other people make better decisions.  I soon discovered most people had no intention of even looking at the information I carefully prepared for their benefit, and for the greater good. 

I am not interested in encouraging you to make particular decisions.  Yet I hope I encourage you to seek good advice whenever you require it.

But what can either of us do when good advice is unavailable?

Social research is meant to help ascertain the reasoning for decisions, and biases.

Perhaps you have had at least a hundred indecisions each day for the past few hundred days.

I have no indecisiveness.  I know the limits placed upon my decisions very well indeed.

Perhaps you are unaware that you have been making stupid decisions.

Perhaps you have been unsuccessfully attempting to untangle the mess arising from other people's stupid decisions.

How can we most usefully assist each other over the next few weeks?

In my experience, most people do not make the effort to follow through with reasonable suggestions, whether involving keys, doors or commitments.

Yet most people expect someone else to solve the problems subsequently arising from their ill-informed and unreasonable decisions.

I am interested in your evidence.  Without evidence, decisions are merely gambles, and I do not gamble.

Did you require the key in order to enter Frugality Cottage today?

You may have noticed that I continue to have many questions for you.  I am always seeking more knowledge to help me make better decisions.

Advanced decision-making always considers mental health properly.

Do not ask me to trust you if I barely know you.

I do not require you to trust me.  I do not even require you to trust yourself.

And I certainly do not require you to trust any sort of advisor.

I hope you do not regard me as a bully for seeking to improve your leadership.  I am obviously exasperated by your lack of attention to the matter of good decision-making yet you are entirely responsible for making the associated investment decisions yourself.

You may be aware of the seemingly endless struggle for supremacy between the LobbyRule Party of Australia and LayBore.

Perhaps you wish me to sell my soul to the devil, News Crap, the LobbyRule Party of Australia, the IPA, the ACTU, LayBore or the Minerals Council of Australia. 

Perhaps you are acquainted with the policies of the Naturals.

Are you a member of the Australian Political Reform Club?

How thoughtfully have you been investing in enlightened productivity, and how do you know?

Please review the following notes carefully now.  There is no time to waste:   


Which of these ninety-two Monday investment notes do you currently regard as most relevant and useful to you, and how?   

Perhaps you think my cultural leadership is incompatible with your needs, values and interests.  

Do not ask if I am OK with a world of corruption.  You are already likely to be aware that all forms of corruption have a detrimental effect on my mental health.

How have other people's mental health problems affected your ability to make good decisions?

I am sure you will have thought about those questions carefully after reading my earlier notes to you.

What is your acquaintance with the assessment of social impact bonds?

I hope you have properly examined good and bad decisions made by various levels of government, in various parts of the world, in various centuries, particularly decisions made on the basis of no suitable evidence whatsoever.

Bad decisions are often signs of considerable corruption.

How do you define corruption if not it terms of inappropriate decisions? 

The decision to provide you with ongoing access to this virtual library is not mine.  That decision resides with the Council of Enlightenment under the supervision of the Spirit of Enlightenment.

You may be wondering whether there is a physical manifestation of Frugality Cottage for you to visit.  Unfortunately, that is not the case. 

It would be a poor investment decision on the part of anyone to provide such a cottage for ordinary mortals to explore.

Not only is there the possibility of current and future pandemics to consider but stupid government decisions, too.

You are perfectly entitled to invest in a possible cottage of your own in a physical location, if that sort of speculation appeals to you and you have plenty of spare money.

But how would such a decision affect other people, other species and the associated environment?

Of course, in a more perfect world, a lovely little, physical cottage would certainly be a good place from which to make advanced decisions.

Perhaps you usually make advanced decisions in tall office buildings.

How, though, do you actually know when a decision-making process is suitably advanced in terms of enlightenment rather than agreement? 

What have been your experiences of decision-making in groups?

What have been your experiences of decision-making as an individual?

And why have you made the decision to read this investment note?

How do you ensure you acquire adequate rest, as required by nature?

My investment notes are certainly not intended to be restful.  I would never wish to lull you into a false feeling of security.

