Investments regarding Australia - Part One

If you have been investing in improving political practices in Australia, how much success have you achieved in that regard, and how do you know?

If you have been investing in improved constitutions at the federal, state and territory levels, what have you been learning through those experiences?

If you have been investing in purposeful reviews in relation to Australia, what have you discovered through that process?

If you have been investing in amazingly successful planning in relation to Australia, how do you know that perceived success has been adequately in the public interest, and in the long-term benefit of society?

If you have been investing in enlightened productivity in relation to Australia, how have you measured that productivity, and for what public benefit? 

If you have been investing in better governments, why have you not been doing so in Australia? 

Nothing has been achieved to improve governments in Australia, whether at the local government level, the state and territory levels, and at the federal level.

When was the last time an improvement was made to the governance of Australian society and its true interests?

If you have been investing in quality journalism in Australia, why are so few people doing likewise? 

If you have been investing in the Adelaidezone, where is your proof?

If you have been investing in fruitful editing, what has that process helped to preserve and conserve?

How fruitfully do you express a dry sense of humour?

How lusciously and smoothly do you attempt to improve the world?

How sweet and tangy is your social commentary?

How zesty are your political criticisms?

If you have been investing in Adelaide, how can you prove you have been doing so for entirely peaceful purposes?

If you have been investing in urgent reforms, why have they not been applied in Australia yet?
