95 - investing in a long-term residence of loveliness

The useful may or may not be beautiful.

The beautiful may or may not be useful.

Attitudes to the pretty and the cute are often silly.

Do you associate loveliness with peace and quiet?

Do you associate a long-term residence with affluence?

Do you usually associate the residential with housing of some sort?  

Perhaps you regard loveliness as romantic.

Perhaps you regard my questions as unromantic.

My values are related to my investments and my questions.

What is your acquaintance with loveliness?

What, if anything, have you been learning in and from Frugality Cottage about a long-term residence of loveliness? 

Relatively low-cost, safe, practical, generic housing may be suitable for a large number of people with similar requirements, at least temporarily.

You may consider manufactured housing and modular buildings to lack the character you require.

Perhaps you have always preferred vernacular cottages instead.

But what is a healthy building for you and your mind?

How do you know you have adequately acquainted yourself with the history of cottages and similar structures?  

You have obviously found these notes, somewhat belatedly.  Apparently you have been considerably inattentive to my previous investment notes.

This is number ninety-five as you may have noticed.

Perhaps you are expecting it to be a thesis.

What, if anything, have you written about investing in a long-term residence of loveliness, and when, and where, and why?

What is your knowledge of housing and houses and dwellings and homes? 

How do you distinguish between the long-term and the medium-term?

How do you measure the long-term?

What do you know about insurance in relation to value?

What do you know about value in relation to risk?

What is your usual approach to finding and sharing importantly useful information? 

How does your honesty relate to having a place in which to live with relative safety and permanence?

In recent years, as you are probably well aware by now, I have become practically housebound.

You may think my difficulties are trivial, especially if your interactions with the wider world have never caused you to experience sudden paralysis and a loss of control over your bodily functions.  You may never have experienced an inconvenient inability to speak.  Perhaps you have not even experienced considerable fear when trying to gasp for air.  

I no longer have any desire to travel physically.  Even before the coronavirus pandemic, any sort of travel had become too stressful for me, and even quite dangerous.

Until I became housebound, I tried not to let many people know when I was likely to be away from home, or when I happened to be home for that matter.  I still avoid giving away personal information unless absolutely necessary.

I enjoy listening to the birds in the garden, the breeze through the trees and the sound of my fingers tapping out words for you to read. 

Yet the nearby traffic is too heavy now.  Neighbourhood dogs are intrusively loud.  Excessive neighbourhood lawn mowing annoys me considerably.  Neighbourhood cats wake me in the night.
There has often also been loud 'music' blaring into my home environment from selfishness neighbours and inconsiderate construction workers.  There has also been considerable noise from demolitions.
Yet governments apparently still equate noise pollution with prosperity, regardless of the mental, physical and economic consequences for sufferers.

How do you know you are investing in good policy environments in relation to lovely, long-term residential experiences and environments?

My policy is to avoid interacting directly with tourists, including virtual ones.

Tourists, like politicians, tend to make brief, temporary, rather superficial investments of time in particular locations.

I hope you are not here as a tourist.

What are your policies in relation to tourists?

What are your policies in relation to politicians?

Writing has brought much enjoyment into my life in recent years, in the absence of joy from other sources.  I otherwise lead a very simple and equanimous, private existence, expressing my authentic self online, as well as in character as necessary. 

What do you know about investing in suitably clear boundaries?
I do not understand why people have noisy home "security" systems.

To me, those alarms are nothing more than nuisances.  The police do not respond to them, and nor does anyone else as far as I am aware.  

Insurance companies are probably making money out of such devices.

Yet "security" alarms, to me, merely signal that the dwelling or business premises is unoccupied and there is something inside of monetary value.  The alarms therefore, ironically, have the opposite effect from their apparently intended purpose.

I much prefer quietness.

What is your preferred approach to investing in security and preventing insecurity?

How have you been investing in certainty?

As a citizen of Australia, I have obviously done my best to lead other Australian citizens, as gently as possible, towards the society I truly believe they require, based on considerable evidence. 

Apparently, they do not wish to follow me there.

How, if at all, do your usual reading times reflect your experiences of investing in reasonableness?

What is your preferred approach to investing in reading in relation to pleasant, long-term residential experiences?  

What have you been reading about investing in freedom?

What is your preferred approach to investing in value and preserving value?  

What do you think you know about my approach to investing in honesty?

For much of the year, in every past year, and in this current one, Adelaide as a place of residence has been too cold for me, both physically and emotionally.

It has been that way ever since I first arrived in this part of the world.

It was probably that way long before my arrival.

When I was young, the much older people in my life provided the certainty, stability and peace I did not experience at home, at school or in most social situations.  

How often have you invested time in experiencing and expressing magnificent maturity over the past few years, and in what ways exactly?

I hope you are investing in magnificent maturity as appropriately as circumstances allow.

