91 - investing in reality

Perhaps you associate virtual cottages, simple living and intelligent expressions of kindness with escapism rather than the acknowledgement of reality.

The encouragement of escapism is certainly not the case here.

The acknowledgement of reality is the essence of everything associated with the Adelaidezone, even when fiction is expressed.

Quaternary practices always acknowledge reality appropriately.  

When I was a very young child, my curiosity soon began taking me on many real adventures into nature. 

Places on land have never frightened me.  Only people, and dogs, have ever frightened me on land.

I have never been particularly worried about snakes and spiders.  I avoid intruding into the home territory of other creatures, whenever possible. 

That includes the sea and rivers.  It also includes the corners of rooms and window frames where spiders prefer to lurk.

How does your imagination usually inform your expectations?

How realistically does it do so, and how can you be sure? 

I know how to remain aloof from strangers and strange people whenever necessary.

I also know when and how to support strangers in need, as do many of my ethereal associates. 

I regard all rudeness as strange.

I regard all strangers as potential friends as well as potential problems.

Perhaps you regard my ethereal associates as strange.

Perhaps you regard me as strange for interacting with ethereal beings of the most enlightened variety.

If you are engrossed in sport or any other competitiveness, I really cannot do anything to improve your leadership.  You are not a real leader.  You are incapable of trustworthy collaborations for the greater good.

I am on the side of good.  I only compete against evil.

If you are a parent or grandparent or pet owner or livestock manager, I really cannot do anything to improve your leadership over the next few months, and possibly even the next few years.  You have very serious leadership responsibilities already of the small-scale sort and you must do your best to improve your abilities in that regard without my assistance.

My focus is on much larger-scale matters.

I am mostly interested in investing in good relationships with real world leaders, potentially including yourself.  Such leaders are obviously enlightened beings.

You may be aware that procedural formalities are based on assumptions about normality rather than factual reality. 

While administrative processes have much in common with computer algorithms, real life does not.

Many people, especially women, ignorantly believe they can give their own children, and grandchildren, better lives than they had themselves.  They fail to see the world as it really is.  They prefer dreams about cuteness to the realities of bullying and competitiveness and fear and selfishness.

Indeed, many mothers compete to be perceived as better than other mothers, and many grandmothers compete to be viewed as exceptionally doting.
In similar ways, many lonely women compete for the attention of seemingly attractive men.

In reality, few men are truly attractive as people.  They are arrogant.  They are hypocritical.  They are narcissistic.  They want to be mothered and pampered and admired and praised yet they do not offer adequate care, if any, in return.  
Most men want to play games, and watch games being played.  They want toys.  They toy with affections.  They pretend to be responsible.  They lack genuine maturity.  They lack genuine morality. 

I have no time for immature and immoral people, as I am sure you are well aware by now.

But how can you prove your maturity and morality to me?

How do you know you are adequately respectful of reality, including my reality?

Who are the people you truly value as real friends, and why?

How are you truly valued as a real friend, and by whom?

There are many contradictions in human behaviour. 

Why do so many people want babies?

Why do so many people want pets?

Why do they apparently associate babies and/or pets with continuity?

I do not understand.

Such people are not compatible with me.
The end of ordinary public access to many enlightening ethereal cultural institutions occurred in this digital vicinity at the end of July last year.

The end of ordinary public access to several other enlightening ethereal cultural institutions occurred at the end of the following month.

How did you prepare for those eventualities?  

If you have adequate ethical compatibility with me, you will have invisible disabilities that most people regard as intrusions into their expectations and preferences.

I am only compatible with people who possess adequate empathy towards me, and towards everyone else for that matter.

I cannot invest in your ego, of course.  I can only invest in your soul.

The latter is the location of your real talents, however inadequate those talents may be.
I am yet to receive proof that you are investing any time or effort in the continuity, or even the appropriate development, of your qualities as a real world leader. 

How do you identify fake kindness? 

What are you doing to support the real kindness industry? 

I am in despair whenever democracy is harmed by corruption and incompetence.

And my research has revealed that there is no real market for real kindness, only fake kindness.

I have no interest in motor vehicles or motor bikes, or even bicycles.  I do not like roads, even though I have taken many long-distance road trips in various decades. 

I have never really driven a vehicle even though I do have a vehicle licence for emergency purposes. 

What is your intellectual framework for structuring reality, and why?