There has always been considerable insecurity in the world and it must always be properly acknowledged.

Yet some forms are insecurity are of more consequence than others. 

Do you know how to find virtual doorways, liminal corridors and reasonable theories to help you advance towards experiencing improved decision-making in and between various cultural institutions and other organisations?

Did you require any sort of key with which to reach this virtual library today?

How do you usually assess political risks

How do you assess the actions of individuals and groups?

What do you believe you know already about advanced decision-making, and how do you know it?

How do you know whether you have enough independence, particularly in terms of making decisions, whether alone or in groups?

If you do not believe your values are compatible with my own, why is that the case? 

I cannot cope with excessive routine or small talk or inappropriate expectations of me, as I am sure you are willing to acknowledge by now. 

I am currently attempting to recruit enlightened world leaders to support a sensible approach to sustainability and productivity.

Unfortunately, you have not yet provided me with the evidence that you are such a leader.

Yet I have not found anyone else to replace you.  The job ahead apparently requires your unique talents.

Perhaps you are feeling tired, or even completely exhausted, or merely bored.

Sleepiness and tediousness motivate people to be inattentive.  
That is why adequate restfulness and retreating are in everyone's best interests.
I always retreat when people ignore the evidence I have presented to inform their decisions.

How do your biases affect your decisions on what to research, and when to do so?

When did you most recently make an enlightened decision, and how do you know?

How do you know whether a decision is reasonable or not? 

How do you know whether a decision-making process is important or not?

How do you try to ensure you monitor your decisions and act to correct the miscalculated ones? 

Preventing unreasonableness from having any influence on one's own decisions requires cognitive intelligence

How often you prefer to make decisions on the basis of reason and evidence rather than on the basis of emotions and/or impulsive urges?

How do you think about your investments and other decisions in relation to a sense of duty? 

Perhaps you are unaware of my qualities and capabilities as a well-informed, kind leader.

I want to be able to conserve nature, not intrude upon it.

I certainly have no intention of destroying life on Earth.

If you regard yourself as an enlightened cultural leader, you will obviously have many important questions to ask, and to answer, especially if your skills, experiences, maturity, morality and productivity are to be tested appropriately in my laboratory in the Tower of Truth. 

I have little tolerance towards superficiality and starkness, aggression and greed, pretension and consumerism, drunkenness and sleaze.

I have no time for people unwilling to examine their own ignorance, their own gullibility, their own insensitivity and their own laziness.

Do not ask me if I am fine with cruel political decisions.  You already know the answer.

I understand the requirements of good governance.

I have standards.  I have principles.  I have policies.

Who and what influences your decisions?

Perhaps you and I will never be adequately compatible.

Perhaps our personal experiences are too different for us ever to be adequately compatible with one another.

Why have you not yet completed the introductory workshops about Frugality Cottage and its association with industries, creativity and kindness?

Perhaps you do not believe there are any home-based, cottage-appropriate industries in the 21st century, even if you have been working from, and/or studying from, home for most of the past two years.

When decisions are based on biases, they are not enlightened decisions.

How do you know that you and I respond to events in suitably compatible ways, particularly if those events are associated with the expression of aggression?

I encourage the consistent compatibility of suitable simplicity and gracious gentleness. 

What do you encourage, and why?

Do not ask for my time if you have none to give in return.

Do not ask for my name.  It is not part of my online identity.

Do not ask me to empower you.  I am waiting for you to empower me.

Do not ask me for money.  I am frugal.  Ask the wasteful instead.

Do not ask me to recall distressing memories so you can pretend you care about the suffering I have experienced.

Successfully investing in simple, peaceful, sustainable living involves investing in honesty and investing in privacy.

Perhaps such a way of life is not your idea of success.

Perhaps you are not interested in investing in peace or investing in simple living or investing in a sensible approach to sustainability

What do you know about conservation biology and sustainability?

How, if at all, are you investing in conservation of one sort or another?

Perhaps you have not been investing in life particularly well. 

Most of my investments are associated with the improvement of social environments.

There is little I can do to improve physical environments.  I do not have the power.