Over your lifetime, what have you been learning about investing in an intelligently kind culture?

How have you been investing in importantly useful information in relation to that culture and how to express it?

How have you been investing in knowledge this year, and in previous years?

If you have been participating in the production of episodes in the series about authentic living, what have you contributed, and why?

Are you sure you understand the plot here in relation to possibilities, opportunities and good policies? 

A plot, in both factual and fictional narratives, is the trend in terms of causality and direction.

What is your acquaintance with plots of land?

What is your acquaintance with greed in relation to land and money?

What do you know about the destruction of lovely natural landscapes and lovely gardens and lovely buildings and lovely communities in the name of money and 'development' and economic growth?

Perhaps you have not yet realised that these investment notes form the beginning of a well-informed culture.

How and where have you been investing in simple living over the past few years, if at all?

I hope you are doing so authentically.

Many people merely follow superficial trends, possibly in the hope of meeting superficial new friends.

I am only interested in significant trends, not fads and fashions and other trivialities.

How do you identify and assess significance?

How well, for example, are you investing in conservation, and how do you know?

Far too many people have a hypocritical approach to conservation, restoration and the protection of heritage.

Truly simple, well-informed and caring lives are investments in conservation through clear evidence, including political evidence, in relation to land clearing, land development, mining, military pursuits and greed. 

I am at least fortunate to live in an area relatively well away from the risks associated with bushfires, cyclones and major floods, at least for now.

Perhaps you are unaware that authentic experiences of the beauty within nature only lasts a moment.  They are meant to be appreciated with full consciousness of their fleetingness, in the same way as other experiences of joyfulness. 

I do not see life as a race to the finish, but do you? 

I want to be able to maintain my privacy, which is why I have no intention of intruding into yours.  

As a pioneering prospective resident of New Nilkawt, and as the principal financial backer of its initial development, I have the final say on where the physical New Nilkawt should be located.

I also have the final say on the initial rules for the associated, physical community.  

Those rules are likely to be similar to the rules associated with Frugality Cottage and many other areas of the ethereal, intangible, entirely digital Adelaidezone.

How do you attempt to understand complexity, and what are your reasons for doing so?

What is your attitude towards complexity?

What is your attitude towards beauty and the beautiful?

How beautiful are your aspirations, and from whose point of view? 

All my notes to you have been written in good faith.  That is why I hope you are investing in good faith as conscientiously as I do. 

Where, if anywhere, have you been investing in intelligent frugality, and why?

Arctic, antarctic, subarctic zones are impossible for the practice of intelligent frugality, especially where those areas are also quite seismic and/or with permafrost or melting permafrost.

There is too much uncertainty and discomfort in such regions as permanent places of residence, especially for me. 

I actually like tropical climates when there are no cyclones likely or mosquitoes around or crocodiles or other dangers.
I have suffered horrible side-effects from anti-malarial medications, especially mentally. 
I have also had more than enough vaccinations than I would have preferred, to protect me from tropical diseases.
And tropical weather systems tend to cause substantially more damage to human habitats than non-tropical weather systems, apart from the fires and floods and snow storms and wind storms in non-tropical places.

Tropical areas are known as torrid zones.  While it is possible to acclimatise to living in such places, at least when the conditions are relatively favourable, and possibly with the benefit of reliable air-conditioning systems, there are also many reasons why those areas of the world are unsuitable for intelligently frugal living.

The tropics encircle the warmest regions of Earth.  Those regions, like all the others, are becoming warmer.  The oceans are warming.  The air is warming.  The land is warming.

The tropics are therefore little better as permanent places of residence than the ones with permafrost or melting permafrost.

It is impossible to practice intelligent frugality and comfortably simple living in a polar zone, for a wide variety of reasons.

I can see no purpose in reaching high altitudes or the poles, except for reasons of scientific usefulness.

What do you already know about investing in careful design?

You may be interested in experiencing one or more of the virtually realistic residencies in the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter, and possibly even in the Digital Healing Quarter, regardless of your current socioeconomic status and design credentials.

You may be additionally interested in visiting the Villa Twaklinilkawt archives most associated with assisting the 21st century Enlightenment.

The development and maintenance of quality, whether online or offline, is the practice of enlightened beings.

Are you sure you know the difference between quality and kitsch?

Are you sure you know the difference between quality and luxury? 

Why have you not yet developed your investment practices sufficiently well to help you gain membership of the intentional, virtual residential, international community of enlightened world leaders associated with this part of the Internet?

Perhaps you are hoping to become a physical, long-term resident of New Nilkawt, regardless of the eventual name it acquires.

You may already be aware that it is first necessary to be an Australian citizen before applying to become a Nilkawtian citizen. 

Perhaps that requirement fills you with horror.