How do you prefer to measure that structure?

I hope you have been attentively and reflectively reading my notes to you.

Perhaps you have any difficulties understanding the language I use.

If so, where does the problem reside?

And when will you respond, and how?

Perhaps you do not enjoy writing, or even reading. 

Perhaps you are in a panic

I much prefer investing in real friendships rather than superficial and inauthentic interactions.

How and where do you prefer investing time in reality, and why?

Investing time well is a form of well-informed investing

But what does time mean in reality?

How do you know you are adequately acquainted with reality?

Perhaps you are unwilling to admit you lack enlightenment in relation to the subject.

What is your acquaintance with real journalists

How do you usually think about reality in relation to authenticity?

An idyllic dream of cottage life is rarely matched by an idyllic reality, especially when facing the ferocity of nature, the encroachment of visual pollution, the noise of farm machinery, the smell of animal droppings, or even the smell and noise of traffic coming and going from a nearby factory or abattoir.

How have your investments in love compared with your investments in education over the past few years?

Perhaps you regard them as the same.

Stories, especially true ones, are opportunities to learn about reality, and imagination, from points of view other than your own.  Perhaps you prefer stories from the perspective of domestic realism and/or financial reality.

There is a considerable amount of corruption to address in any realistic situation.

How have you imagined the future in relation to intelligent frugality, good governance, peace, enlightened prosperity, elegant egalitarianism, appropriate privacy, a reasonable understanding of reality, an informed awareness of scarcity, the sensible acknowledgement of history, and the gentle development and maintenance of personal and communal resourcefulness and resilience?
Are you sure you are investing in suitably clear boundaries sufficiently well? 

Several enlightening ethereal publications are currently available for the ordinary public to read exclusively through this virtual library, as you may have already discovered.  

How are you investing in trustworthy collaborations?

How are you investing in a sense of belonging?

There are many people with disabilities and the psychological skills to cope with the reality of disruptions in the world.

Whether you have disabilities or not, perhaps you were able to cope with the reality of facing a recession at one time in history or another.

A truly free civil society is the only real indication of democratic societal activity. 

Do you want some additional information about the real Australia?

Queen Adelaide has been helping me to examine responses to my questions, as have several of my other ethereal associates.

Émilie du Châtelet, for example, has been helping considerably, as has Adélaïde Labille-Guiard, as you may have noticed

Like the Marquise du Châtelet, Queen Adelaide has considerable experience in tweaking a Twitter feed to ensure she is not too overwhelmed by the evident problems in the world.  Neither lady has any experience of twerking, and nor has Twaklin or Madame Labille-Guiard.

Perhaps you mainly worked in a zoom tower last year, and possibly also this year.  

Perhaps you have mainly interacted socially in a social media quadrangle of the digital variety, too.

How realistically have you been investing in improving political practices?

What do you already know about my research into the meaning of real security? 

How are you investing in security?

What do you already know about other people's research into real security?

In any geographical location, it is necessary to remember who provides the cosiness and calmness, who does the cleaning, who is involved in the necessary transport services, who grows and distributes and prepares the delicious food, and who makes and serves the wonderfully refreshing, non-alcoholic drinks.

Yet tourists rarely acknowledge the existence of reality.  They are mostly interested in experiencing a fantasy of luxury, even if they are unwilling to admit it.

Even journalists often disregard necessities and other indications of reality in their pursuit of excitement, novelty and sensationalism.

I am counting on you to help me improve the world.  Apart from my ethereal associates, you are my only hope.  

I know that my ethereal associates are well-informed and kind, though many are regarded by ignoramuses to be quite formidable, at least in terms of the current English meaning of the word rather than the current French meaning.

Narcissistic sycophants ingratiate their way into positions of influence from which they have nothing good to offer the world.  They abuse the people who do have much more to offer of real worth.  

Narcissistic sycophants despise knowledge, competence and kindness.  Of course, Mozart has had much to say on the matter.

Mozart continues to be a quaternary educator of the highest quality, as does Queen Adelaide, of course.

What are your main activities in relation to the digital Adelaidezone, and why?

Perhaps you are mainly here for storytime, or not as the case may be.

How would you describe your performance qualities in terms of narratives, plots and characterisation?  

How have you been investing in quaternary possibilities?

If you believe all industries should express real kindness, who should be responsible for encouraging that to occur?