When is investing in social research an absolute priority for you, and why? 

How have you been thinking about the cottage and politics recently, if at all?

What have you already discovered about investing in intelligent frugality?

How are you currently investing in the delights of adequately ethical compatibility?

What do you know about quaintness in relation to compatibility?

How have you been thinking about the cottage and quaintness recently, and why?

Perhaps you associate the delights of adequately ethical compatibility with the experience of quaintness rather than advanced decision-making.

What do you know about life on Earth during the Quaternary extinction event?

Perhaps you are more interested in the near future than the long ago past, but how does the past inform your decisions?

What have been your experiences of investing in quaternary possibilities?

Perhaps you have never been in this virtual library before today.  That would indicate that you have not noticed the earlier notes I have provided for you, unless one of your acquaintances noticed them and brought them to your attention:



Over the past decade or so, no persons suitably qualified to help me implement my public mission ever attempted to do so, including you.

Perhaps you can explain why.

I surreptitiously and serendipitously invited you into the snug and cosy sitting room of Frugality Cottage, in earlier years, to ascertain whether you had ever been a practitioner of anything useful or merely silly and pointless and possibly even smug.

There is nothing beautiful or understandable or elegant or egalitarian about smugness. 

What do you believe investing in elegant egalitarianism means in practice?  

I hope you have read my note to you about investing in the harmonious interplay of beauty, understanding and magnificence or at least will do so soon.

I no longer have a public mission.

I have completed most of my community mission now, too.

To support my work, and your duties, over many years, I even provided all the essential information, free of charge, though I no longer provide free access to most of that information, or easy access to most of my other philanthropic services. 

Please review the following notes carefully now: 


My discussions in the sitting room here, last year, were mainly intended to inform my notes to you this year.

Indeed, investing in you can only occur as a consequence of the information I have gathered about you from various sources, and from yourself directly and indirectly, through various media, at various times.

You have not been particularly helpful.

In particular, the information you have provided online has not been at all helpful to my investment strategy.

How carefully have you been investing in improving political practices this year, and where is the evidence? 

Perhaps you are unsure whether investing in better communities is worthwhile or even possible.

What do you know about Frugality Cottage in relation to beliefs, politics and controversies, and how have you acquired that information?


I continue to hope that your leadership will consistently express well-informed kindness in the future.  There is no point in me discussing anything with you if it does not. 

What is currently your preferred approach to investing in an intelligently kind culture?

If you are anything at all like me, you will be consistently cautious as a conservative sort of investor, a consistently conscientious centrist in politics, and a scientifically well-informed conservationist and conversationalist in your daily life.

I am well aware that intelligent frugality is always relatively comfortable.  It is also reasonably in accordance with scientific knowledge, environmental requirements and moral obligations.

My preference has always been towards searching for healthy patterns, particularly healthy cultural patterns.

Yet such patterns can only arise within a healthy physical environment, a healthy media environment, and a healthy political one.

I am still searching.

I am offering you an invitation, a request and an opportunity, as politely as circumstances require.

Whether the experience is delightfully reasonable and lovely is for you to decide.

My main purpose is to improve your decision-making abilities.  

I am certainly incompatible with persons with a propensity to make rash decisions and/or who ignore my needs, my rights and my values.  

Most of my past investments in you have been indirect, primarily as a contribution to your quaternary education and training.

You are welcome to make your way from the library to the sitting room quite soon, or at least whenever you are ready to begin or resume a thoughtful digital discussion with whoever may be there, if you are eligible to do so.

What have you already discovered about investing in trustworthy collaborations?

I hope you are investing in peacefully authentic living this year to the best of your ability. 

If you are seeking my advice on a financial matter, or any other matter, how much are you willing to pay me for that advice, and why?

I am not a financial advisor.

If people do not wish to know the truth, that is not my problem.  I am only interested in investing in the truth, in whatever form it arises.

And I know that most reviews reflect opinionated nonsense, not the truth.

You may be aware that control is a management task.  It involves preventing problems from arising by appropriately monitoring the implementation of a plan.