Perhaps you would rather be a Lilliputian.

You may even prefer to be a Houyhnhnm.

Please note, however, that pets, livestock and working animals are not permitted in New Nilkawt, regardless of their intellectual abilities.

Living simply in a situation of loveliness involves successfully investing in suitable independence.

How do you review the simple loveliness of well-informed kindness if not purposefully?

If you are sure you are adequately well-informed about frugality and the cottage, what are your reasons for that confidence?

Do you usually associate cottages with quality investments?



Do you usually associate cottages with enlightened economics?

Perhaps you prefer to live and/or work in grandiose structures.

Do you mainly associate cottages and/or industries with progress or tradition or neither?



I was only able to greet you briefly in the sitting room here last year, given the importance of my ongoing research.  My place there has since been taken permanently by Queen Adelaide in her immensely important role as The Moderator. 

From experiences during my upbringing and early adulthood, I am familiar with large kitchen gardens and small orchards and homegrown produce and keeping pets and managing small-scale livestock and participating in composting, weeding and harvesting.
I therefore know how much of a commitment is involved in maintaining a productive garden and growing nutritious food and looking after dependent animals.
I also know about the struggles involved in trying to live each day in a non-modern, rented house in need of expensive repairs no-one is willing or able to fund. 
At any time of year, you may find Plato in the summer house or storage shed or tree house in the garden of Frugality Cottage, pondering over the problem of universals and the problem of pollution.  

Plato and I are both aware that ignorant attempts at self-sufficiency are unlikely to be adequately comfortable.  They may even have disastrous consequences when ambitions are excessive and resources are limited. 

It may not have occurred to you that, until recent years, my physical location has not necessarily been Adelaide when writing to you about Adelaide and/or the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter.

Even so, for quite a while now, even before the covid pandemic arose, I have been mostly or entirely housebound in Adelaidean suburbia.  That is why my digital excursions and Adelaidezone expressions have become so necessary to me.

In the physical world, I enjoy the pleasures of creative cooking and creative living and creative writing, even though my husband now does much of the cooking, cleaning, gardening, grocery shopping and bill paying.  Yet he can only do so when he feels well enough. 
My husband is not a writer at all.  He much prefers to explain things verbally, in privacy.  He is, though, quite a quiet person.  We both prefer quietness, whether in a house or garden or orchard or in any other location.
My restricted access to the physical world is a consequence of increasing sensitivity to a wide range of pollutants and sensory intrusions.
I have long been sensitive to low air quality and to noises, and to chemicals in cleaning products, toiletries, perfumes, traffic fumes and smoke.
I am also highly sensitive to uncomfortably rough labels and seams in clothing, changes in the weather, and various nuisances such as intrusive noises.
Yet I do not want to be dependent on anyone.  Nor do I want anyone to depend on me.  I much prefer pleasant interdependence.

If you would you like a little further information about Frugality Cottage and its garden, what are you seeking to know, and why?



 And what are you seeking to know about a long-term residence of loveliness?

The following links are for appropriately registered patrons:


Last year, I have invited you into the sitting room of Frugality Cottage to think about significance and meaningfulness more deeply than you probably do on a daily basis, particularly in relation to how and when cultures emerge.

I wish you were not so quiet when I need to you respond quite urgently.

Perhaps you are overly busy.

Perhaps your priorities are incompatible with my own.

I have spent my entire life preparing for foreseen and unforeseen consequences.  Yet I would prefer further freedom

Of course, choices in relation to cultural practices tend to be associated with money and the lack of it though there are many other factors associated with cultures, such as health, geography and politics.

You may have been using the nearby Adelaidezone Information Service over recent months, too.  There have been several refreshing possibilities offered from there, at least to suitably registered patrons.

Ordinary members of the public currently do not have access to that information service, or to the sitting room here in Frugality Cottage.  

What have been your psychological experiences in the sitting room of Frugality Cottage over the past few months, and possibly even today?

I have welcomed you to my world for a reason.
Are you aware of that reason by now?

Do you ever enjoy investing time in exploring possibilities relating to well-informed investing or are you more interested in gambling or drinking alcohol or inhaling drug-filled smoke or indulging yourself in other detrimental ways?

I hope I am a practitioner of well-informed kindness rather than craziness.  I also hope you are truly wonderful and kind.



You have actually not yet given me enough hope for the future.  That is certainly disappointing.  

Of course, I only consider discussions to be pleasant experiences when exclusively in the company of respectable persons. 


What do you know about how and when cultures emerge, and how do you know it?

Are you sure that being reasonable is one of your most consistent attributes?

Are you sure you are capable of providing humanity with the best policy, in every situation?

With whom have you been examining the analysis and synthesis of morality, and when?

What do you believe to be your understanding of good systems, whether technological, political, economic, judicial, philosophical or social?

