
Showing posts from October, 2021

90 - investing in interesting predictions

I often seem to be able to predict the development of social, economic and political problems.  That may be due to the fact that I observe situations objectively, outside the ordinary organisational boundaries and associated social and cultural hierarchies most usually associated with influence. So many people, whether they have much power or not, have strangely unpredictable ideas about freedom, influence and affluence.  They equate freedom with their own selfish impulsiveness and acquisitiveness instead of the inquisitiveness associated with a clear analysis of possibilities.  It is self-evident that Australia, like many societies, lost the plot long ago.  Indeed, Australia, as a purported constitutional democracy, is probably yet to discover the plot. I am especially fortunate not to experience loneliness.  In fact, I probably require more time to myself than I am able to experience on most days of the week.   I experience freedom mos...

89 - investing in quality of life

In my experience, there is no real freedom in life without experiencing adequate goodness and adequate reasonableness and adequate honesty and the adequate continuity of those qualities. There are many persons with whom I refuse to collaborate, co-operate or even consider suitable for my attention. They do not understand the purpose of quality at all. I have always enjoyed learning about different cultural practices yet I wish at least a few people would be adequately appreciative of my cultural preferences. Even people who have considered me to be a friend have often failed to understand that their own preferences do not necessarily match mine. Adequately accurate observations are always expected within the highest quality digital venues, such as here in the virtual library of Frugality Cottage. When I first began developing the Adelaidezone as the Adelaide Zone, in early 2009, I published quite a few expressions of my humour. Most well-informed people regard my sense of humour as...

88 - investing in useful studies

You may have already discovered that the world's finest and most enlightened tertiary education service is provided through the elegantly egalitarian Adelaidezone Information Service rather than from one or more of the world's purportedly prestigious universities. I have experienced three universities and they were all as mediocre as each other.   Yet I still managed to achieve extraordinary results academically. But now I prefer quaternary and quinary studies. Perhaps you have a similar preference. A most enlightened education system has been developed in the Adelaidezone.  It primarily asks questions of quaternary students, individually and collectively, about their own ignorance.   The system also helps real leaders to ascertain whether and when any other person is incapable of quaternary understandings. Quaternary studies provide a beautifully inclusive perspective, a delightfully thorough understanding and a magnificent contribution to the improveme...