Control may also include the process of carefully choosing the goals to be pursued, but not necessarily.
The goals to be achieved may have already been decided upon by someone else, particularly someone with more power and/or money, whether in terms of authority or influence.

I wish to help everyone understand that most investments of imagined money, and all other ethereal means of exchange, are merely greedy gambles.  The only exception is when purposeful reviews have been conducted competently before making investment decisions.

You are currently free to choose whether to apply to become a patron here or not.  The decision is almost entirely your own.

Even so, if your income has ever been wholly or partly, directly and/or indirectly, funded through government decisions, you will only be eligible to be assessed as a prospective patron here if you can prove to the assessors that your prior acquisition of an income has never required you to utter ideological nonsense and/or idiotic platitudes.

If you have ever participated eagerly or not-so-eagerly in any corrupt practices whatsoever, such examples of your decision-making will also be regarded as unacceptable to the assessors.

What do you already know about proper patronage?

You may be wondering how to register as a patron here, if you have not done so already.

The patronage expressed here in Frugality Cottage is associated with a considerably advanced level of reasonableness and honesty. 

Perhaps you are mostly interested in making therapeutic investments.

What does investing in awareness currently mean to you?

Perhaps you regard creativity as therapeutic, or at least some sorts of creativity.


Since considerable technical changes occurred to this digital interface last year, my creative productivity has reduced considerably.

All unexpected, unwanted and confusing changes tend to distract me and lower my mood.  Such changes also influence my decisions in detrimental ways, which is why I am required to be much more cautious in such circumstances.

I certainly feeling annoyed about the insensitivity expressed by technology company executives, technical workers and technocratic bureaucrats.  They rarely indicate they have adequate understanding of the processes of true creativity, peaceful productivity and appropriate civility. 

What does investing in civility mean to you at present?

Earlier this year, I left you a note here about investing in enlightened philanthropy

How have you been informing yourself further with regards to such an important topic?

Perhaps you regard me as a non-human being of good repute or ill repute or a mixture of the two in various ways.

Perhaps you consider me to be an elf owl or an owl elf or a low elf or el fowl or le flow.

You will already know that I am The Author and that I take a scientific approach to assessing nature and the non-natural.  

Do you have much experience of structured interviews, whether as an interviewee or interviewer? 

Perhaps you prefer unstructured or semi-structured interviews, or you may prefer not to have anything to do with interviews whatsoever.

Problems associated with the lack of reasonableness in the world are mostly related to the absence of enlightened sophistication.

What, if anything, have you been reading about structure in this little library? 

I hope you have been investing in structure wisely in various contexts.

Many problems can be resolved through the development and adequate maintenance of cellular organisational structures and multi-disciplinary teams.

In most formal education systems and other social institutions, suitable inclusiveness can often improve the ability to make good decisions.

That is why I have helped to establish appropriate organisational structures for formal and informal quaternary educational systems and practices, locally and globally.

What do you already know about Twaklin, and how did you acquire that important information?

Do you consider "Twaklin" to be a beautiful word or a not-so-pretty one?

Are you wondering about the language from which the word derived?

Twaklin is associated with thoughtful reciprocity, remarkable equanimity and the harmonious interplay of beauty, understanding and magnificence. 

As the Spirit of Enlightenment, Twaklin is the ethereal source of all appropriately advanced decision-making practices, as all well-informed persons are willing to acknowledge.

The Council of Enlightenment set me many tasks in relation to improving your leadership.

Unfortunately, the members of the council have decided your leadership is unlikely to improve.

You may, of course, wish to prove their assessment wrong.

I am only required to inform you, now, that you lack self-awareness.

Perhaps you believe I lack self-awareness.

All appropriately enlightened leaders are self-aware but never self-indulgent.

Regardless of your age and sex and gender and natural attributes and cultural attainments, how would you compare your life with the experiences of Queen Adelaide and Christine de Pisan

Queen Adelaide is doing her best to help me, as is my documentation assistant, Phil Anthropi, and my imagination, and Christine de Pisan.

You may already know that Émilie du Châtelet also assists me, as does Professor Erasmus, Professor Warra, the Spirit of Enlightenment and the Council of Enlightenment.

I am also lucky to have married a kind, deep-thinking man.  We have always lived within our means and have managed to save for the future appropriately. 

In fact, we have spent our entire married lives trying to live at the same standard we hope to live in "retirement".

But what is retirement?

And what is work? 

Perhaps you regard advanced decision-making as hard work.

You may be aware that doors are often attached to structures with hinges.

How are you attached to various social structures and systems and institutions and organisations and relationships?

Soon after I met the person who would become my husband two years later, I realised he did not want to leave his career in Adelaide to follow me where I happened to be.

I lived and worked in a place of much danger, including terrorist incidents and cruel political decisions and considerable misogyny.

We lived on different continents and met in another part of the world.

On my arrival in Adelaide, I was shocked by the ignorance I frequently encountered, and the ugly consumerism and the lack of graciousness and the vulgar expression of affluence.

Before arriving in this part of the world, I did my best to become suitably aware of its history and geography.  I have been keenly interested in history and geography for most of my life.

What do you know about the history of civilisation?

How have you decided upon the future direction of civilisation, through your advanced decision-making practices?

How have social structures and social expectations imposed themselves upon the real you?

How have climatic conditions and political conditions imposed themselves upon the real you?

When I lost all hope of experiencing a viable future where I happened to be living and working, I was very appreciative of the chance to relocate to Adelaide on a temporary basis.  

But I soon lost all hope in Adelaide, too.

I quickly realised that patterns of corruption and apathy are the same everywhere.

What do you know about the structure of the systems influencing the structure of societies?

What do you know about historical patterns in relation to economic prosperity, political freedom, religious freedom, societal stability and economic exploitation?

I wish my investments in a sense of belonging could be better.  Yet I do not belong within a corrupt society.   I only belong in relationships and communities appropriately reflective of the harmonious interplay of beauty, understanding and magnificence.

Humans often behave like an invasive species.  They are frequently destructive rather than respectful.  They are often false with each other instead of true to themselves.  

How do you know you have been living an authentically ethical sort of life this year?


My husband has always been happy with my decision not to have children of my own.  He has never wanted children either.

Our combined reasoning has mainly been a consequence of environmental factors, as well as social and political ones.

We have both witnessed the dire poverty and cruelty experienced in various parts of the world, in urban areas and rural ones, in various climates.

If you are not yet appropriately registered as a patron in Frugality Cottage, you are unlikely to be permitted to climb up to the attic today, or in the days beyond today, to examine the exhibits there on enlightened economic practices.

Indeed, there are many resources in this part of the digital world exclusively accessible to suitably registered patrons.

Whether you are a registered patron or not at present, how have you been making the most of your time, here in the library of Frugality Cottage?

I hope you enjoy expressing well-informed kindness as much as I do.  

How have you perceived your virtual experiences in Frugality Cottage today, and why?

Are you aware that intelligent frugality is the only real basis of financial freedom?

Are you aware that many other forms of freedom do not last long without financial freedom? 

Are you aware that most people in possession of financial freedom refuse to take their associated responsibilities seriously?

Queen Adelaide and I are both investing in magnificent maturity in order to help all current and future generations lead lives of well-informed kindness and intelligent frugality.

Perhaps you regard our approach towards investing rather quaint.



If you are interested in investing in me, that is obviously a sign of your enlightened mind and suitably trusting nature.

Are you mostly interested in investing in the mortal part of me or the immortal part?  

How do you usually make decisions in relation to mortality and immortality?

Perhaps your decision-making is often associated with over-confidence.

Why do you think this part of Frugality Cottage will remain open to you next Monday? 

How kind are you, in your own estimation?



I have never been in debt, and nor has my husband.  We have never owed anything to anyone.  We have never asked much of anyone.

Well-informed people have often told us that we have been ahead of our time when we have explained the reasoning behind our various decisions.

I have lived in many different places, either for a short time or long time.

I have also visited many different places, in different parts of the world, for various lengths of time.

I have inhabited many different types of rooms and structures and environments, either briefly or semi-permanently.

Perhaps you associate the ability to do so with power rather than freedom, or necessity.

I am absolutely devoted to the public interest, even though I do not act particularly overtly in the public sphere and no longer have a public mission.

You may already consider me highly skilled in investing in suitably clear boundaries.

How skilled are you in that regard, especially if you seek or possess popularity, fame, wealth, power and/or notoriety?

I came to Adelaide, in my mid 20s, to follow my heart, and my hopes for the future.  Yet that hope was soon shattered, except within my marriage.

Most cultures in the world are problematic.  I am only interested in contributing to the non-problematic ones.

The people in leadership positions within problematic cultures are evil.  They have already ruined the world.  They continue to ruin and destroy lives.  They delude themselves into believing that they understand the workings of quality economies when they know nothing of the sort.

You will be aware, by now, that I am not interested in putting pressure on anyone to change themselves and the world, not even you.  There is little I, or anyone else, can do to improve problematic cultures.  The systems and attitudes enabling those cultures to remain problematic will never change adequately for the better.

That is why entirely new systems are necessary, as peacefully as possible, hence my work in the sitting room here last year.

What have you discovered about the emerging cultures associated advanced decision-making practices, and how, and where?

You must decide which reforms are most important for you to pursue, possibly including the reform of yourself.

How will you do so?

You currently have access to quite a few investment notes from me to assist with your research, planning and leadership, especially in relation to investing sensibly in the art and science of sustainability, civility and productivity.  

Your main goal, at present, may be to meet your most urgent needs.

Perhaps you are even failing in that task, regardless of whether you also have responsibilities towards meeting the most urgent needs of other people, and possibly even one or more other creatures.

What is your preferred approach, at present, to investing appropriately in good patronage, and why?

The Spirit of Enlightenment has long expected me to invest my well-informed time in contributing to the improvement of your cultural leadership, and possibly even your political leadership.  I have done my best.

She and I both know that most people attaining positions of cultural and/or political power are beyond redemption.  They are the worst of humanity rather than the best.

What do you already know about my cultural activities, and how did you gain that knowledge?

What do you already know about your own cultural activities?

How have you been re-assessing the purpose of your investments since first encountering my philanthropic notes to you?

Attempting to be thoughtful, whether as a patron or otherwise, is not about spending money.  It is about expressing ethics through empathy, in the most appropriate contexts.

Most organisations and households are very badly run indeed.

Humanity as a whole is in a mess.

Governments, in general, are corrupt.

Politics, in general, is aggressive.

My peaceful sense of adventure has always been associated with respect for the natural world, its human inhabitants and its non-human inhabitants. 

You may already know that I associate genuine friendliness with investing time in mutually beneficial ways.

I certainly hope you are capable of investing in civility appropriately.

Perhaps you are currently investing in Civility Today

That would certainly be a highly enlightened pursuit and an admirably purposeful expression of your well-informed kindness.

If you are not an investor in that worthy publication, please be aware that your access to its admirable resources will most likely end as soon as your access to Frugality Cottage ends.

My preferred cultural practices do not require much money.  As I have never had debts, I have long been able to write in the way I want to write because I have also long been free of financial pressures.

I know how to live well on very little money.

I have reformed my habits suitably well in order to do so.

I am only interested in investing in good relationships and no other types.  I certainly have no trust of anyone with extravagant tastes or extravagant emotions or apathetic attitudes. 

I want my remaining experiences of life to be shaped by my values, through the delights of adequately ethical compatibility.

I want calmness, courtesy, cleanliness, creativity, integrity, honesty and peace.

You have probably noticed that I have always maintained a low profile online. I do not trust many people, as I am sure you are very well aware by now.  I know that very few people have adequate discretion, adequate empathy and adequate priorities.

Perhaps you believe most of your attention, at present, must be devoted to keeping yourself alive and away from harm.  That is certainly a worthy sense of priorities.

You may already be aware that the training provided here in Frugality Cottage is a quaternary experience rather than a quarantine experience.

It is, nevertheless, primarily suitable for appropriately mature persons already in possession of advanced skills in research, analysis, critical thinking, moral reasoning and creative thinking.

If you are yet to become a patron here, please demonstrate your initiative as a real world leader by providing evidence that you are in possession of an appropriately enlightened agenda and you have the ability to carry it out.

Please include an outline of your carefully structured planning and review process.

At your earliest convenience, also provide your own interpretations of the most urgent situations you are already addressing, with appropriately detailed evidence of your success. 

While successful quaternary students do their best to understand urgently required reforms, only advanced practitioners of enlightened being have the skills required for real world leadership.

But how are ordinary people, such as myself, meant to invest in urgent reforms?

How are you investing in urgent reforms, and where?

What do you know about advanced decision-making practices in relation to urgency?

I have always valued my ability to save money, directly and indirectly. 

I have never had more than a low income in relation to purportedly advanced economies. 

Yet I have always managed to be a creative and conservative saver, and so has my husband.  We are emotionally and ethically compatible.

I do my best to encourage the development of an intelligently kind culture wherever and whenever one may possibly arise.

Such a culture is only possible through respect for the truth.

The Hubrisometer, as the world's most advanced and useful measuring machine, has rarely made mistakes.

In the early stages of its development, it quickly became overloaded with hubris, narcissism, sycophantism, greed, psychopathy, stupidity, bad faith and/or Machiavellianism. 

That is why the initial prototypes tended to mistake the sanctimonious for the parsimonious, as do most human minds, various complicated hardware, government reports and proprietary software. 

I have since solved the problem, ironically, by adding an additional Occam filter between the charitable valve and the crap eliminator, in keeping with Clarke's third law.

Perhaps you are afraid of Occam filters and Occam razors and highly sophisticated technologies and highly sophisticated discussions between razor sharp minds.

If you had achieved the status of being a highly enlightened, well advanced patron of enlightenment by now, within the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter, you would have retained privileged access to sufficiently magnificent archival notes composed to support enlightened democracies everywhere.

Few individuals have been so fortunate as to achieve that status.

Highly advanced patrons have even retained access to Superbly Brilliant Australian News.

If you are not yet aware of that extraordinary news service, it sensibly and satirically consists of reports composed in defiance of the Marquis de Tabloid's monopolistic greed.

How do you prevent the Marquis de Tabloid from spreading falsehoods about you?

How do you prevent Lord Google and is cousin, the Earl of YouTube, from associating you with dubious advertisers and anti-democratic Advertisers?

How conscientiously have you been perusing the resources currently available to you in and from this virtual library?



As with the advanced technologies I help to develop, I prefer my discussions, and these notes, to help prevent problems.

My research mainly assesses hubris in order to discover ways to prevent it. 

If you do not have access to a technological device to help you measure hubris, how do you decide what is normal and what is not?

How do you decide whether a relationship is based on genuine friendship or predatory behaviour? 

At 3pm, every Monday afternoon, I have placed a new note on the virtual bookshelf here for your immediate attention.

Whether you then decide to draw the attention of other people to the note is your own responsibility.

What do you understand and appreciate about my activities as a philanthropic investor?

How sensibly have you been investing in the experience of art, and news, over the past few years, and for what reasons?

Influential organisations, in various parts of the world, are not investing in appropriately high standards, especially in terms of advanced decision-making practices. 

Indeed, the people in leadership positions in most organisations do not follow even a basic standard of good decision-making.

Duties are associated with obligations.  It is my duty to rid the world of hubris as peacefully as possible.  It is your duty, too.

How do you decide whether a variable is political or not? 

I spend much of my time attempting to invest in better communities.  That is, to me, the only hope of acquiring better governments and more courteous societies.

Having the technical knowledge towards doing so is one thing.  Having the interpersonal ability to develop and manage the process is quite another.

Solving problems along the way requires advanced cognitive skills, particularly in relation to reasoning.

When politicians regard philanthropy and charity as responsible for solving societal problems, the problems are actually ignored. 
Instead, extravagant promotional events take place.  Platitudes are offered.  Social networks for the privileged are advanced.  Prestigious careers for charity directors are encouraged.  Tax dodgers are transformed into self-proclaimed philanthropists.  Overpaid celebrities gain unjustified credibility.

And real philanthropy is ignored.

How do you currently compare me with yourself, and why?

If you have only briefly experienced the noticeboard inside the entrance of Frugality Cottage, you will have noticed that both are obviously quite virtual and therefore dependent on the quality of your imagination.

Even if you do not reside in a cottage at present, you may be devoted to producing and preserving home-grown foods, preparing and eating wholefood cooking, adapting clothes as necessary, and reusing a wide variety of items in different ways than originally intended.

How do you usually design and structure your decision-making practices?

How do you design organisations and the policies and practices associated with them?

What have been your experiences of political decision-making? 

What do you know about decision fatigue

How have you been investing in useful inventions?

Perhaps you have invented something to make advanced decisions on your behalf.

Perhaps you have trained someone to make advanced decisions on your behalf.

Perhaps someone has trained you to make decisions on their behalf.

You may have noticed that I have deliberately avoided providing you with much in terms of direction through these notes, whether towards gaining knowledge, making decisions, improving your thinking or improving your leadership.

You are already meant to be an enlightened world leader, according to the Council of Enlightenment.  Therefore, you are meant to be able to identify a sensible sense of direction towards suitable societal goals and subsequently lead people in that direction.  

You are also meant to do so as soon as possible.  

The sitting room in this virtual cottage is only ever used for learning purposes.

This library is mainly used for research and planning purposes.

The educational workshops, and the creativity workshops, usually take place simultaneously in real time and the EverTime, in various locations in and around the cottage.

The workshops are for decision-making purposes.

How, if at all, do your experiences of reading help you to make better decisions, and how do you know?

How do you know when a decision is personally useful?

How do you know when a decision is socially useful?

How do you know when a decision is economically useful and/or environmentally useful?

How do you know when a decision is politically useful?

How do you know you are true to yourself, whether by studying or working, or simply through the decisions you make each day?

I hope you are capable of investing in thorough assessments with adequate consistency, whenever and wherever necessary.

How useful do you regard the Hubrisometer to be?
How useful do you regard the Gullibulometer to be?

Perhaps you are more interested in rummaging around in the attic here than in answering my questions.

There are always at least a few well-informed persons up in the attic.  They are often searching for better economic policies and more enlightened structures and strategies than the ones usually foisted upon unwary societies by corrupt governments, greed-based businesses and hubris-related organisations and dubious intentions of every variety.

How do you intend to gain access to the attic or to the sitting room or the kitchens or the cellar, or even future entrance to the cottage itself, and to this library?

Perhaps you never regard cottages as appropriate venues from which to solve the world's biggest problems.

Perhaps you do not regard the composition of my notes here to be particularly creative or interesting or informative.

The work involved in producing these investment notes, and the associated educational notes, is certainly not effortless.

In fact, the preparations for writing the educational notes, and these associated investment notes, have required more than fifty years of considerable effort and struggle and confusion in order to acquire the knowledge I have so far attained.

My associates and colleagues are monitoring subscription services and patronage activities in various locations, as well as real and fake philanthropy, and suitable and unsuitable political practices.

Perhaps you are suffering from despair or brain fog or tiredness or a lack of interest in advancing the expression of political kindness.

To be behaviourally mature, in human terms is to have acquired an advanced level of moral development

Charlatans become wealthy as a consequence of corrupt influences.

Good people become affluent when they inform their investment decisions reasonably.

I prefer to invest in a better normality than the one most usually supplied by governments.

A better normality is based on interesting predictions.

Yet better decisions must always take important predictions into consideration, too.

How and where do you seek out trustworthy advice, and on what subjects?

A highly experienced, suitably trustworthy advisor is meant to assist with quality decision-making and planning.

Next week, my intention is to provide a note here about investing in reasonable momentum.
